3:20 Marathoners ... New and Improved for (the rest of) 2017 (Read 372 times)

Strict WTF adherent

    I did some math at mile 25 

    That's really the most impressive thing here.

    Congrats for real though. That was a long time coming.

    Strict WTF adherent

        That's really the most impressive thing here.


        Searching furiously for "LIKE" button.


        Cobra Commander Keen

          RLK - Great job, and way to gut it out at the end! [many dancing elephants] Also, you did math at mile 25? That's incredibly impressive.

          Jim - Funny sign, I haven't seen that one before. Good that the hip is improving, too. Nice pic, too.

          PJ - Very solid 5k ("5k"?), even with the too-fast first mile.

          Brew - Getting anxious yet?

          35 miles for me last week. Nothing brag-worthy, but things are feeling better and better so I'm just going to continue trying to build up from here.

          DW had her strongest round of contractions yet over the weekend, but no baby. DD1 was 3 weeks early, DD2 was 2 weeks early, so since we're within 3 weeks of the due date I'm pretty much ready for the baby to come at any time. Put together the bassinet this weekend, too.

          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


          Upcoming Races:




          Running Problem

          Problem Child

            keen not really. I'm sure something inside me will change the day of BUT until tomorrow there isn't anything to get excited over. I guess I'm weird in that it's not a big deal to me but I'm sure it's going to be come one come Friday or whenver we leave the hospital. As one person said its got to be weird leaving the hospital with more people than you took there.


            rlk's Christmas Gift idea. From the group of course. Sage Canaday won this. max and omr might actually be willing to go in together for the perks. Fully transferrable bib according to Jam Jam himself.

            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

            VDOT 53.37 

            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


            Cobra Commander Keen

              keen not really. I'm sure something inside me will change the day of BUT until tomorrow there isn't anything to get excited over. I guess I'm weird in that it's not a big deal to me but I'm sure it's going to be come one come Friday or whenver we leave the hospital. As one person said its got to be weird leaving the hospital with more people than you took there.


              rlk's Christmas Gift idea. From the group of course. Sage Canaday won this. max and omr might actually be willing to go in together for the perks. Fully transferrable bib according to Jam Jam himself.


              That's exactly how I have been before each of the kiddo's arrived. It's kind of a detached "there's nothing here yet" feeling before, then things change tremendously when the baby actually shows up.


              That would be quite the gift, and would more than pay for itself by year 3 if one chose to use it for entries. Assuming the record stands, that is.

              5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


              Upcoming Races:





                Rlk - CONGRATS and that is the definition of giving it your all. I know Brew has some better verbiage there,..  Seriously, though, I get it. I'd been chasing sub 3:20 since 2013 as well! And you totally did it!


                Brew - hoping things go well for you guys!! Things definitely change once baby shows up.


                Hi everyone else~!


                Almost 5 miles this morning in light snow. Will always love those runs.

                PRs: HM: 1:32:59 (2015); FM: 3:18:36 (2017)


                Mother of Cats

                  That's really the most impressive thing here.

                  Congrats for real though. That was a long time coming.


                  What he said.  Seriously.  Major congrats, RLK - so proud of you.  (and curious to know your thoughts about the course at some point.)


                  (and a nice 5K for PJ as well).


                  Fingers crossed for the imminent new additions here.  Busy, so this is the limit of my drive-by post. I'll get around to posting my week at some point.

                  Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                  And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                  Running Problem

                  Problem Child

                    keen how is your little bundle of joy coming along? Ace and I did our part and, after this week, the focus is on you.



                    Anyone sign up for races for 2018? Other than Chicago I'm thinking a few local races (one is a 50K) on trails and roads. Trail races are mostly because RBs have done them. Roads are to maybe aim for a new HM PR in prep for Chicago. I might even try and get a lot of miles.

                    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                    VDOT 53.37 

                    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                    Cobra Commander Keen

                      keen how is your little bundle of joy coming along? Ace and I did our part and, after this week, the focus is on you.



                      Anyone sign up for races for 2018? Other than Chicago I'm thinking a few local races (one is a 50K) on trails and roads. Trail races are mostly because RBs have done them. Roads are to maybe aim for a new HM PR in prep for Chicago. I might even try and get a lot of miles.


                      Does that mean Baby Brew is here??


                      So far Baby Keen is happy just hanging out where he or she is (we haven't found out which sex yet). DW had a check-up this afternoon and all was well. Technically DW's blood pressure was slightly high, but it went down when she laid on her left side, so the medical people aren't worried. I was in the LRS yesterday and saw that they have 3-6 month onesies that say "Future Runner" on them, along with the obligatory (though fairly small) LRS logo. I might have to pick one up.


                      I haven't signed up for any races yet, though I have several planned. One is a dead-flat 25k in early March that I've done for the past couple years, and one is the little HM in north Texas I've finished 2nd in both years they've had the race. I'm trying to decide between re-running my current HM PR race and a "traditional" pre-OKC Memorial Marathon 10k that are the same weekend. Registration hasn't opened for any of these yet. I'm also planning on running the OKC Memorial Marathon but haven't signed up yet, as it's almost certain that I'll get a free entry to this from my employer.

                      5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                      Upcoming Races:





                      Resident Millennial

                        so cdave ... you're up next! how are things feeling?


                        eliz- you've been doing some cool workouts recently! are they just a bunch of different ones to get you back into form, or are you targeting a particular distance/race?

                        dad, ilana, jim, rovatti, eliz, max, OMR, ace, PJ, pesto, mcB, ckeen, katia, dwave- thank you!!!!!!!  i'm looking for the dancing elephant emoji, but intsead we have a black eye emoji and an 8 ball. useful. this group is an incredible resource in training, an inspiring group to "watch" race, and a supportive one when it is one's own turn to race. yay! thanks all. it means a lot.


                        max- i was laughing (in my head - because i didn't have the energy to laugh!) and thinking about you when I ran under by those very same buildings where you said to me, "I don't think I can talk now". What a mind and body comparison it is to be cheering/running a few late-race miles with people during their marathon, vs at that spot yourself.


                        max and OMR- were you both in Auburn on Saturday? How exactly does that work - does one have to be present for the lottery? I'm sure they aren't aiming for efficiency or sensibility in how they run the show, but that seems like a pain in the ass considering most people have a tiny chance to get in and anyone who doesn't live locally has to get themselves to the middle-of-nowhere, CA.


                        jim- how did LMJS people do? Rick (i think?) passed me in the early 20s, looking strong. i think driving (the sitting with legs focused-ly outstretched) for extended amounts of time is a bad combination with a tough run. i was a reluctant carpool leader for clarksburg and my legs were screaming to be curled up under me while i was sitting in traffic on the bay bridge driving home!

                        ace- yes indeed! the time is 2:45:00. that is incredible. i have a teammate who ran 2:45 and change ... which sucks, but it was also a *15 minute* PR, and there are years left to OTQ for 2020, so she/we are thrilled. and on depth, yeah, her gender finish place was in the 50s! i looked up the 2016 trials marathon for fun and her time would've been a much higher place there. that speaks to the depth at CIM this year (and, admittedly, how hot it was/slow the times were in LA in 2016).


                        rovatti- nice week! i am hoping you have a few different 10mi loops you run? otherwise your route might become a bit stale :P


                        PJ- what max said. you have wheels!! nice work. i have never run a single mile in 5:44, let alone split one in a 5k...


                        OMR- Smile! I wrote a few things on my hand the morning of the race. one, "be brave", and two, "smile every mile!" i haven't done this before, but i have been working on the mental side of things and perception of pain/discomfort. if i can change my perception by smiling, i can keep my head quiet and keep the legs going even though everything hurts and i'd rather stop to take a nap.


                        pestoyou have wheels too! short course or not, that is a hot pace. you also had a really impressive wednesday!


                        dad- ack, i used to have the weather conditions/what-running-clothes-to-wear thing totally dialed in. and then i moved to a place without seasons, and all is lost....  I often mistakenly wear a long sleeve tee and shorts on foggy 50 degree mornings. sleeves get rolled up within the first mile! good luck with the weather changes.


                        brew- (humblebrag alert) my teammates and i said hi to Tim in the morning as we "warmed up" out in front of the start line  . one of my close friends has a bf who runs on one of the fast usatf teams here, has run at the marathon trials, etc so it seems his whole friend group is a bunch of modest and chill yet ridiculously fast runners. we stopped in jimtown on the drive home for some celebratory beers with this crowd, and there were more attendees (male and female) there who'd run 2:25-2:45 at CIM that morning than had run 3:00+.
                        hahaha. good thing i don't celebrate xmas, because i don't know WHAT the heck i'd do with that thing.
                        but speaking of long runs, maybe coach max should distribute our R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R training plan soon Wink

                        katia- i don't miss winter running in general, but i do miss that first jog in light and fluffy snow! enjoy it!


                        dwave- i was reading letsrun to catch up on usatf champs stuff, and saw a lot of comments from bozos on there along the lines of "well, it's a ski slope course, so...". I think that's BS and I think it is an honest course. it has multiple climbs that were legit enough that i saw them up ahead and didn't look forward to them. i didn't count, but there seemed to be a similar number of those climbs to the number of descents that were a slight relief. the descent usually followed the climb, which was nice. none of the descents really felt like freebies. today my quads are like 5% as sore as they are after running Botswana, and I would think they get really sore from Botswana because the downhill is a significant grade. 
                        what do you think?



                        also, on the note of what i said to brew, what do you all do in the 30min before a marathon? any warming up? (virtually impossible at nyc, chicago, botswana due to corral closures and space constraints , so don't refer to those experiences). we jogged for 5 minutes - mainly so i could find some bushes a last minute porta potty - and then did a handful of drills. legs felt warmed and loose at the start, despite it being chilly at the time. (i wore arm sleeves + cheap gloves at the start but handed them off to BF at mile 5)

                        syncope - passing out is scary and i don't want it to happen again and i was lucky to have someone to catch me (people injure themselves from how they land/what they hit going down; my grandfather used to be quadriplegic as a result of hitting and breaking his neck while fainting). however... i love the reactions. you guys plus my runner friends are all "dang! you really gave it your all!" (which i agree with) and meanwhile, my (retired physician) father said, "you shouldn't run so hard that you pass out. that's stupid." har har.


                        eating junk food today. life is good.

                        mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                        pie man

                          I need to be quick, I'm racing against Ritz and Droody and Scotty Bauhs this weekend.  Well, I'm watching them disappear into the distance about a minute after the start.


                          Sitting here wondering if I should do a light workout tomorrow/Wednesday or just rest up with easy runs the rest of the way.  Felt OK for an easy 6 this afternoon. But I was just starting to feel recovered for Sunday (and not truly recovered with some soreness halfway).

                          11:11 3,000 (recent)


                          Resident Millennial

                            PJ- which race? depends on the distance, but a light sharpening workout on wednesday wouldn't be a bad idea. even something like straights and turns around the track.

                            SB came to my birthday party in january of this year. i didn't know him before then, but he was in town and a mutual friend brought him. we ended up talking quite a bit. fast forward 11 months and the other weekend, he spots me among a million other runners while I was pacing my friend to the end of TNF 50 and he waves. i was very impressed he remembered me, especially since we met in "normal" (non-running) clothes! the next day was our local usatf chapter XC championships, and i ran to the course from home to cheer on teammates and hang out. got to watch the men's race too, in which he decimated the very competitive field. we got to see them 6 times - 2 spots during each of 3 loops. i believe he was unchallenged the whole way through.

                            mile, 5:26 /5k, 19:34 /10k, 41:00 /13.1, 1:31:49 /26.2, 3:12:58


                              rlk - ha, thanks! Yeah, on Wednesday I went for a MLR with a guy who likes to keep the pace a bit too fast for my liking.


                              dad - thanks! Short courses are definitely annoying. On the bright side, at least this was only a 5k. I can't even imagine how I'd feel after running a short marathon, as some people have.


                              brew - congrats?! Is he optimus prime in the end?!


                              If anyone is interested in running Berlin this year, they're opening up 1,000 new spots on Thrusday (9 am CET) on a first come first served basis: https://www.bmw-berlin-marathon.com/en/news-and-media/news/2017/12/01/1000-slots-for-2018-bmw-berlinmarathon-join-the-rtl-charity-program-from-december-7.html

                              This is how I got in last year after I didn't win the draw. You end up paying an extra 60 euros (which go to charity), but it was pretty easy to get in. I was on the computer at 8.55 am that day and was able to get my spot pretty easily.

                              5K - 18:03 (5.18) | 10K - 37:58 (2.18) | HM - 1:20:45 (9.18) | FM: 2:57:59 (10.18)


                              pie man

                                PJ- which race? depends on the distance, but a light sharpening workout on wednesday wouldn't be a bad idea. even something like straights and turns around the track.


                                Club Nats, so 10k XC.  Usually I'd be 100% on a workout but the 16/24 I did was last Saturday so I'm leaning towards rest all the way.  I'm also recovering slower than even just a few years ago (by my own estimation).

                                11:11 3,000 (recent)