"In GPS We Trust" (Read 2287 times)

Lazy idiot

     Waddling 5 days a week until I can get all of the baby weight off.


    How many did you eat?

    Tick tock


    I've got a fever...

      How many did you eat?

       220...221...whatever it takes.

      On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

      Feeling the growl again

        This has probably been covered, but especially for those of us who are still getting faster (which is, well, hopefully most of us), the GPS can be a hindrance, or artificial limiter of performance because we don't know what we are capable of (because we've never done it). 


        But I won't be running a goal marathon without one. 


        I can't say I have ever toed the line for a marathon for which I felt prepared to put in a good effort, and not been aggressive.  That said, this is also the reason my PR could be 3-4 minutes faster had I run 2-3 of those races more conservatively than trying for the 4-7  minutes faster I felt was perhaps possible if the stars had aligned on those days.


        I always watched my splits during my breakout marathon performances.  I even wore pace bands (ack) in a couple.  The difference was rather than looking at the splits when I started clicking them off faster than planned and saying "holy crap I'd better slow down to plan", I had the mental discipline to say "this still feels great, I can't believe I'm doing this much better than plan", and disregard the plan and just race. 


        Use the indicators, but don't be a slave to them.

        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills



        not bad for mile 25

          I think I've posted more words in this thread than miles run in March.


          Start a More Miles Than Words group.

          L Train

            My GPS says I haven't run much this week so I'm thinking of replacing it with a newer model.  On the upside it's given me more time for obsessing about whether to be conservative or aggressive at my upcoming race. 



              SRL gets a shot every week.


              No, not really.  I get a shot at something every week... but not the same "something" that most people want to get out of their experience.  I only try to do that sometimes.



                my experience is a bit tainted.


                Aim higher.










                not bad for mile 25

                  No, not really.  I get a shot at something every week... but not the same "something" that most people want to get out of their experience.  I only try to do that sometimes.


                  I realize that.  Just a bit of awe at what you do when not posting here.


                  not bad for mile 25

                    Aim higher.









                    Spotted the other day at my workplace.


                      Then again I have crashed in so many marathons that maybe my experience is a bit tainted.


                      Ted Brown: Doctor, what happened to me? 

                      Doctor: Well, you were in a grisly car wreck, Mr. Berawn. But somehow after 10 hours of surgery, you're alive. 

                      Ted Brown: Thank you, doctor. 

                      Doctor: Unfortunately, there is some bad news. And I want you to brace yourself Mr. Berone. In order to save your life I was forced to remove your taint. 

                      Ted Brown: What?! 

                      Doctor: You had suffered massive trauma to your taint. We did all we could but in the end we were forced to remove it. Your taint. That is. 

                      Ted Brown: What the hell is a taint? 

                      Doctor: A taint, sir is the area between your rectum and your genitals. It ain't your "uum" and it ain't your "aah". So it's a taint. 

                      Ted Brown: Wait a minute. Are you talking about my fleshy fun bridge? 

                      Doctor: You know, I haven't heard that term since my second year of medical school but yes. That's exactly what I'm talking about. 

                        ... my experience is a bit tainted.

                         Better than the converse.


                        Or maybe not.

                        "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                        -- Dick LeBeau


                        Options,Account, Forums

                          My GPS says I haven't run much this week so I'm thinking of replacing it with a newer model.  ..



                          It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.


                            very frequently there are stories on this very board of people who forgot their gps in the car, or the battery died as soon as they turned it on or whatever and so they were left to run the race "freestyle" and they wound up running a big 10k pr or some such. 


                            You mean you as in bhearn, right?




                            So... funny thing. Yesterday I ran that same 10K again. I ran my PR there two years ago (38:44), with a broken Garmin. Scared the hell out of me.


                            This year, I ran a 0:32 half PR four weeks ago (again, same course as two years ago), so I should be able to run ~38:30, right? Well, that's what I paced for. With my Garmin. I ran 38:55.


                            And here's the thing. I can point to exactly how the Garmin hurt me. I expected that the mile markers would be wonky (guy with a watch told me M1 came way too fast last time), so I decided to pace strictly by Garmin, and not by mile-marker "ground truth". I left auto-lap on. Because Garmins tend to read a bit long, and my nominal pace should be 6:12, I tried to keep the Garmin at 6:10. And... every mile, the Garmin beep preceded the mile marker by an increasing amount. Too much. Or so I thought. But who knows??? The markers could be anywhere. The point is, it seemed very likely that the markers were accurate this year, and I was falling behind. And holding 6:10 by Garmin was HARD. When you think your goal is out of reach it's very demotivating. I held 6:10 the first four miles. Last two were about 6:18 and 6:28.


                            Would I have fared better without the Garmin? I don't know, but I wouldn't have had that extra little voice telling me I'd already failed.


                            That said... there are other reasons I ran slower this year.


                            (1) The last two miles were into a stiff headwind.

                            (2) Since that half PR, I've missed about two weeks due to a knee injury, and definitely lost some fitness (and just as importantly, perhaps, some confidence).


                            But I definitely have some food for thought now. I'm not so sure I want to keep running short races by Garmin.


                              ... Mikey, no comment? No gloat?

                              Prince of Fatness

                                But I definitely have some food for thought now. I'm not so sure I want to keep running short races by Garmin.


                                I think that it depends on your personality.  I stopped wearing any kind of watch (never wore a Garmin in a race, my head would spin) in races and it has helped me.  I think that it is because I am conservative, and would let the watch tell me that I was going too fast.  I don't know.  But whatever it was, the first two races without a watch were PR's.


                                Maybe for something like a marathon I may use a watch.  I don't know.  But from the half marathon on in I won't.

                                Not at it at all.