2017 Sub 3 Marathons...and beyond! (Read 403 times)


    Flash - You can't do a race and not give the result - did your team win the 6-man division?


      Haha. Official race results haven't been posted yet. I will let you know. Last year we ran with the same 6 guys and finished in 32:12. Despite the race being longer, we improved to 29:23. Last year that would have put us in first place in the Ultra division of the Outback in the Ozarks, but I believe that one team may have beat us this year. I'll keep you updated!



        I also am very low tech, and only run with a stop watch, but hopefully I can find a group of people trying to break 3 hours to go with.


        If you're looking to run on the razor's edge of 3 hours, I think a stop watch is better than gps.  I like tracking total time and lap time at each manual split.  You can kind of keep track of where you are off of 6:52/mile, adding the +/- seconds difference up.  Then know where you should be at markers like 10 and 20 miles to reset.


        Of course I say this, but it was fuzzy math that led me to run a 3:00:06 in 2015 (I thought I needed a 6:50 last mile when I only needed a 7:10.  I knew 6:50 wasn't happening, and had settled in at a manageable 7:20 pace, only to learn of my mistake when I saw the clock 100m away).

        Upcoming races: Boston


          Andres - I discovered yesterday that a former work colleague had fallen into a similar trap.  He was aiming for sub-3, and ended up running exactly 3:00:00.  Brutal.


          Randomly struck up a discussion with someone at the gym this morning who pointed out that Auckland counts as a Boston qualifier (it is an AIMS certified course).  Which would mean I have a decent BQ for 2019.  The focus for the next little while will be the Auckland HM Series and in particular the Waterfront HM on April 8 (which is dead flat and a potential PR course if the wind isn't an issue)... but running something like Boston is one of two things that might drag me out of marathon retirement (the other being my daughter wanting to do one which is at least 20 years away!).

          3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

          10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

          * Net downhill course

          Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

          Up next: Still working on that...



          RIP Milkman

            Andres - That's a hell of a half after a 5K the day before! I'm very impressed


            Swim - That is absolutely devastating news given your cycle.


            Iam - Hell of a cycle, and honestly quite aggressive with just a 2 week taper. I'm hoping it turns into an amazing race day result!


            Weather - Great 5K! Can't wait to see what you get in the half


            JT - Where are you getting your 5K workouts from? I'm going to focus on it next spring and already thinking about what some good workouts would be.


            Mark - Hope you're healing up well, I couldn't walk for days after my first full.


            Paul - 5 miles at T pace doesn't even make sense to me. You'd have to run 4 minute miles to keep that at 20 minutes or less. Not sure why that's in the plan, even 4 miles is a lot for us non-elites.


            Flash - 5:24 for a 4x2 workout is unreal. You have some great fitness.


            Fly - I'm running that 5K the day before with my wife as my final run. Probably looking at 9:00 pace for pure recovery, but it's a fun event to do so that she can experience the marathon in a small way as well after supporting me through this training.


            Me - As Fly mentioned, weather forecast is a bit unsteady at the moment. Keeps changing from clouds to showers. HOWEVER, we are going to be VERY lucky temperature wise. Friday is going up to 71 (in November, are you kidding me?) but it looks like race day will be in themid 50's, dew points in the 40's, and clouds/light rain. I actually like the idea of light rain during the race, but it sucks for a) crowd support and b) sitting in the start village. Unless something drastically changes, this is definitely weather that means going for the A goal.


            Here's my second to last taper week. Ankle started randomly bothering me this week, but it doesn't hurt when I run. I'll just chalk it up to standard taper nonsense. Otherwise, easy run pace has crept faster at the same effort level, so that's a good sign. We'll see how the legs do with the light training this week.


            Day Miles Description
            Mon -  
            Tue 8.5 Easy plus strides
            Wed 6.0 Easy
            Thu 11.0 3E + 1T + 2M + 1T + 2M + 2E
            Fri -  
            Sat 7.5 Easy plus strides
            Sun 12.0 MLR
            Total 45.0 Rolling 12 Week Average: 52.5

            5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




            Mmmm Bop

              Swim - Really sorry to hear about the injury, but if you’ll only be out for 10/12 days then it seems crazy that you won’t be racing a marathon until Philly next year??? Keep your options open and maybe look at a Dec or early Spring marathon and just get more racing experience at that distance without worrying about time.


              Andres - Wow, I’m very impressed with the Sub18/1:22 combo. Great stuff!


              IAM - Another huge week and good luck with the 5k! You seem to be the most clued up runner on here. 


              Weatherboy - Excellent 5k time on a 76 mile week!


              JT - Good luck with the Sub18 5k attempt next weekend! I think it’s looking good.


              DT2 - Congrats on the Sub3 and 2nd place Masters!


              Paul - 66 miles in 5 days is good, and you still have another 6 weeks of training. You are the last race of the year and we won’t abandon you. 

              Flash - 103 miles at an average pace of 6:45 is...pretty good!


              Fly - Nice week, but don’t be obsessing or worrying about the weather at 6 days out!

              5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


                JMac - I seem to have pulled up pretty well so far.  Very tight and stiff yesterday but much improved today.  I'll try a light jog tomorrow and then maybe a couple more light runs this week, before gradually building into training again from next week.  Next up is the Omaha HM on 10 Dec and I'd like to hit a sub-1:20 there, it's a flat course (albeit with a couple of slow sections) so as long as the weather isn't too warm I should be able to beat my time from last year (1:20:41 off a very mixed build-up that included one slightly disastrous HM two weeks prior).


                Keeping the fingers crossed for the weather for you - those temps sound near-perfect.  Let us know when you've got a bib number for tracking (we'll probably be asleep here in NZ when you're running, though).


                Incidentally I've certainly pulled up better than this guy who ran 24km with no shoes (and still did 2:53!).  I saw him not long before the turnaround and thought he was crazy.

                3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                * Net downhill course

                Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                Up next: Still working on that...

                "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                  JT - Where are you getting your 5K workouts from? I'm going to focus on it next spring and already thinking about what some good workouts would be.


                  JMac: I am just making things up as I go and not following any plan. Though I do want to break 18, I am not that ambitious about the 5k to get into a long/specific plan for it. So I'm just playing around with some track workouts. I'm already starting to get antsy to get back into marathon training!

                  2:52:16 (2018)


                    It is going to take a while to learn all the folks on here...


                    Marky - Congrats on the sub-3 debut!


                    Swim - Sorry man. That really sucks. Here is to a quick recovery.


                    iam - You are riding that thin red line. Hope you and your coach keep it on the right side.


                    Dtothe2nd - Congrats on the big PR!


                    flash - Another great looking week. Be careful over the next few weeks since you are a little bit in uncharted waters. You are better off leaving a little on the table than pushing too far.


                    Weekly Summary
                    Monday, Oct 23, 2017 thru Sunday, Oct 29, 2017

                    <tfoot> </tfoot>
                    Day Miles Pace Description HR Egain Link
                    Mon 17.1 3:10 Loopy loops 137 (73%) 373 strava
                    Tue 17.2 3:24 Shadows are growing 125 (66%) 367 strava
                    Thu 1.0 7:58 Shall we begin? 130 (69%) 13 strava
                    Sat 1.2 8:05 Easy run w/ my sister (who now lives in Nashville!) 119 (63%) 13 strava
                    Sat 1.0 3:57 Chilly Ride - part 1 119 (63%) 34 strava
                    Sat 25.3 3:14 Chilly Ride - part 2 139 (74%) 646 strava
                    Sun 17.7 2:53 Short, hard ride 146 (78%) 328 strava
                      80.5 3:19     1774  



                    There are a couple of short runs in there!  It will be a very slow build to allow the skeletal system (my heel!) time to adapt. Feeling good so far. Will supplement with cycling for fitness.


                    RIP Milkman

                      Mark - I'm asking this just out of pure love of the sport and to learn more, not to start anything! With that being said, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on easy pace given we had a nice little chat about it in this thread over in the old place. I believe you had talked about how this (running generally 6:30 to 6:45 pace) had worked for you (which it obviously has) and that your coach was okay with it, but have you or him/her thought about it now that we know your easy pace runs are faster than your marathon pace? I'm asking because I struggle with easy pace too, especially now in the taper where my legs feel really fresh and I'm starting to push to MP+30 or faster. If you are still happy with it, what is the logic behind it, and how would you handle a LR with MP segments?

                      5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                        Mikkey - I have no control over the weather, so I never sweat about it. Although, I'm told it looks really good now, but that will likely change.


                        JMac11 - re: training/easy paces - my former coach once told me that Deena's easy pace was much faster than Ryan Hall's easy pace. He trained with both out at Mammoth for several years. It's very individual, there was a local legend in the 80's around here that ran sub-6 pace on every single run. His name was Norm Green. The result? How about a 2:25 marathon at age 52, and a 2:27 at 55! Every single mile sub-6 in training. Here's an article about him...




                        Also, some good threads about his training and sample workouts out there on LRC. People in their 20's (more than half his age) have tried to duplicate his training, and they are pretty much destroyed and can't continue after about a week.



                        All - Happy Halloween to those that celebrate it. I need to get rid of the tons of candy my kids will bring home, so I don't get tempted!


                        PR's - 5K - 17:57 (2017) | 10K - 38:06 (2016)  | 13.1 1:23:55 (2019)  | 26.2  2:58:46 (2017)

                        2020 Goals - Sub-2:55 Marathon                       Up Next: TBD, Boston on 9/14?



                          Mark - I'm asking this just out of pure love of the sport and to learn more, not to start anything! With that being said, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on easy pace given we had a nice little chat about it in this thread over in the old place. I believe you had talked about how this (running generally 6:30 to 6:45 pace) had worked for you (which it obviously has) and that your coach was okay with it, but have you or him/her thought about it now that we know your easy pace runs are faster than your marathon pace? I'm asking because I struggle with easy pace too, especially now in the taper where my legs feel really fresh and I'm starting to push to MP+30 or faster. If you are still happy with it, what is the logic behind it, and how would you handle a LR with MP segments?


                          Fair question and a few thoughts on this after the marathon cycle (my "actual" MP ended up being 4:11/km - 6:45/mile):

                          • I'd tended in the past to run easy runs at circa 4:15-4:20/km (call it 6:50/mile).  This was always HR/effort based aiming for the upper end of HR zone 1 / maybe lower zone 2.  This off maybe 60km/week (40 mi).  So basically MP or a little slower.
                          • Over the last couple of months, my easy pace was probably more like 4:30/km (7:15/mile) - my long runs (without MP sections) and recovery runs were all around this mark - with a similar HR/effort level.  Incidentally my slowest couple of km's in the marathon when I was really battling were around this pace.  So, definitely slower than MP, but not a lot slower.  My coach seemed to think easy run pace was OK based on effort and training stress balance (I think I did one at 4:15/km and she told me to slow down a bit).
                          • In hindsight, the increased mileage (75-90km/week i.e. 50-60mi) was forcing me to run the easy stuff slower.  There was definitely some fatigue creeping into the legs - this was not something I had to deal with previously.  If I was to increase mileage further, I would certainly slow down more.  In hindsight I have gotten away with fast-ish easy runs in the past (based on perceived effort) because my legs have pretty much always been fresh due to lower mileage and only running 4-5 days/week.  The day before the race I ran 7km at 4:23/km and was doing my absolute best to go as easy as humanly possible - average HR of 141 was close to an all-time low for me on a run- so I guess this shows the impact fresh legs can have.
                          • I think natural cadence plays a big part.  Even my slowest recovery runs are generally not below 180spm.  Going any slower feels like I would do something weird to my technique and potentially injure myself.

                          Incidentally I did an easy 7km run this morning, my first after the marathon... 4:39/km - 7:30/mile!  Mostly I was just taking it very gently on the legs as the effort felt very easy.  Still a little tight in places but they still seem to work OK.



                          So, when all is said and done:

                          • I still think running to effort/HR is the right approach for me, rather than pace, with a focus on 80% of mileage being in Z2 or below.
                          • This means LR/easy pace will be variable based on relative fatigue (and weather conditions)
                          • For LR's with MP in future, I would probably not change much.  I was tending to run big MP blocks (10-18km) towards the tail end of the run on relatively flat areas.  But important to adjust that based on feel/fatigue - I had one LR where I felt crap the whole run so just avoided any MP section
                          • There are obviously a small minority of runners around like this.  Thanks Fly for the Norm Green example.  There are a few local guys too, definitely a minority of runners but enough to suggest to me that I'm not a totally weird exception! 
                          • The reality is that any training programme has to incorporate the right balance of slow and fast, and I guess for some people (me) the gap between slow and fast is narrower than for others (although it does widen with fatigue).  

                          Finally all of this probably also has to be considered in light of the fact that the longer distances are also not my natural running 'home' if you look at AG percentiles from my PRs - my best is actually 79th percentile which was the 3000m I did off no specific prep in the middle of marathon training, whereas my FM is 71 (albeit with mileage on the low side for marathoners).

                          3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                          10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                          * Net downhill course

                          Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                          Up next: Still working on that...

                          "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                            flyrunnr- Thanks for volunteering.  I've run the race 5 of the last 6 years, but the one time I didn't I volunteered, and I enjoyed it.  Ever since I volunteered, I've become more courteous as a runner thanking the volunteers... at least at the earlier stops.


                            My 10K was Phoenixville last weekend.  Beautiful weather, well organized, and it always gets out speedy runners.  The course has a couple pretty bad hills, but a lot of flat places too.  It had been more interesting (running more through the town) but they changed it last year.


                            Andres- Brutal!  That's not encouraging!  I'm so low tech I don't even reset watch each mile, and while I"m good at math, calculating 6:52s or whatever might get difficult later on.  But I'll figure it out.  I'm not sure if 3hrs is really a realistic goal for me anyway.

                            5k- 18:55 (2018)    10K- 39:04 (2017)    Marathon- 3:00:10 (2018)



                              My 10K was Phoenixville last weekend.  Beautiful weather, well organized, and it always gets out speedy runners.  The course has a couple pretty bad hills, but a lot of flat places too.  It had been more interesting (running more through the town) but they changed it last year.


                              Ok, nice job -- I thought it was possibly the Philly 10K which I'm told is flat and fast, you may shaved another minute or two off in Philly.


                              I'm over in Skippack, so not far from Phoenixville, in fact, I used to run some of the 'All Kinds of Fast' folks in town, but I'm closer to the North Wales Running Company folks and run there more frequently. We're getting quite a crew here running Philly, I'll be excited for that, plus I have about a dozen local friends running it. We should be heading to Tir Na Nog after the race for food and beverages.


                              PR's - 5K - 17:57 (2017) | 10K - 38:06 (2016)  | 13.1 1:23:55 (2019)  | 26.2  2:58:46 (2017)

                              2020 Goals - Sub-2:55 Marathon                       Up Next: TBD, Boston on 9/14?



                              Mmmm Bop

                                Mark - I'm asking this just out of pure love of the sport and to learn more, not to start anything! With that being said, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on easy pace given we had a nice little chat about it in this thread over in the old place. I believe you had talked about how this (running generally 6:30 to 6:45 pace) had worked for you (which it obviously has) and that your coach was okay with it, but have you or him/her thought about it now that we know your easy pace runs are faster than your marathon pace? I'm asking because I struggle with easy pace too, especially now in the taper where my legs feel really fresh and I'm starting to push to MP+30 or faster. If you are still happy with it, what is the logic behind it, and how would you handle a LR with MP segments?


                                Just thought I’d chime in and say that easy runs should obviously be run at easy effort. From my experience the easy pace slows down naturally when bumping up the mileage and that’s fine. If I’m running 80+mpw then most of my easy/recovery runs end up being between 8/9min miles.


                                A 1:20 Half marathoner on say 45mpw is going to find it very difficult to break 2:50 regardless of what pace they train at because it’s not enough miles to hit their potential at that distance. It doesn’t mean they aren’t good at marathons. I also think some easy ‘time on feet’ long runs (for the duration of your goal time) are good....eg, 22 miles at 8 pace for 2:56.


                                Slingrunner - If your race has 5k markers then that might be easier to use for pacing. Run every 5k in 21:15 and you’ll go Sub 3. 

                                5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)