June 2015 update summary (Read 707 times)


Break on through

    I like it, especially the integration with Garmin Connect - so much easier to save maps now.  Thanks!

    "Not to touch the Earth, not to see the Sun, nothing left to do but run, run, run..."


    Interval Junkie --Nobby


      Wonderful updates.


      A few suggestions:


      • While the interactive map is nice, where the bottom elevation graph tracks with the route, would it be possible to switch that with the pace-graph?  Or add the pace-graph?  Maybe even have both items plotted on the same graph?  I'm much more interested in seeing my pace at certain parts of the route, rather than the elevation [in mostly flat Chicago].
      • The notification of new items to download at the top of the page is nice, but could it grey-out if you've gone to the upload section recently and seen that there are items there?  For no particular reason I have a race from 3 years ago that I keep in the upload section that has never been imported because the Garmin data followed my race report data.

      2024 Goals: chest out my nephew at Philly

      Joann Y

        Thank you for putting in so much work on this site Eric. Will take some getting used to but everything looks great so far. I do like seeing the splits when you open a workout so that is nice that you switched it from the map view. A minor thing, if at all possible, is that it would be nice not to see a map of Boston whenever I log a treadmill and/or non-Garmin run. I can't imagine the work it takes to keep this site going along with managing updates and users, etc. You are a saint!


        Seven Deadly Shins

          It's all back there now!  And it defaults to Splits!


          Eric, you are a genius! 



          Agreed.  Splits are a little tough to see.  They are way off the page to the right.  The total elapsed time is nice to have and I'd like that back as well.

            Thanks for the tip!!  Works great!



            The tools/applications is on RunningAhead


            If you are looking at your log, Tools is on the navigation panel, on the left, above Settings

            2018 Goals

            Figure out the achilles thing...... and THEN try to get running regularly again.

            No racing goals 



              The new view of the workout summary screen is a thing of beauty. The deep blue border offsets the page nicely, color me happy.



                I fixed it, just for you!


                On behalf of all the lurkers who saved the extra click, thank you.

                Dictator for Life

                  Hi Eric, a bug I've noticed with the new update:

                  I have event entries for future races on my calendar. When I go to edit the entry, it opens as a bike workout. Additionally, I can't edit the entry since it is in the future! Just wanted to make you aware of this issue, thanks for all of your work.

                    I seem to have my account connected with Garmin connect, but no workouts ever come over from it. Not sure what is wrong.

                      I seem to have my account connected with Garmin connect, but no workouts ever come over from it. Not sure what is wrong.


                      I have found that garmin express needs to be running on your computer. This doesn't seem to start for me every time I restart the computer, so I have to start it manually. Once started, it runs in the system icon area -- whatever that's called -- even if you stop the window.

                      Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews | lking@pobox.com


                        Garmin Connect Integration

                        RunningAHEAD is now integrated with Garmin Connect.  If you are uploading your workouts to Garmin Connect and this integration is enabled, Garmin Connect will send a copy of the uploaded workouts to RunningAHEAD.  If you prefer to use Chrome, or have Garmin Express installed and couldn't get Garmin Communicator to work, then this would be your only option to import your workouts automatically.


                        You can enable Garmin Connect integration by going to Tools -> Applications.  When you click the Connect button, you'll be redirected to Garmin Connect.  After you grant RunningAHEAD access to your data, Garmin Connect will send workouts from the last 30 days to RunningAHEAD.  Make sure you delete any duplicates before saving the workouts into your log.

                        You can optionally specify how RunningAHEAD should process the workouts by expanding the Preferences section on the Applications page.  They're the same options as GPS import.  You can set them any time.

                        New Workout View

                        The previous workout view was basic and clunky.  The new workout view is a proof of concept for what's to come.  The graphing code has been redone.  Below is a list of enhancements:

                        • The graph is now interactive. When you hover the cursor on the graph, you'll get a readout of the value under the cursor.
                        • If your workout contains cadence data, you can now create a cadence graph.
                        • The splits graph now has several more y-axis values.

                        The layout has completely changed.  It should retain all existing functionality except for previous/next workout links.  It might be tucked away in a menu somewhere.  Please look around and explore.  The previous/next workout links will be restored in the next release.  It depends on a major database change, which has not been tested yet so it's left out of this release.

                        Enhanced Import

                        If you manually import your data files, you can now select the same options that are available for the GPS import.

                        Summary Page Lock down

                        Many of you reported that you accidentally delete widgets from the summary page, especially when you're on your touch based devices.  The widget controls are now hidden by default.  You need to click the "Edit Layout" button to enable editing.

                        Run Spots

                        I've been meaning to create something like this for years.  I finally found some time to work on it..  Under the resource section of the site, there's a new page call Run Spots.  It is a composite map of some of the routes that you created.  The map is not complete, and will require some additional clean up.  If you are ever in a new city, it might help you find a good place to run.


                        If you find a bug, please start a new thread so that it would be easier for me to track.  Thanks!


                        eric Smile


                        I want to respectfully and kindly register my dislike of this new workout view.  I liked the splits/comments page better as the default.  I have a friend who doesn't upload GPS data at all yet logs his runs here and the map page is useless to him.  Can we get the option to specify which tab is default?



                        Nevermind!  I see this has already been addressed!

                        Prince of Fatness

                           I fixed it, just for you!


                          Is there a way to eliminate maps from the view for log entries where it doesn't make sense?  For all of my core work entries I need to scroll down past the map of Boston to see what exercises I did.


                          Or even better, if there is no mapping data for the lag entry regardless of type, suppress the map tab.

                          Not at it at all. 



                            I want to respectfully and kindly register my dislike of this new workout view.  I liked the splits/comments page better as the default.  I have a friend who doesn't upload GPS data at all yet logs his runs here and the map page is useless to him.  Can we get the option to specify which tab is default?



                            Nevermind!  I see this has already been addressed!



                            I hereby retract my retraction.

                            The default workout page, if and only if a run is generated via GPS/Upload, shows the splits/comments tab but if you hand-enter a run (that is you didn't use a GPS) or GC to upload run data) you get that blasted Boston map front and center as the default.  You should at least get your local map instead of Boston.


                            Consistently Slow

                              GPS upload load would not enter spilts.

                              TCX  upload will enter splits.

                              Run until the trail runs out.

                               SCHEDULE 2016--

                               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                              unsolicited chatter


                                I wanted to mention that some older runs did start showing up in RA yesterday. Not sure why Garmin Connect took this long to start sending them.


                                No big deal -- easy to delete from the Imported Workouts page

                                Lou, (aka Mr. predawnrunner), MD, USA | Lou's Brews | lking@pobox.com