3:20 Marathoners ... New and Improved for (the rest of) 2017 (Read 372 times)


Mother of Cats

    BTW, VaporFlys were delivered today, after a moment of concern when FedEx delivered them to the wrong address.


    Haven't run in them yet (obviously) walked around them in the house.  I may be the first person to complain about this, but...they're just a bit too cushioned for my taste.


    The stiffness doesn't bother me at all while walking, and the rolling action feels very natural and comfortable to me  My favorite racing shoe - the Adidas Adios Boost 2, is stiff (though not quite as stiff as the VF), so that's likely why I don't mind.


    The shoe does feel slightly too big on my foot - that's a concern, since I believe this is the smallest size they make.  I usually wear very thin socks, though, so I can modify that.

    Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


    And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


    Duke Of Bad Judgment

      Woah - it looks like the Running Ahead version of 3:20 has hit critical mass.  I'm just as far behind here as I usually was on RWOL.  I guess I need to catch up.


      In the meantime, since you probably don't have plans on a Friday night and/or are trying to be very still so you'll be at your very best in your LR tomorrow, here's the next Long Race Report.

      A 3:20 Slowpoke

        rlk -  best of luck at CIM.  Crush it!


        Anybody else from 3:20 racing it as well?  Didn’t we have like 6 people last year?

        PR's   5k - 20:39 (2014).  10k - 42:04 (2014)   13.1 - 1:30:30 (2014)   26.2 - 3:14:21 2017)

        Upcoming Races  -   Boston Marathon 4/18

        Jim E

          Hey rlk - Good luck tomorrow! Keep an eye out for me at mile 17. I'll have a cowbell.


          So yes, I'm not going to run it. The ITB is much better, and I can't feel it most of the time, but it's not gone. I very nearly went for a short run today but changed my mind. I really want to fix this. I signed up for Napa taday. It's in 13 weeks, Yikes.


          I'm spending some of my  not-running time doing core work. One problem(?) is that I can do more reps of each thing now, so the routine has gone from 10 to 20 minutes. I'm not sure how I'll fit that in when I start running again. Oh well.


          Good luck Brew and Mrs. Brew. Hope the Brewlet arrives safely.


          Oh, our marathon group visited GU Labs today. That's not THE hat. They have a bunch of them. They have a new recovery drink, BTW, comes as a powder. It's not beer.

            rlk - good luck tomorrow!!!


            jim - heal up (& nice fedora)


            climberdave - happy tapering!


            Resident Millennial

              thanks you guys!! Smile

              jim- sorry to hear it, but that's smart. no travel expenses or qualifying times or anything to worry about for this race. i'll see you at mi17!

              mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58

              Running Problem

              Problem Child

                No flat photo selfie, no bib number, no link to live results....it's as if RLK DOESN'T CARE ABOUT US!!!





                No baby.

                Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                VDOT 53.37 

                5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                Cobra Commander Keen

                  Max - Awesome job at the 24 hour!!


                  Jim  Get better, and ring that cowbell!


                  Brew -  No news yet? I imagine you and Mrs. Brew are getting anxious.


                  RLK - Run like the (reasonably paced) wind!

                  5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                  Upcoming Races:




                  Running Problem

                  Problem Child

                    keen nothing. not even a blip on the radar.


                    jim diid you get to keep it? It looks like a nice hat to have actually.


                    rlk is through the HM at 1:37:40. 1 minute behind a 3:15 pace. She held 7:26 through the 10K and 7:28 average through the first half. Next updated is mile 20 (closer to 21) then the finish. They're about 30 minutes behind schedule.

                    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                    VDOT 53.37 

                    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                    Recovery Phenom

                      Recovery Beverages: I like the Naked Smoothies with 30g of Protein. Or just eating a cup of cottage cheese.


                      Commander: I was on Cephalexin for an infected blister. Regarding the 630 and HR data- I haven't worn the HRM strap yet but I will at some point. I ran by HR for about 5 years and then realized I had done it enough to know "by feel" if I was running at the correct effort. And my zones were determined by an actual V02 Max test. My husband uses his HRM with his and it does make me curious what it will say about me! Above freezing definitely means you can do shorts! Great job on your speed work.


                      Dad4JC: Yup, Mona Fartlek it was! And I love, love, love that even Steven. I haven't gotten it from my coach in over a year. Maybe I should ask for it.


                      Darkwave: I'd say about half of my workouts are time based and all of my easy runs are time based. Have you ever tried the antibiotic Cephalexin? I didn't notice a single side effect. Anyway, sorry you were experiencing asthma stuff during your run. Still nice paces on those 1600s. Please do report back on the Vapor Flys. I want a pair, but not sure I can justify that price tag to myself! What size shoe did you get? I typically wear a 6.5 in running shoes, but 6.0 in Adidas.


                      Climber: Yes, only equal recovery jogs which made it super hard with the 30 second and 15 second intervals!  Wow- you have a marathon next weekend!!! Wishing you better luck with your AirBnB


                      Rovatti: That sounds like a tough surface to be doing track workouts on. Hopefully the indoor track is better!


                      rlk: You NAILED it! I just saw your result on the Athlinks page. I'll bet when you crossed you weren't sure if you ran 3:20:00 or 3:19:59. The suspense! Congratulations- that is well earned. B and C goals attained!


                      Pepper: Good that you have run every day. How did the race go?


                      Pesto: Hello there!

                      26.2 x 31 (3:15:34 PR)

                      13.1 x 35 (1:30:58 PR)

                      Author of the book Boston Bound


                      Recovery Phenom

                        My week is below.


                        The 5 x 5 minutes hard had 3:00 recovery jogs in between. Paces were 6:50, 6:34, 6:33, 6:42, 6:41. Legs were still a little tired from the mona Fartlek on Tuesday. Also, the new Garmin 630 has quiet beeps for workouts like this. The 220 was much louder, so I might just keep using my 220 for programmed workouts so I can hear the beeps.


                        Weekly Summary
                        Monday, Nov 27, 2017 thru Sunday, Dec 03, 2017

                        <tfoot> </tfoot>
                        Day Miles Pace Description Link
                        Mon 5.5 8:50 Legs still feel beat up from the Trot! strava
                        Tue 2.0 8:47 Warm up strava
                        Tue 3.6 7:27 Lots of really short intervals, from 90 secs to 15 secs. strava
                        Tue 1.3 8:37 Cool down strava
                        Wed 6.5 8:40 Morning Run strava
                        Thu 1.9 9:17 Warm up strava
                        Thu 5.0 7:26 5 x 5 minutes hard strava
                        Thu 0.9 9:12 Cool down strava
                        Fri 5.5 9:00 Morning Run strava
                        Sat 10.2 8:39 Morning Run with Anna and Greg strava
                        Sun 3.2 9:01 Morning Run strava
                          45.6 8:34    

                        26.2 x 31 (3:15:34 PR)

                        13.1 x 35 (1:30:58 PR)

                        Author of the book Boston Bound


                        Duke Of Bad Judgment

                          Jim's Kat once said there should be an award for closest under 3:20.  I had it briefly with my 3:19:46 at CIM last year, then someone else cut it even closer.  Jim's Kat owns it permanently now with her 3:19:59 today at CIM.  I know that wasn't quite what she was aiming for but YAAAAAYYYYYYYY for finally getting that sub 3:20.  (Dancing Elephant)  (Dancing Banana)  Congratulations!


                          Darkwave - Did you have those shoes insured when you had them shipped?  Your list of things you don't do much is similar to mine.


                          Sir Jim: Cool hat.  Still perfecting my beer gel recipes.  I should have Brew consult on that.  But he might be busy with the Brewlet (handclapping guy)


                          Elizabeth: I've never programmed workouts for my watch - seems like a lot of effort.


                          Resident Millennial

                            THank you guys for following along! (If only there were automated baby tracking!)  Sorry for the lack of posting. I was mostly on phone yesterday - eliz probably saw my bib woman laid out on instagram.
                            More later, but I want to share two tidbits:
                            1) Jim is a wonderful human being and was a rayof sunshine at mile 17, running a few paces with me and chatting and being wonderful. (Oh and I passed jim's nemesis at one point at felt quite smug about that on jim's behalf. I wonder if he managed to pass me back).
                            2) I win the closest-margin-to-sub3:20. Yesterday, bf said to me "you know, you haven't run hard enough if you don't pass out at the end" and I was like "gr8 thx". I did some math at mile 25 and knew it would be close. Well, a teammate who has been a bit insensitive and unintentionally rude to me lately passed me with 100m to go. This has happened in two recent races. Bf was running with me at the time and he was like GO GET HER! Well, I tried to get her (I didn't, that's fine) and pushed very hard in that last stretch, on legs that had started to feel scary-wobbly like 45 minutes previously. So I finish, I hit my watch button after crossing, and a moment later I see a different friend and she comes to hug/congratulate me. I put my hands on her shoulder to hug her, the words "I'm going down" came out of my mouth, and I opened my eyes some time later and was in a wheelchair going to the med tent. I'm totally fine, but I want you all to know ....... I did that for you all :-) 3:19:59 officially.
                            Not my A or B goal, but a goal I have been chasing since 2013. And it appears that I gave my all. So I will happily take it!

                            mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                              Yesterday, bf said to me "you know, you haven't run hard enough if you don't pass out at the end" and I was like "gr8 thx". I did some math at mile 25 and knew it would be close. Well, a teammate who has been a bit insensitive and unintentionally rude to me lately passed me with 100m to go. This has happened in two recent races. Bf was running with me at the time and he was like GO GET HER! Well, I tried to get her (I didn't, that's fine) and pushed very hard in that last stretch, on legs that had started to feel scary-wobbly like 45 minutes previously. So I finish, I hit my watch button after crossing, and a moment later I see a different friend and she comes to hug/congratulate me. I put my hands on her shoulder to hug her, the words "I'm going down" came out of my mouth, and I opened my eyes some time later and was in a wheelchair going to the med tent. I'm totally fine, but I want you all to know ....... I did that for you all :-) 3:19:59 officially.
                              Not my A or B goal, but a goal I have been chasing since 2013. And it appears that I gave my all. So I will happily take it!


                              BF is right. Smile Congrats on an excellent race. You must certainly feel really good about having nothing left to give at the end!


                              PR's - 5K - 17:57 (2017) | 10K - 38:06 (2016)  | 13.1 1:23:55 (2019)  | 26.2  2:58:46 (2017)

                              2020 Goals - Sub-2:55 Marathon                       Up Next: TBD, Boston on 9/14?



                                BTW, VaporFlys were delivered today, after a moment of concern when FedEx delivered them to the wrong address.


                                Haven't run in them yet (obviously) walked around them in the house.  I may be the first person to complain about this, but...they're just a bit too cushioned for my taste.


                                The stiffness doesn't bother me at all while walking, and the rolling action feels very natural and comfortable to me  My favorite racing shoe - the Adidas Adios Boost 2, is stiff (though not quite as stiff as the VF), so that's likely why I don't mind.


                                The shoe does feel slightly too big on my foot - that's a concern, since I believe this is the smallest size they make.  I usually wear very thin socks, though, so I can modify that.


                                FedEx owes you an "anxiety medication" fee. 


                                I feel that cushioning seemed to help me recover more quickly from NYC. I read somewhere that ZoomX foam and CF plate absorb impact without much energy loss, so it helps you feel less fatigued late in the marathon. The toebox is big, so I wear thicker socks in them than any other shoe. I like to use the WrightSocks which have two independent layers, and they also are a higher cut sock than the below-the-ankle. ultralight socks that I typically wear. I like the WrightSocks since the Vaporfly has an unpadded, high, thin tongue seems to chafe and cut into my skin between the shin and ankle. The higher cut sock helps buffer that.  Also, I hear the VF are pretty limited in mileage, something possibly as low as 150-200 miles, so use them sparingly, perhaps, only for races. You could get a pair of Zoomflys that would feel pretty close to them for training and long runs, although, some people are fine just using them like racing flats, and only put them on for HM and marathon races.


                                PR's - 5K - 17:57 (2017) | 10K - 38:06 (2016)  | 13.1 1:23:55 (2019)  | 26.2  2:58:46 (2017)

                                2020 Goals - Sub-2:55 Marathon                       Up Next: TBD, Boston on 9/14?