What's the deal with barefoot and barefoot-ish running? (Read 1749 times)


    "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

    -- Dick LeBeau


      We're pretty low on the page right now.  Does she have some power to keep it from going to a new page, until she posts?


      Dunno.  How do we know we're not on a new page already?


      The cat is both alive AND dead, you know.

      L Train

        Damnit Clive.


        L Train



          sport jester


            I'm definitely not Richard,

            Now you ARE sounding more and more like Richard.  So I'll ask you the same questioin I've asked Richard over and over and over without getting any clear answer.  So with that in mind (aerobic capacity is limited), how would you put that into training?  No long runs or cut back 80% of your "junk miles" or do more hopping up and down the steps?  I'm sure you know a thing or two about traditional training program; how would YOU change it to fulfill YOUR principles?


            By the way, I had a pretty interesting chat with Coach Canova at Boston this past April on this very topic.  He's a real coach; and he DID have a thing or two to say about it and we had a good "practical" debate. 


            If you want to decrease aerobic need, you have to focus on running economy; ie improving your locomotion skills.


            Running further, or faster has no bearing on how good a runner you actually are. That's a measure of speed to energy expenditure. In no way does it focus on skill.


            And the skill to being a better runner, is reducing the level of energy expenditure per step.


            What defines that energy consumption efficiency isn't how fast one can run, but how fast one can walk. Do you know your walk to run transition speed? If I can walk at a speed you have to run, then obviously I'm consuming less energy per step than you are and will decrease your aerobic demand.


            The world's best runners are children of the world's most efficient walkers. That's the connection the coaching community won't acknowledge because they can't explain how the women of Kenya carry 20% of their bodyweight with no energy expenditure increase. Top African runners don't walk like we do, nor do they run like we do; which is why despite millions of dollars spent, nobody has beaten them


            Experts said the world is flat

            Experts said that man would never fly

            Experts said we'd never go to the moon


            Name me one of those "experts"...


            History never remembers the name of experts; just the innovators who had the guts to challenge and prove the "experts" wrong

            "run" "2" "eat"

              i am consistently, always, and without variation on the top of my own page.

              i find the sunshine beckons me to open up the gate and dream and dream ~~robbie williams

              "run" "2" "eat"

                locomotion skills.


                i honed my locomotion skills back in the day, back when we had 45s with those funny plastic fit-adjuster pieces in the middles.


                yeah, i gots me some mad locomotion skills.

                i find the sunshine beckons me to open up the gate and dream and dream ~~robbie williams


                  SJ, you obviously are using different metrics than the rest of us.  And that's fine.  But we probably could have avoided a whole lot of this horseshit and grabassery if we had all started off with that in the first place.


                  For me, the better runner is the one who wins in a race.  That's all.  I don't give a hoot in hell who was more efficient or created less impact or whatever other scientific gobbledygook you ex phys weinies like to discuss (no offense, spaniel, you're one of the better weinies).


                  And that's the real problem with your type.  You just don't understand that the rest of us are really simple creatures.  We don't care about your amazing discoveries unless you can demonstrate to me how it helps me meet MY goals, and MY metrics.  Telling you can make me more efficient doesn't sell me on shit.  Considering I don't know what my level of efficiency currently is, and have no idea how changing it is going to translate into race performance, I hope you would understand if I told you to go pound sand.


                  But, now at least I understand that your goals and metrics are not the same as my goals and metrics, and this is where we diverge.  Good luck to you, sir, in the future.  I wish you all the best.


                    i honed my locomotion skills back in the day, back when we had 45s with those funny plastic fit-adjuster pieces in the middles.


                    yeah, i gots me some mad locomotion skills.


                    Would you do it with me?


                      Would you do it with me?



                      And you can quote me as saying I was mis-quoted. Groucho Marx



                      "run" "2" "eat"

                        c'mon baby!

                        i find the sunshine beckons me to open up the gate and dream and dream ~~robbie williams


                          waffs, did you just call me "baby"?

                          "run" "2" "eat"


                            i find the sunshine beckons me to open up the gate and dream and dream ~~robbie williams


                              No, I'm pretty sure you did.


                              I.....  don't really know how to respond to that.


                              It's like everything I know is a lie.


                                I sure hope Nobby wasn't actually expecting an answer to his question.