What's the deal with barefoot and barefoot-ish running? (Read 1749 times)


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    It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


      I THINK you might be thinking about Arthur's writing back in 1970, "Distance Running Training Schedule" (or something like aht), where he wrote something like "one of the best ways to develop fine speed is 50/50 sprint-float workout OR short sharp hill sprit..."  That is true and you CAN do that.  But Arthur's signature hill training is a long hill at slow speed to work on your leg strength and technique.  Also, yes, the previous guy said something about short hill sprint year around, not just beginning of the program.  You CAN do that way as well but I thought, somewhere, Canova said in the beginning of the program' this is probably because, unless you are competing over hills (like cross country), why keep on doing hill sprints when you can actually sprint on flat?  That would be more "race-specific".  You've got to remember; once you get near actual races, with a certain percentage of your work, the closer to race-specific situation, the better.  Going up hill IS slightly different from running flat-out over a flat surface.  Why sprinting up hill just to show how tough you are?  There's almost no point in it.



      Probably true.


      I have always considered the shorter, sharper hill intervals to be more like "form work", and to build strength.  But, I am probably doing them differently than what has been described earlier.


      Generally, I would try to focus on pushing off with the trail foot, raising the lead knee higher, and trying to pay attention to body position.


      not bad for mile 25

        You guys do indeed make me laugh.


        MTA: A couple of posts slipped in before mine.  Not laughing at yours, Scout.