3:20 Marathoners ... New and Improved for (the rest of) 2017 (Read 372 times)

    Darkwave - I'm out in the hinderlands of VA (Woodbridge). 




    Brew (and Mrs. Brew!) ~ CONGRATS!!!


    PJ ~ I read an article about someone getting a citation for running on C&O last shutdown. <<insert roll eyes emoji here>>


    Will Run for Donuts!

      Brew - Congratulations on the newest arrival!  We have four kids and they're sources of great joy (99% of the time - don't ask about the 1%!)!!


      Pesto - thanks re my mom.  That's one of the cool things about this sport - running into all sorts of inspiring people, especially older runners.


      Pepperjack - that Dopey+50K challenge sounds like fun!  I enjoy stacking up races like that, especially if I'm taking them all at training paces.


      Dad - Hillbilly?!?!  We've had indoor plumbing out here for years now!!


      Re the C&O Canal being closed down, eye roll indeed!  People were really getting ticketed for running the towpath during the last shut-down?  That's crazy.  Our agency apparently has "leftover" funding to keep us going an additional 30 days if no budget deal is reached, but still, I feel for everyone else facing more immediate deadlines.  I hope this situation is resolved quickly.


        Dad - Hillbilly?!?!  We've had indoor plumbing out here for years now!!


        What's remarkable (by definition, since I'm remarking on it ...) is that you can substitute almost any spot for this statement. If you live in the District, Arlington and Alexandria are 'out there', if you live in A&A, it becomes 'beyond the beltway' (I qualify by just over a mile), then it's past the Occoquan, etc. etc.


        Closer to Nick (do you even lurk?) is where the real hillbillies live.


        But don't mind me, I'm just stressed about how to dress and pace in the 20+ mph winds for coming Sunday.

        Running Problem

        Problem Child

          Probably headed home Saturday. Wife is doing great and NeRP ( I changed the spelling before it went to the official records. American v. European spelling) is feeding more an more.


          Indoor plumbing. Y’all FANCY on the ‘beast’ Coast.


          Jones: I’m gurssing you showed up recently. Welcome. Also, I’m not sure I could do this four times. You, kev, ace and Keen have my respect. This was hard enough one time. A second through fourth seems crazy and my wife is 1 of 5. If we went there I bet #5 would weigh 10 lbs.


          max: I need you to check and see if NeRP is taken on ultra signup. Maybe a gmail.

          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

          VDOT 53.37 

          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


          Duke Of Bad Judgment

            Surprisingly, there are no participants in UltraSignup named Nerp.


            Cobra Commander Keen

              Brew - Wahoo, congratulations!! That's a good sized kiddo. Things get easier the more kids you have. By comparison, at least. What seems impossible when you have one is actually a walk in the park when you look back on it after having a second...

              Spiderpig - Geez... I miss all the exciting stuff!


              I was planning on using the local HS track for a tempo run this morning (and also to verify calibration of some things), but they had painted the lines yesterday afternoon. Rather than risk messing this up (leaving distinctive footprints in the process) I opted to run around the nearby softball complex and skip the calibration stuff.

              5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


              Upcoming Races:





              Mother of Cats

                Surprisingly, there are no participants in UltraSignup named Nerp.


                Shocked.  This is my shocked face.


                So....we now have 4 northern Virginians here (myself, RJDad, and E78).  And the amusing thing is that none of us live near each other.


                I believe that VA is now also the single most populated state for 3:20ers.  By my count, MN has three and CA, WA, TN, and PA each have two.  CO, NV, UT, NJ, NY, MD, FL, OK, AZ, and MA.  each have one.  And then there's the international folks.


                So woo or something.


                9.5 "miles" pool-running plus upper body weights/core.  I'm about 90% sure I'm out of JATW Sunday.  I'm not registered yet, the weather doesn't look that fun, it's not sure whether it's gonna happen, and I'm thinking I'd really benefit from a tempo workout tomorrow.


                Re: towpath - my running team is supposed to meet at Carderock this weekend (for non-locals, that is also NPS property).  We'll see if that happens.

                Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

                Jim E

                  Nerp? That might just stick. Congrats to the Brews.


                  Ah yes, memories.  Being a jerk to the women on the thread will get you ejected. I seem to recall that SP originated the non-naming of that marathon that begins with B.  He only BQed once, just before they raised the standard by 5+ minutes.


                  rlk - I guess exercise-induced hypotension is what put you on the ground. It  might be good to keep walking next time. You have a good memory, yes that was RIck. The LMJS-ers did pretty well. RBS Won her AG, bringing to an end her two year push on the marathon distance. She's racked up two AG wins at Botswana, a 1st and 2nd at NYC, two CIM wins, and a win (I think) at Pike's Peak. That's enough of that. She'll be doing more trail stuff now.

                  That's an interesting observation that CIM is less of a quad-killer than Botswana. I guess it's because the gradients are more gentle.


                  Marathon warmup: Where possible I jog a little and do some dynamic drills, just to loosen up. I don't do strides or anything like that. At SF where I was starting at the front, a handful of the sub-elites were running strides off the line, but most were doing drills like me.


                  Injury news: I guess the discomfort during the drive home from CIM was not the ITB but some of the my leg muscles going "WTF was THAT?" after weeks of non-running, then a series of short bursts at MP with zero warmup. I jogged a mile at track on Tuesday, and ran two miles a recovery pace this morning. No problems so far. I will commence a slow build now.

                    shutdown averted


                    congrats to the brews!


                    jim - good news on the leg.

                    A 3:20 Slowpoke

                      I don’t think there’s much tracking for my race (they had a timing mat at the half last year) but my bib # for the Tucson Marathon tomorrow is 636.  The hope is to go through the 1/2 at between 1:38 and 1:39 and see what happens........but who knows.

                      PR's   5k - 20:39 (2014).  10k - 42:04 (2014)   13.1 - 1:30:30 (2014)   26.2 - 3:14:21 2017)

                      Upcoming Races  -   Boston Marathon 4/18


                      Mother of Cats

                        shutdown averted




                        Yup - but I'm skipping the race anyway.  I just don't feel like it, and a tempo workout is/was better training for my upcoming half anyway.


                        The only reason I had planned to race on Sunday was that I thought this morning's track tempo workout would be cancelled (we had our team holiday party last night).  As it turned out, this morning's workout wasn't cancelled, so I just did that instead.


                        Did 3 miles warm-up (9:08), 8K tempo in 32:28 (6:44/6:31/6:29/6:25/6:19), and then 5 mile cooldown (got into a good conversation) (9:17).  Also injury prevention work and recovery swimming.


                        Jim - good to read things are improving!


                        CD - good luck!

                        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                        Duke Of Bad Judgment

                          Darkwave: Yes, there really is someone named Davy Crockett.  (At least one of them in fact.)

                          Keen: Solstice baby!  In fact, Solstice is a GREAT genderless name.  Over in Nevada we have Nerp and in Oklahoma we've got Solstice.

                          OMR: Yes, I signed up for BC a few days before it sold out.  See you there.  Turns out a friend's brother lives there and he's doing the race also so I'm going to save beaucoups $ in hotel/rental car, at least until he visits his sister in Seattle and I spend it all back on him at the microbreweries. I'm coaching two older runners right now and I'm having them do the "fast stuff" on hills because I think it's less stressful in most ways.

                          McB: I'm surprised "open the bottle" isn't part of your race warmup.  Find some food that isn't trouble for you and carry that.  WIth a bladder, hard bottles and soft flasks, it's reasonable to carry up to 120 oz of beer.  You are persistent in trying Altras and they are persistent in not working for you.

                          Rovatti: I'd like to see the Armory live but you gave a great picture of it.

                          Pesto: Showing off with all your international races.


                          Good luck to Dave, PJ, and Dad!


                          Am I the only one who is contemplating an FKT goal for 2018?  In fact, the OKT for solo/unsupported is still available. I've scouted the Green/Teneriffe section (unsuccessfully) twice and would pick some extra climbing on a more straightforward trail to avoid that.  Yuck.


                          Sunday morning I'm volunteering at a tiny 50k.  Although there are ~20 people running, the main purpose of this event is to give someone a chance to set the American W70-74 AG record for a road 50k.  Current record is ~5:44.


                          pie man

                            It's a little cold here.


                            relative new member of the team told us during the van ride about his undefeated record against Noah Droody...which probably won't survive the weekend.  He's still easily number one for us.

                            11:11 3,000 (recent)

                            A 3:20 Slowpoke

                              A quick check in from Tucson 3:14:21.  I’m pretty pleased as sub 3:15 wasn’t even on my radar.  More later as I now have to drive back to Flagstaff.

                              PR's   5k - 20:39 (2014).  10k - 42:04 (2014)   13.1 - 1:30:30 (2014)   26.2 - 3:14:21 2017)

                              Upcoming Races  -   Boston Marathon 4/18


                              pie man

                                Ha.  It snowed.


                                i got lapped.  Seriously..

                                11:11 3,000 (recent)