Zoomy's 1st "I like to set the bar really low" Marathon Report (Read 1628 times)



    Hi Kirsten, I haven't posted in a long, long, long time but every once in a while I've been checking if you have run your marathon yet. Well, you have and you did so WELL. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Thank you for a great race report. What a lesson to all of us, big sweaters! Electrolytes are our best friends. Do you think 20miles long runs are enough for the 1st timers? BTW, did you have gels, sports jellies or such? I know, not much electrolytes in those, mostly energy. Again, WTG! Ewa
    Hey, girl...I have not seen you around in ages! I hope you'll stick around...I miss seeing you posting! Smile You know, I think 20 miles is more than enough if you can do at least 2 (I had planned to peak with a 20, a 22, then a last 20, but my knee forced me to scale-back on my original training plans). BUT...I am certain that if I had run even a mile more that I would have run into real cramping in training, instead of just the tightening sensation that preceeded the real deal--the onset of symptoms during the race were nearly identical to what I experienced on race day. Had that happened I most definitely would have upped my sodium and potassium intake, most likely in the form of an Endurolyte or s-cap or two every hour, in addition to the gels and existing water and sport drink I was taking in. I had...I think, a total of 6 Carb Boom gels. 4-5 would have been sufficient, I'm certain (never felt hungry or tired), but I took the extra ones just to cram any extra electrolytes into myself. Though I'm sure it didn't really do any good.

    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

         ~ Sarah Kay

    Another Passion

      You know what was the worst thing about the cramps? I was barely breathing hard. Even as I was plodding along for those last 6 miles I felt so amazingly strong. It made me really furious. Finally everything else was right and that sort of came out of nowhere. And the absolutely miserable thing was so many around me had "hit the wall" and were in no place to be conversational and I really needed someone to talk to and keep me company. From the waist-up I felt fabulous (well, as much as a person can at 20+ miles in a marathon). I found myself really inspired by the ITBS woman and eavesdropping on her discussion with another runner every time we leap-frogged. She was also chatty and was talking a guy through the race, telling him a little bit of her history, about her recent 40th birthday. In the last mile we were sort of cheering each other on, teasing the spectators who told us there was only a half mile to go at 25.5 miles... Wink
      Where the heck is Miska when you need him anyway?!? Slacker! Seriously, I can so relate to all of this Zoomy and, you did absolutely fabulous to just gut it out and finish because I KNOW exactly how you were feeling, both physically and mentally (although you weren't hypothermic on top of all the other crap! Tongue). If it had not been for Mishka in the desperate and lonely last couple miles of my race, I would likely not have finished. You did good! I'm so very proud of you! Congratulations, Marathoner! MTA: It's about damn time you got this posted! You've kept A LOT of people waiting in anxious anticipation!

      "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
      "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

        Awesome job, K!!!!! Congrats on becoming a marathoner Smile Didn't take you long to start planning the next one Big grin

        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away...(unkown)

        Go With The Flow
        Thyroid Support Group



          Congratulations Zoomy!!!! You did it!!! I thought of you often yesterday and checked in now and then for your report. Isn't that wall after the 20 mile mark a sneaky thing?!? Despite the things that went wrong, it sounds like so many things went right and you've really come a long way this year. Next year's marathon will be a breeze! Smile
          Thanks, girl! But wall...there was no wall. There was an invisible spear! Tongue

          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

               ~ Sarah Kay


            Way to go Zoomy! Are you going to post some photos from the day??
              Great job! Way to stick it out when it got tough.


                Where the heck is Miska when you need him anyway?!? Slacker! Seriously, I can so relate to all of this Zoomy and, you did absolutely fabulous to just gut it out and finish because I KNOW exactly how you were feeling, both physically and mentally (although you weren't hypothermic on top of all the other crap! Tongue). If it had not been for Mishka in the desperate and lonely last couple miles of my race, I would likely not have finished. You did good! I'm so very proud of you! Congratulations, Marathoner!
                Thanks, friend! And you know...at around mile 22 I thought of Mishka and started looking at every guy on a bicycle and wondering if somehow he had made the trek to Milwaukee to surprise me. You were one lucky guy to have that "guardian angel" looking over you. Smile

                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                     ~ Sarah Kay



                  Way to go Zoomy! Are you going to post some photos from the day??
                  That is the only thing I have planned for tomorrow...that and sleeping in. Big grin

                  Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                  remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                       ~ Sarah Kay

                    Thanks, girl! But wall...there was no wall. There was an invisible spear! Tongue
                    See, that's how sneaky it is! Big grin


                      Zoomy! Or should I say welcome to the club? A big congrats and I'm so glad that you are planning number two already! Remember the lessons learned and you will easily lop off a huge chunk of time in the next one!

                      When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?



                        Zoom, I knew you'd be a marathoner who would finish! You rock! Big grin

                        Half Fanatic #9292. 

                        Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


                          Zoom, I knew you'd be a marathoner who would finish! You rock! Big grin
                          ditto Big grin

                          First or last...it's the same finish line

                          HF #4362


                          One day at a time

                            Whoo hoo, congratulations! I have the feeling this will just be the first of many. Thanks for sharing what you learned! SALT SALT SALT! I will keep that in mind.

                              Congrats!!! You found out what all the big fuss is about - the last 6 or so miles! You did good.
                                About time you showed up! You covered the 26.2 and you want to do another, that means you done good. Congrats Zoom!

                                Greater Lowell Road Runners
                                Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

                                May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.