Pixelmator (Read 1393 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey


    Are you a Dr.?


    Look at his profile. He's a fashion model.

    I ran a mile and I liked it, liked it, liked it.


    Lazy idiot

      I like this, but am too lazy to search the site.  May be a dumb question, but here it goes.  Is there a way to change the focus of a picture?  For example, I have one pic where I got a really good bird shot, but the branches seem to be the focus (it was a quick snap, no time to adjust camera for it).  Is there a way to make the bird stand out?  The bird isn't distinctly different in colour from the branches, except a little yellow on his front.  

      MTA: increasing contrast makes it worse.


      This is possible, yes (so long as the bird is also currently in focus).


      I'm no GIMP expert, but you're going to want to research layers, layer masks, and some sort of blurring action.  Create another layer of the picture, use one of the blurring actions that looks good to you, then mask out the portion of that layer with the bird in it (so you don't blur the bird, too). 


      that's an overly simple explanation.  Rolf's lessons are 15-25 minutes long for a few concepts, but really the only way to "learn" how to do this stuff is to have someone teach you and then actually do it.  if you like the process of manipulating your photos, learning what you're doing and then doing it can be rewarding.  If you don't like the process, it may be easier/faster to get someone to do it for you.

      Tick tock


        This is possible, yes (so long as the bird is also currently in focus).


        I'm no GIMP expert, but you're going to want to research layers, layer masks, and some sort of blurring action.  Create another layer of the picture, use one of the blurring actions that looks good to you, then mask out the portion of that layer with the bird in it (so you don't blur the bird, too). 


        that's an overly simple explanation.  Rolf's lessons are 15-25 minutes long for a few concepts, but really the only way to "learn" how to do this stuff is to have someone teach you and then actually do it.  if you like the process of manipulating your photos, learning what you're doing and then doing it can be rewarding.  If you don't like the process, it may be easier/faster to get someone to do it for you.

        Thanks.  I do generally take time to learn how to edit my photos, but lately my life has been even more hectic than usual, so my photo editing time has gone down the drain.  Hopefully next week I will have some free time...key word, hopefully!

        Sulphur Springs 50km-- Ancaster, ON-- May 28, 2022

        Tally in the Valley 12 hours-- Dundas, ON -- July 30, 2022 (Support SickKids Toronto)

        Stokely Creek-- 56km-- Sault Ste. Marie, ON-- Sept. 24, 2022




          Are you a Dr.?

           His initials are drrb


          and he may someday be drdrrb


          Runners run


          Good Bad & The Monkey



            My toddler makes that sounds sometimes.  Then he laughs.
