User group basically disappeared (Read 163 times)

n a m

1stBrn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Unicrn

    Thanks Eric!

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


    Refurbished Hip

      Thank you, Eric!!

      Running is dumb.


        eric is the best!

        eric :)

          Don't thank the person that caused the problem in the first place Smile


            Thank you eric!



              Don't thank the person that caused the problem in the first place Smile


              Just think of all the improved productivity for the first few hours of the day!!

              Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

              remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                   ~ Sarah Kay


                You will accept my praise.  That is all.


                Connoisseur of Cookies

                  Thanks, Eric!



                  "C" is for cookie.  That's good enough for me.


                    Short version: log out and then log back in to fix the problem.


                    Long version: It looks like everyone was banned from their groups. I'm not sure how it happened although I'm sure it's related to something I did last night to get rid of the spam groups. I added the spammers' IPs to the ban list and that somehow cascaded to other users. I'll have to look into how this could even happen.


                    Apologies to all for the inconvenience.


                    eric Smile


                    Not all groups, just that one. And that was on iPad, it’s working on iPhone. Which was the opposite of how the other recent problem behaved. Go figure.



                    Are we there, yet?

                      Short version: log out and then log back in to fix the problem.


                      Long version: It looks like everyone was banned from their groups. I'm not sure how it happened although I'm sure it's related to something I did last night to get rid of the spam groups. I added the spammers' IPs to the ban list and that somehow cascaded to other users. I'll have to look into how this could even happen.


                      Apologies to all for the inconvenience.


                      eric Smile


                      Apparently not all groups.  I had no problems in the groups I frequent.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.







                        Truth. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.


                        Their secret stash of Lutefisk

                        5K  20:23  (Vdot 48.7)   9/9/17

                        10K  44:06  (Vdot 46.3)  3/11/17

                        HM 1:33:48 (Vdot 48.6) 11/11/17

                        FM 4:13:43 (Vdot 35.4) 3/4/18





                          Their secret stash of Lutefisk


                          Uff da, that's a Norske "delicacy"  (this Scandinavian won't touch it!).

                          Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                          remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                               ~ Sarah Kay
