ultimate runner's test...... (Read 4097 times)


    You two done with the lovers' quarrel now?

    Lazy idiot

      Sweet, I had page 38 in the pool. The thread can die now. I will share the earnings with the Overlord who put us over the top. High-five, Scout!

      Tick tock


        Hell yeah. WHAT NOW, BITCHES?

          Some of us had page 40 in the pool and much like Jason from Friday the 13th will not let this monumental crap sandwich of a thread die so you two can go off and drink beer and be merry. So soup for you Drew.

          "He conquers who endures" - Persius
          "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



            Hi Carmelrunner! How's your pudding? Wink


            Runners run

            Roses Revenge

              Pool? There's a pool? Can someone explain how swimming laps will make us faster runners?

              Marathon Maniac #991 Half Fanatic #58 Double Agent #22  It's a perfect day and I feel great!


              Self anointed title

                I heard someone was dissin' the black puddin'? This from the country that sells "cheese in a can".



                Lazy idiot

                  Pool? There's a pool? Can someone explain how swimming laps will make us faster runners?
                  I'm too strong on my right side, so I don't swim laps... just circles. (sorry, Scout... I'll send you what we would have won. Check's in the mail, dude)

                  Tick tock


                    Dude, I had 45 pages, so I'm all for pushing this sumbitch right along. But I will gladly cash whatever checks you send my way, faithful henchman.

                    Why is it sideways?

                      You all are doing this just to taunt me aren't you.

                        You all are doing this just to taunt me aren't you.
                        No, it's not about you. It's clearly about me. Isn't it? Besides, your mustache tickles.


                        Lazy idiot

                          You all are doing this just to taunt me aren't you.
                          No, this is to taunt you... TATOO.

                          Tick tock

                          Why is it sideways?

                            Rule #1 of the internet: it's all about me. Rule #2: If you disagree with Rule #1 I will flame the living bejeezus out of you.

                            Lazy idiot

                              But I will gladly cash whatever checks you send my way, faithful henchman.
                              Sure. If you don't mind holding on to that until like... next Monday or something... that'd be great.

                              Tick tock

                              Why is it sideways?

                                No, this is to taunt you... TATOO.
                                You do realize this is only feeding my HATE. Which will of course be translated into SPEED through the maneuvers of my MENTALITY which is always greater and more agile than my PHYSICALITY.