Facebook Showing Distance and Pace in km? (Read 283 times)

    On the Facebook app, one of my friends told me that my RA update was showing in km and not miles.


    When I looked at what was posted, it was in miles, but she is still seeing it in km.


    Is there a setting somewhere (on her browser or computer?) that is causing this?


    Not that I mind her seeing that I'm running a sub-6:00 pace   (I'm sure that is what tipped her off since I'm not that fast...)

    eric :)

      The app uses km as the default distance unit.  When you're viewing it, your preferences apply.  When she's viewing it, her preferences are unknown so it reverted to the default.  This used to be a bug on RA a long time ago.  I will try to fix it to use your preferences if the viewer is not an RA user for the next release.