Zoomy's 1st "I like to set the bar really low" Marathon Report (Read 1628 times)

    Yep Chicago is using just that. Makes me so mad too. I went to the running store to discuss my shoes yesterday and they have it. I never saw it in there all this time. Oh well.


      Yep Chicago is using just that. Makes me so mad too. I went to the running store to discuss my shoes yesterday and they have it. I never saw it in there all this time. Oh well.
      That was kind of my situation, as well. I looked at Meijer and other grocery stores and never saw it. Figured if they didn't have it, no one would. And the little local store that does have it never carries anything I've looked for in the past (the guy who owns the place is a great RD, but the merchandise in his shop is thin), so I never even thought to look there.

      Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

      remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

           ~ Sarah Kay

      Another Passion

        Rvelich is wise. Columbus is a good race. I can guarantee you a cheering section of at least 1.
        And... next year's race will be the 30th anniversary. Just sayin'...

        "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
        "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

        Lazy idiot

          And... next year's race will be the 30th anniversary. Just sayin'...
          Hmmm... Big grin It's quite a trek, I'll see if I can make it.

          Tick tock

          Another Passion

            Drew, I work for Grange so, I'm down there quite a bit. In fact I just got back last Friday from a 2-week tour of duty scoping property losses in central Ohio while staying down there in the city. I've wanted to run their marathon since I read people's race reports of the race from last year. Sounds awesome and, I really like the city.

            "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
            "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

            Lazy idiot

              Drew, I work for Grange so, I'm down there quite a bit. In fact I just got back last Friday from a 2-week tour of duty scoping property losses in central Ohio while staying down there in the city. I've wanted to run their marathon since I read people's race reports of the race from last year. Sounds awesome and, I really like the city.
              It's a great city. I do love it here. I may be running this race (half or full, don't know yet) next year, as well. Sounds like this may be another fine RA meetup race.

              Tick tock


                Zoom, You know all the guys on here are drooling over you, thinking, "Now here's my kind of woman that drinks beer, eats bacon, a marathoner, and a very beautiful person." Big grin



                  Just in case you feel that not enough people have sent their congratulations... Tongue CONGRATS! You rock! Fantastic that you have kept up. And don't blame the (lack of) the right type of Gatorade, blame the marathon itself. Wink And, as there were more RA runners in the same marathon: Congratulations to you all! bas

                  52° 21' North, 4° 52' East



                    Zoom, You know all the guys on here are drooling over you, thinking, "Now here's my kind of woman that drinks beer, eats bacon and is a marathoner." Big grin
                    Don't forget that I'm a "beautiful person." Wink

                    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                         ~ Sarah Kay


                      Don't forget that I'm a "beautiful person." Wink


                      Another Passion

                        And fried cheese curds! *Sigh*Swoon*Faint*

                        "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
                        "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby


                          I enjoyed reading your report. Great job!

                            Well done Zoomie!!! Had our fingers crossed for you all weekend. They say the first is the hardest so your all set now. By the way do cheese curds still squeak after they're fried?


                              By the way do cheese curds still squeak after they're fried?
                              No, unfortunately. That's the only downside of frying them... Cry

                              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                   ~ Sarah Kay

                                Congrats Zoom! The first time I got the cramping in a serious way in my thighs was The Air Force marathon in Dayton last year. I too felt so good, except every time to run I cramped severely. That was the toughest one from the standpoint that I was running so well and felt fresh except for the damn cramping. Columbus is a very well run race. It was my first one. It wasnt quite as flat as advertised. Long gradual uphill beginning at 14 or so. But theyve changed the course a bit. So it should be prime for a good time. Im doing it this year--really as a training run for my goal marathon of Vegas.
                                They have made changes to the course this year which is suppose to flatten it out even more.
                                Ginny 'Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there' Will Rogers