2020 Marathon Training and relevant COVID 19 discussion echo chamber (Read 700 times)


    Not sure its helpful to anyone here, but Lake Wobegon Marathon in MN second weekend of May is still a "go" for now, it's pretty small so not sure if there are spots left, but just thought i would throw it out there


      I received an email from the IC marathon (not sure why, I've never run their race).  Early May, LA.  just an FYI, in the spirit of the previous post.

      As of now, we remain optimistic that the 2020 SDCCU OC Marathon Weekend of Events will take place as scheduled on May 1-3, 2020. The OC Marathon team is continuing with all plans and preparations.  


        Reporting May races which have not been cancelled seems pretty meaningless at this point. There are actually no May marathons that have been cancelled yet (other than Vancouver on 5/3). This according to FindMyMarathon.com, which is maintaining a list of all cancellations/postponements. Even Tacoma in the heart of ground zero is still “on” for 5/3. Certainly races are going to send/post messages like the ones above, so as not to discourage further registrations, up until the last possible moment when they are forced to cancel by local authorities. To this point, authorities have generally not put in restrictions beyond about a month. There’s just no way to know what things will be like beyond that. I think it’s a pretty risky investment to spend money registering for anything in the spring, regardless of size, before race day.



        Mother of Cats

           There’s just no way to know what things will be like beyond that. I think it’s a pretty risky investment to spend money registering for anything in the spring, regardless of size, before race day.


          I would agree.with your first statement - there's really just no way of knowing where things will head.  Which means they could head up as well as down.  So much has changed in just 3 days; things may look very different a month from now.


          I also think that entering races is NEVER risk free; there are always reasons you won't make it to the start,  Of course, at the same time, this pandemic is an extra variable, though a big one.  But it's not the only one.


          Vermont City has this on their website, which I thought was really nice:


          "With the postponement of the Boston Marathon, as well as other cancelled and postponed races, many runners are seeking an alternative spring race. We would love to have you join us, and suggest that you wait a week or two before making a decision. If we’re able to proceed in May, we should have plenty of capacity and would welcome you to Burlington with open arms. Our goal is to achieve a go/no go decision in late April."

          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.

          Running Problem

          Problem Child

            I believe the biggest deterrent to teenage crime for the next 14 days will be the supply of snacks at home, Internet speeds not being throttled back, and Disney plus trial memberships being extended beyond 7 days. 

            my wife must work from home for the next two weeks. I couldn’t imagine the level of insanity I’d come home to if we had teenagers. The forecast is snow and cold for the next five days so resupplying the grocery stores that have changed their hours are going to become interesting. 


            the fine line between Kipchoge and a hobby jogger...I guess there is an undefined line for me. If a local marathon, or CIM in my local proximity to big races, gives you free entry I wouldn’t consider you on the same level. Sponsored by the local store and get free stuff for wearing their name in races? Eh, kind of close but maybe you work there or want to encourage people to shop locally. If you’re having a team of professionals guide you during a televised time trial on a closed course in a major city you’re not a hobby jogger. Simply being paid to run doesn’t mean, TO ME, you don’t qualify as a hobby jogger. Someone like Jim Walmaley, Elon Olsen, and Chris Mocko might be examples of professionals that aren’t hobby joggers. Even though Chris hasn’t landed his Costco sponsorship.

            Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

            VDOT 53.37 

            5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


            Good Bad & The Monkey

              We will be under martial law by then


              I received an email from the IC marathon (not sure why, I've never run their race).  Early May, LA.  just an FYI, in the spirit of the previous post.


                The Milwaukee Marathon has been cancelled too.  I requested an elite entry for Green Bay in May, so if that still happens that will be my goal race.


                My week:

                M - 11.5 w/ 5x0.5 miles VO2 max at ~5:02 pace / 6

                T - 6.5 / 6

                W - 6 / 6

                R - 6 / 6

                F - 6 / 6

                S - 10 w/ 10k time trial in 33:29 (PB!)

                S - 18

                Total:  94


                  Good news - just received an email that the Victoria BC Marathon is still on! Of course it’s in October. And I’m not even registered, I ran it 3 years ago and somehow still on their mailing list. Anyhoo, my week:


                  Mon - 8 with Mona Fartlek

                  Tue - 14 MLR

                  Wed - 6 easy

                  Thu - 11 with 5x1 mile tempo + 3x200m

                  Fri - 5.5 easy

                  Sat - 13 MLR

                  Sun - 5.5 easy

                  Total - 63 miles



                  - This week was where I was going to really start diving into peak marathon training mode. The midweek 14-15 miler and tempo intervals are staples. Alas, received my marathon cancellation notice on Friday. Saturday was going to be 18, but backed that way off. 
                  - The 5x1 tempo intervals went well anyway. Splits were rock steady around 6:45, which is actually more like 10k pace for me. This workout evolves as the cycle progresses into 6x1, then 3x2 and 2x3. On this day, I would have had a tough time managing any of those others. But it was a good start. Or would have been. 
                  - Moving forward I will probably go into maintenance mode of 50-60mpw. Will still have something longish on the weekend and some kind of weekly speed session, just to keep things interesting.



                    On a different note:  Rovatti - I"m sure you're too busy to check in here right now, but just wanted to let you know I'm pulling for you, as I know others are.


                    (As he's mentioned here before, he works in emergency medicine in NYC)


                    Thanks for thinking of me!   I'm fine... I got an official exposure last week (and probably many others), but I'm still permitted to work... (and am doing a lot of overtime).  I'm expecting to get sick this week or next, but not too worried, as I've got a solid immune system.   Also, I'm required to do "virtual urgent care"  now during my "off" time, as the demand for this has overwhelmed the system....




                    Actually, it's kind of nice to have something to DO when there's a lot of stress.  ... and it keeps my mind off the sorry state of my running.  



                      Actually, it's kind of nice to have something to DO when there's a lot of stress.  ... and it keeps my mind off the sorry state of my running.  


                      rovatti - thanks for doing all you are doing - a lot of people could not probably do that, at least at these bizarre times. As for running - believe me, you are not alone in feeling sorry about all that, I feel so down right now about all this running thing, never felt that way before.


                      My running weeks not worth mentioning, first few days of the week tried make my legs wake up after last big week but they just were hurt whatever recovery running I was trying to do. They are still not recovered strangely enough plus all the events of last few days just put me in a very dark place where I am not sure what to do next. I guess that's where people realize the value of the family?

                      paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


                      Mother of Cats


                        rovatti - thanks for doing all you are doing - a lot of people could not probably do that, at least at these bizarre times. As for running - believe me, you are not alone in feeling sorry about all that, I feel so down right now about all this running thing, never felt that way before.


                        Seconded, and really glad to hear from you!


                        As for training - I keep thinking this is an opportunity to go back to basics and get strong (though, if one's goal race is still on, I wouldn't shut stuff down yet).


                        In my horse show days, the show circuit used to come to a halt in early November, and not awaken until January.  "No stirrups November" was a thing - we'd just remove the stirrups from our saddles and ride the whole month without, to build up strength and balance for the rest of the year.  One can see this virus as a similar opportunity, for those that don't have to fight it on the front lines.


                        Just my take, anyway.  I may buy some heavier kettlebells just to have a better home gym so I can really strengthen stuff - I suspect my gym will be closing soon.


                        My week:

                        54 miles, 12 "miles" of pool-running, and ~1000 yards of swimming
                        M: 2.5 miles very easy (9:43), yoga, 7.5 miles very easy (8:46), drills and two gentle uphill strides
                        T: 8 "miles" pool-running, upperbody weights/core.
                        W: 4 miles very easy (9:34), yoga, 7 miles very easy (8:49), drills and two gentle uphill strides.
                        Th: 11 miles, including 8 gentle hill repeats of between 70-80 seconds with 2:30 recovery, followed by leg injury prevention work and 500 yards recovery swimming.
                        F: 2 miles very easy (9:35), 4 "miles" pool-running, upperbody weights/core.
                        Sa: 9 miles progressive, split as first 3 miles averaging 9:05, next 3 miles averaging 7:35, next 3 averaging 6:56, and then 1 mile easy (8:51). Followed by leg injury prevention work and 500 long course meters recovery swimming.
                        Su: 10 miles easy (8:35); DIY yoga.


                        Started with some careful hills Thursday, and then careful marathon effort on Saturday.  I'm not perfect, but the trend continues to be up.  I just need to be carefully developing strength and refining my gait, which is still a bit wobbly and achy.


                        Pools are all closed here now, so there goes one form of cross training.  I sense that the gyms are not far behind.


                        Madison - good job on the time trial!  I saw a lot of people doing time trials this weekend (and one who, according to Strava flyboys, did a 26.21 mile run on that 3 mile Hains Point loop that Jmac loves so much when I run).


                        DavePNW - I think maintenance is the buzzword right now.


                        Calbears - I don't think it's a bad thing to take some down time now, if needed.  Quite possibly the best time to take down time, come ot think about it.

                        Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                        And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                        UM 45 Ohio 23


                          rovatti - thanks for doing all you are doing - a lot of people could not probably do that, at least at these bizarre times. As for running - believe me, you are not alone in feeling sorry about all that, I feel so down right now about all this running thing, never felt that way before.



                          Yes - we owe all healthcare workers, and many others, a big THANK YOU!  Selfless...


                            Yes - we owe all healthcare workers, and many others, a big THANK YOU!  Selfless...

                            Thanks.  Actually, I'm making $$$.  The housekeepers are knee-deep and getting bupkis


                              rovatti:  I hope the illness - if you have been exposed - is mild for you.


                              Our campus is shutting down this week.  So many thoughts...none of them coherent.  (So...nothing new here, hahaha...)


                              My week...second week of "speed" (which is relative, because I've come to realize that I am ridiculously slow).  Good thing I haven't signed up for any races.


                              M:  Rest

                              T:  8.7M @ 9:06 w/14 x 20sec fartleks "increasingly hard"

                              W:  6M @ 8:47

                              T:  Rest

                              F:  7M @ 8:30 O/A w/6 x 2min @ 5K pace

                              S:  6.7M @ 9:02

                              S:  9.8M @ 9:13


                              Total:  38.2M


                                Nimmals:  I think you posted on the dilemma of closing schools, and the additional stress put on health care workers.  Here's a hopeful solution...

