2020 Marathon Training and relevant COVID 19 discussion echo chamber (Read 700 times)


    Welcome Dave and welcome back Cinnamon!


    Nimmals: Wow what a monster week!


    JMac: As you discovered looks like your fitness just took a huge boost.  That MP run was awesome!


    JT: Congrats on the race.  Think you are in better shape considering the volume going in!


    Mark: Damn that was quite the negative split!


    Kram: glad to hear things are progressing!


    Cyber, Fishy, Brew & CK : Solid looking weeks!


    Regarding morning fuel: I'm mostly a morning runner and certainly need at least a few sips of coffee each and every time I go out.  Some days I don't take in any calories, but others will usually be a granola bar of some sort.  I've also been known to take a shot of coffee even during a workout or long run Wink


    Regarding VF shoes: the 4% are certainly more narrow than the Next % and most of other shoes.  I also found that I tweaked or rolled my ankle slightly during my 10K using the older 4% while turning a corner so stability might be a bit lacking.  Although I do like the upper of the flyknit better all things considered.  For my race next week I may go back to my Next % since I feel like they are bit faster even with about 60 miles in them?


    Last week was pretty solid overall, but I did cut back the volume ever so slightly coming off my hard 10K race the weekend prior.  I somehow  managed to pull off a warm 2 X 5K at T (or faster) on Wednesday just 3 days after the race.  Not sure this was the smartest plan coming off that race, but figured it was my last chance to get any meaningful T adaptation for my upcoming HM tnext weekend.  Pulled off the workout, but the legs were fried for a good 1-2 days afterwards.  Other than mostly easy running paced a workout inside my LR on Saturday for my buddy which ended up being at least some marathon pace or uptempo mile chunks for me.  Weather actually looks good for my half attempt this coming Saturday so I'm going to do an abrupt taper through the end of the work week.  Not sure where the fitness lies, but figured based on my workouts and recent 10K (hot and hilly) think I'll try to go out close to sub 75 pace and see how long I can hold on!


    Monday: AM 11.20 EZ, PM 5.10 EZ

    Tuesday 10.3 EZ

    Wednesday 3.5E + 2 X 5K@T (5:41) + 4.2E

    Thursday: 9.1 recovery

    Friday: 7.3 EZ + strides

    Saturday 17.10 miles w/ 2E + 3@5:59 + 5.5E + 3@5:59 + 2.5E

    Sunday 4.2 EZ


    Total 78.3 miles

    1mile: 4:46 (12/20) | 5K: 15:57 (3/21)  |  10K: 33:40 (4/20)  |  15K 51:43 (4/21) | HM: 1:15:03 (12/20)  |  FM: 2:40:30 (1/20)

    cinnamon girl

      Don't get me wrong either - I totally get where you're coming from Slammin. The A-hole part of me is glad someone finally called him out on his shit after all these years. I had blocked him on RWOL as well - not necessarily for his opinion on me (he personally attacked me after I called his training idiotic) I don't care but because his posts were of stupid training, ego-focused, and belittling of others undeserving. And now he bullied Swim off the boards apparently. Which makes me sad. Swim - come back! As far as Mikkey - I don't understand at all. I wasn't expecting. And umm... curly lady man? Misogyny anyone?


      Communication on the internet can be miscommunicated  Just like I said the Boston jacket is pretentious. Not a personal attack.


      As far as Berlin - yes it can now be on.  But I'm struggling between Berlin and Valencia. ?? My daughter says Berlin. I love Spain and I skipped Barcelona due to starting new job + virus in Jan. Part of me is concerned with the size of Berlin field and not be able to just run my own race. Running around 3 hr pace could be congested the whole time? But one must do Berlin at some point.


      I thought my 2ks sucked. Ha. But it's the first time in nearly a generation that I've attempted two quality workouts in one week so I'll cut myself some slack. Effort was probably 10k.


      Fishyone - 10 weeks out? I would do a bunch of 400s for fun. If you do them fast and give yourself full recoveries I think it's a fun workout. Or early on in a cycle I also like straights and curves at the track more unstructured and helpful to not be concerned about pace. If you don't like track then 10 x 1 min? Get those legs moving! 








        Where is the link to your report? I must have missed it.


          Ok, ok, ok...


          This is getting seriously ridiculous.


          But I am glad that finally these two found themselves and finally they can exert anything they want as a  couple and continue their stream of lies and delusional garbage - one of them is a liar and anybody who was a part of RWOL group on Facebook knows about that man just enough to have an opinion about his moral values. And what a bunch of crap he just wrote - he OFFERED ME TO PAY FOR MY BOSTON TRIP???? Man... You are seriously delusional... I cannot even call you a liar because it is beyond that... Plus, anybody knows that kind of offer is a pretty safe bet as any decent person would never take on that kind of offer...


          As for 'cinnamon girl' - I have no idea what this gal is talking about - I never had any interaction with her, ever. Never followed her and never had any interest in her as  a person or a runner. I was actually kind of surprised with the way she ignored me but now I at least know that she had her own reasons and theory on me. Not a problem. I have no recollection of her calling my training idiotic but even if that was the case, I probably had a response for it but not more than this, just a regular response, if that sounded offensive to her, she could respond because anybody who knows me personally knows I am very reasonable person though I know some people really do not like my directness and I guess do not care about who I am after that.


          As for Swim, it is not bullying in any way - it's totally opposite, I like Swim a lot and all I wished for him to do great because I strongly believe he deserves it and he is one of the hardest working runners I have known. This is not the first time he disappears from forums (that happened at RWOL probably couple of times too) and I am not the first and not the only person who pointed out some things in his training, please cut the BS and don't make it sound like I am the only person who tried to talk to Swim about his training and results disconnect.


          As I already mentioned, anybody who knows me knows I am totally normal person, not without shorcomings, I am also Russian which explains some kind of rudeness of my communication style but man... I should cut off that super-ego-runner-man long time ago, after I learned about him on Facebook's RWOL group... Well... Never too late.

          paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


          RIP Milkman

            Nimmals - normally I would say don't disappear but I'm quitting myself after this summer. I do hope I see you out at some Long Island races, I will always hobby jog my way to free beer at a brewery . Your weeks are insane, as usual. I didn't even know that OSR did races that long, seems like it must have been crazy!


            Cinnamon - run Berlin! I haven't done it, but you have to. I don't think it'll be that crowded at the 3 hour mark. Sure, you won't be able to race like you would in a smaller race, but I've done NYC at both 3:12 and 2:54 and both times felt completely fine with spacing after the first mile. I think you start running into trouble in these huge races when you are 3:30+.


            Weather - it's definitely sub 75 or bust for you. I keep meaning to ask you - what are your plans for Boston? I think you said you aren't racing it, but I feel like you might get anxious to redeem yourself after last year. Maybe not grab a PR, but at least grab a course PR.

            5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




              Man this thread moves fast!


              Dave - nice week.  The Mona is definitely a staple for many of the runners here, Nimmals is a huge fan.


              JTReeves - nice job on the race, saw it on Strava and it looked like a fun course.  Agreed, the social elements are definitely fun.  I do most of my runs solo so it's fun to catch up with others at races.  Had a good post-race jog and chat with a couple of guys on Sunday.


              DPS - be nice to JMac, we're trying to encourage him to keep running once his kid arrives!!


              Cinnamon - welcome back.  Sucks on that virus but glad you're over it.  My boss at work has been battling a chest infection since December (!).


              Cyberic - yeah I wish I could do run commutes.  Such a good way to get mileage in there.  For me it's a 12km drive to work over the Harbour Bridge but... the bridge is vehicles only so until they add in a planned walking and cycle path underneath the bridge, it's a 29km run.  To be honest I'll likely do it as a midweek long run during marathon training (but I'll be catching the ferry or the bus home!).


              And yeah, I'd say just try on some other Nikes with a similar last to the Next% to get the sizing right.  Other folks on the thread here will know better than me whether something like the Pegasus or Zoom Fly might be a good comparator.


              OMR - great RR and well done.  Some of those trail ultras are a level of crazy I can't even fathom.  There was an 85km ultra here in NZ on the weekend along the Old Ghost Road.  2,400m / 8,000ft of climbing too.


              JMac - I posted over on the 1:30 thread, but great job on that tempo effort.  Very positive early in a cycle.


              Kram - good luck with the ankle.  Smart to allow a rest day and chop the long run rather than just pushing through it.


              Weather - good stuff and good luck with the race this weekend.  Coming off that FM PB you have good form too.  Re your workout after that 10k, I generally find recovery after a 10k fairly quick, maybe 2-3 days, so it was probably a bit tight but sounds like you made it work for you.

              3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

              10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

              * Net downhill course

              Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

              Up next: Still working on that...

              "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                Catching up...


                rovatti:  Thanks.  Have to say, I'm looking forward to running shorter things for a while.

                kram:  Glad to hear the ankle is improving, hopefully bumping up the mileage won't cause any setbacks.

                dps:  That sounds like a stressful job.  Kudos to you.

                Fishy:  That's a heckuva recovery week!

                Keen:  Sorry to hear about the neck/back thing.  I've had similar things happen, but on a much smaller scale.  Hopefully that works itself out in a day or two.

                Jmac:  Thanks, and yeah, my desire to run ultras is as much (if not more) being out in the middle of nowhere, hopefully on a beautiful day, as it is to finish something in a certain time.  Not gonna lie, the previous running of BC100K was a little nightmarish.  Nice week...12M @ 5:58!  Yowza!

                Dave:  I agree with Brew that provided it doesn't push you down a rabbit hole, running a faster easy pace can be beneficial.  But that's one of those "experiment of one" things, I suppose.

                Brew:  Ha, I could almost hear "Shake a Tail Feather" and "Rubber Biscuit" in the background, while reading his report.

                Nimmals:  Huge week.  You've probably said this before, but do you do a lot of strengthening exercises in addition to the running, or is it all just the running?  Just curious because 14.5 hours is a lot of time to put in, and that's just the running portion!

                weather:  Nice double-tempo on Saturday.  I always found those to be difficult, but rewarding when it's over.

                cinnamon:  Glad to hear your job will allow you to run Berlin - or Valencia.  They both sound awesome.

                Marky-Mark:  Thanks.  I kind of want to do the Terawera 100M someday.


                  Thanks guys!  JMac: As for my Boston trip this year plan is similar to 2018 where I will probably pace my buddy again (he will be gunning for low 2:5x).  Right now I have no desire to race a full marathon or Boston for that matter at my true potential coming off the 2:40 last month.  Ask me again in a few weeks though Wink Furthermore, I have already mentally committed and planing my California trip for CIM next December so that will likely be my next big 26.2  A goal race. I do wanna hopefully knock out a shorter 5K sometime in March or April this spring along the way as well.

                  1mile: 4:46 (12/20) | 5K: 15:57 (3/21)  |  10K: 33:40 (4/20)  |  15K 51:43 (4/21) | HM: 1:15:03 (12/20)  |  FM: 2:40:30 (1/20)

                  Running Problem

                  Problem Child

                    Ok, ok, ok...


                    This is getting seriously ridiculous.


                    ...anybody who was a part of RWOL group on Facebook knows about that man just enough to have an opinion about his moral values.  Well... Never too late.


                    I think I identified a problem with the marathon training.


                    To quote an excellent song:

                    "It is a rare occurrance such as this one...." I'm glad I'm not involved with facebook and whatever it has become.


                    I liked your directness. It actually kind of solidified me wanting to be able to run sub 3 in my 50s. I might not be as humble as you when I accomplish it though.


                    OMR shake a tail feather? I don't get it. Is it from Black Canyons? Oh and I totally thought he was going to drop me, he wanted to stay ahead of cutoffs, and I was keeping the energy high to keep him going or else he'd accept defeat before the sun came up, and then maybe some point after. I guess it WAS a really good thing not to tell him I could just go home. Apparently he mentioned me 33 times.


                    Weatherboy Be careful about CIM. I hear it is a major downhill course with ideal weather so no one actually thinks your PRs there count because it's such an easy race. I'm being 100% sarcastic and I'm biased towards CIM as I've PRd there every year I've run it. It is such an easy race I was able to PR the half marathon almost twice during my marathon.

                    Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                    VDOT 53.37 

                    5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                    Stotan Disciple


                      Nimmals:  Huge week.  You've probably said this before, but do you do a lot of strengthening exercises in addition to the running, or is it all just the running?  Just curious because 14.5 hours is a lot of time to put in, and that's just the running portion!


                      OMR I do 30 mins of strength training twice a week. Congrats and that's quite a lengthy race & report. Loved knowing what was going through your mind in the hardest parts. I'm still never running that far.


                      MarkyMark - Congrats on a great 10k race. You were one of the first weeklies.  I meant to say congrats earlier.


                      Cinnamon - Thank you for sharing that, he admits as much something from Facebook RWOL had him holding a grudge on my moral values. So its not my ego in the end but some personal sense of justice? I really don't know. I cant block him here like on RWOL.


                      Weather nice week my man that Wednseday was epic. and i love the JMAC inspired 17 miler. I been sticking them into both my long runs and some of my Athletes.


                      Mikkey you suprised me completely too. I still hope we can be cool. I don't mind this quickly blowing over between us.


                      Cals  Post more on my limited moral values or at least your understanding of it.  You did do idiotic training, running 13 miles everyday for one stretch just stupid gimmicks for training. Maybe I called you out too? You prided yourself on every marathon race being a PR, you were the one with the huge ego about continuous PR streak, when that ended you became bitter & miserable.  Please call me out on my moral values you can do it on your Runners whirled handle, no one will know.


                      Since reading English is not your strong suit I've bolded the focal parts don't twist words then use language as an excuse it was a forum gesture not me alone it may actually have even been Stephens idea. I am sure swim Dan, Patrick  and many others can verify the offer was extended and you turned it down so don't say the offer wasn't extended. We the collective offered to help and I was a part of it.

                      And what a bunch of crap he just wrote - he  Several OFFERED ME TO PAY FOR MY BOSTON TRIP???? Man... You are seriously delusional... I cannot even call you a liar because it is beyond that... Plus, anybody knows that kind of offer is a pretty safe bet as any decent person would never take on that kind of offer...



                      " I initially had no issues with him, when he lost his job right before Boston one year, several of us on the old forum offered to pool up his hotel cost so he wouldn't have to skip the trip. I recalled he declined our assistance."


                      Nowhere does it say I alone it was a collective gesture that you declined but we all offered to split the cost.



                      If you're a reasonable person as you say message me and we can put this to bed but the continuous bullshit has gone on way too long. And its frankly distracting that's why I'm willing to leave. I'm about continuous improvement and that cant happen with us here bickering and chasing away people who genuinely want to get better on the combined threads.


                      I will even message you first and say it publicly if its about pride.

                      Thinking should be done first, before training begins.


                        Brew:  I was thinking of the B.B.s dancing in this clip.  Isn't that you and max heading down the trail?

                        Running Problem

                        Problem Child

                          Brew:  I was thinking of the B.B.s dancing in this clip.  Isn't that you and max heading down the trail?


                          ME? yes. Him...not so much. I think it's the lowest I've ever seen him. The joy in his face when he saw me saying "If you weren't here I would have dropped" quickly dissipated as we left Forresthill and he embraced the rest of the journey. I think he understated the imporatance/joy/uplifting feeling PJ brought just for being out there three times on course cheering us on.


                          It is fun to think back to Tahoe 200 when I wasn't a trail runner and see Max still trying to make me a trail runner for some reason. I think his stubborness to accept my spirit lifting enthusiasm is only rivaled by my reluctance to run beyond marathon distance, and on trails.



                          Nimmals/Cal Jesus SHIT guys! Can you take your pissing match to face page or private chit chats? Do you really need a wall of text to say "hey, if you want to talk privately message me" or can you just send the message first?

                          Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                          VDOT 53.37 

                          5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                            your Runners whirled handle, no one will know.


                            way way off man.  that's even more wrong than people thinking you are sportsjester.


                              Nimmals, I received your letter. It's a good gesture. I agree, all this exchange is damaging the peace and flow of the thread, so, I promise I will try to keep quiet on our exchange from now on. Sorry, I would prefer not to communicate with you anymore in any form - unfortunately, I cannot forget things you said to humiliate and hurt me on purpose for absolutely no f&^%ng reason, so - I forgive you and I promise not to add to a heated, sometimes detrimental exchange. I believe we both obviously can stay on this thread (I am staying because I am committed to until at least next Boston and that's a place to fulfill that commitment), we may just ignore it other - I believe some other runners want to hear some running stuff from you. and maybe few also will be curious about my stupid and idiotic training.


                              Mikkey you suprised me completely too. I still hope we can be cool. I don't mind this quickly blowing over between us.


                              Cals  Post more on my limited moral values or at least your understanding of it.  You did do idiotic training, running 13 miles everyday for one stretch just stupid gimmicks for training. Maybe I called you out too? You prided yourself on every marathon race being a PR, you were the one with the huge ego about continuous PR streak, when that ended you became bitter & miserable.  Please call me out on my moral values you can do it on your Runners whirled handle, no one will know.


                              Since reading English is not your strong suit I've bolded the focal parts don't twist words then use language as an excuse it was a forum gesture not me alone it may actually have even been Stephens idea. I am sure swim Dan, Patrick  and many others can verify the offer was extended and you turned it down so don't say the offer wasn't extended. We the collective offered to help and I was a part of it.


                              " I initially had no issues with him, when he lost his job right before Boston one year, several of us on the old forum offered to pool up his hotel cost so he wouldn't have to skip the trip. I recalled he declined our assistance."


                              Nowhere does it say I alone it was a collective gesture that you declined but we all offered to split the cost.



                              Thanks for that stuff you wrote above, actually... I will check with Dan and Steve and find out about that moment in history - because I do not remember any of it - seriously, I am not the person who lives in the past, I am always looking into the future.That's why it's kind of ridiculous to say I got bitter and miserable when my PR streak broke. Come on... Everything comes to an end. Everybody knows about that, including me. Btw, I PR-ed couple of years after that achieving Moose Mug time, I ran handful number of 100K ultra races most of which I enjoyed immensely despite pain and struggle in each of them. I am looking forward to win Western States 100 lottery one day, I am looking forward to beat Mikkey in Boston next year. I am bitter and miserable? Yeah, I guess I am - only miserable people continue training towards plenty of goals. It's all just bunch of words re bitterness and misery for sure, and pretty much so far away from how the things really are.


                              Anyway, maybe reading English is not my strongest suit (btw, how many other languages do YOU know fluently, I wonder?) but in my motherland everything written by you above would raise a question - how this "egoistic, rude, bitter and miserable" person gets so much support from people who are so much aware about his "egoistic, rude, bitter and miserable" nature? My god, those guys must be such huge masochists. At least, I would never offered any help to a person whom I do not like. But I guess something is really wrong with me, right?


                              13+ miles a day for weeks streak is idiotic? Wow!!! That's unexpected.. Actually, there was another (15+ per day for weeks streak, and there was another one - 13.1 miles twice a day for a few weeks (until the wheels came off Smile But, you know what - I am so proud of those times, I am running and training not to break records (which I definitely can't do except my own) - I am training and running for fun, and 13+ miles per day was (and will be) a lot of fun. Wow!!! My god, I am proud of that time - I was in such a great shape, I was actually planning to beat my PR at some point. It was painful but it was fun, I enjoyed by the fact that I was able to accomplish that - even if it was for nothing. Was it idiotic in your opinion? You are entitled to your opinion and I am totally not offended because I would care less. I am not running for you or anybody else, I am running for myself and only for myself. Man I am getting so motivated Smile


                              Anyway, enough clarifications and self digging - sorry if I disturbed somebody's peace of mind, hopefully this chapter is over, let's move to the next one.

                              paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile



                                Fishy:  That's a heckuva recovery week!



                                Thanks OMR. Great race report.  Can't imagine running more than a marathon (yet?) let alone on trails!!  I was thinking about trying a trail race in Connecticut this summer (Nipmuck trail) it's close to my home town and I use to trout fish the rivers near there.

                                5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015)