Shoe Goo (Read 601 times)

12 Squared

    Anyone out there have any insight into shoe sole buildup? My Brooks are wearing on the outside of the heel more so than anywhere else. One of my running buddies mentioned using Shoe Goo or some similar product.

    So.... does it work and if so, where do you find it? 

    If you don't know where you're going, chances are you will end up somewhere else. - Yogi Berra

    an amazing likeness

      Can't comment on how well it works, but you can get Shoe Goo at lots of stores.  The big box behemoths have it, Amazon, your local shoe place might, etc.

      Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


        A friend of mine has the same problem, wears out in one spot. He uses the shoe goo a ton and greatly extends the life of his shoes.








          The outside of my left shoe wears badly.  I have used Shoe Goo for years.  If you put it on in layers and let it set it does fairly well.  I have found that it is best to start as soon as it starts to wear, for me that is about 60 miles.  It works well I think.

            I have found that it is best to start as soon as it starts to wear...


            +1.  The thing is; Shoe Goo, or pretty much any of a similar product, is pretty heavy density rubber and, once hardened, it's pretty hard and heavy.  But if you get away with relatively thin layer, it won't bother you as much.  I wouldn't recommend anything thicker than 5mm or so; even less.


            Put about 2~3 inch long of sticky tape on the edge of the shoe to "dam" the goo so it won't drule over the edge; put 2 or 3 layers of tape so it won't wrinkle.  Don't over-build it; otherwise it might affect your gait. 


            It works well for heel wear but probably not for other parts (like forefoot).