Bonkin's Cowtown Marathon Report (Read 686 times)

    Congratulations! Great race and report. Your splits are really impressive, especially considering that the second half was much hillier. In fact, in the clydsdale division (I finished 7th) you were the closest to an even split. In the open division I only found 1 person in the men's top 25 that ran a negative split. You started behind me and finished about 3 minutes ahead of me. Considering where you started and the splits, you probably passed me around halfway. Halfway is when I saw the leader heading back. After seeing your picture I want to say I remember you passing me but I'm not sure. Good job, see you at El Scorcho.
      Not signed up yet. But now that I'm back running *knock on wood* I hope to be by the end of the month (signed up that is)

      Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

        Thanks, Streetch and congrats on your sub-4! With those hills at the end I'm surprised anyone negative split. Looking forward to meeting you and the others at El Scorcho. You running anything else between now and then? I'm signed up for the Grasslands Trail Marathon next month (only doing the half) - thinking about the North Trail Half in May if they have it again - no sign of it on their website yet though.

        When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

          Not signed up yet. But now that I'm back running *knock on wood* I hope to be by the end of the month (signed up that is)
          Awesome, Pam!

          When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

          Another Passion

            Congratulations, Mike! I've kept tabs on your running since I've been haunting RA last summer and you've definitely been one of my inspirations. You just keep plugging away, continue to challenge yourself and raise the bar, and faithfully follow your training programs and, it has paid off big time! Way to go on the awesome race and PR!

            "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
            "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby


              You are da bomb. Way to go. And with pictures, too.

              E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

                Thanks, Streetch and congrats on your sub-4! With those hills at the end I'm surprised anyone negative split. Looking forward to meeting you and the others at El Scorcho. You running anything else between now and then? I'm signed up for the Grasslands Trail Marathon next month (only doing the half) - thinking about the North Trail Half in May if they have it again - no sign of it on their website yet though.
                Thanks. I'm signed up to run the Big D marathon on April 6. I ran the half last year. I ran the North Trail Half last year. In fact, the N. Trail Half was my half PR until a few weeks ago. Starting spot is important, the trail narrows up and it gets crowded. I did a good bit of passing in the grass during the first coulpe miles. It was also the first time I saw that many purple shirts, a lot of Team in Training participants and supporters. AND Thruston races tend to be less expensive. If it works out on the schedule I'll be there again, maybe we'll meet before El Scorcho.
                  Thanks so much Rich and JK - sorry I don't have more pictures. Maybe I need to invest in a helmet cam like Did. Streeetch - I was seriously considering Big D - but I don't think I want to run another marathon this soon. I may turn up for the half - we will see. Funny that you ran North Trail last year - I did too. I had no idea what Team in Training was at the time - and was surprised to see so many people in purple shirts - I felt like maybe I missed the "wear a purple shirt" email until I figured it out.

                  When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                  Why is it sideways?

                    Mike, I already congratulated you in the swamp, for the big marathon PR, but it blows my mind how far you've come in just a couple of years one year?! Incredible and totally inspiring.

                      Awesome job, Mike. Inspiring.

                      Runners run

                        Did you really taper with cigs the last 2 weeks? Tongue (Please don't tell me that was caca del toro.) Young impressionable marathoners (such as myself) might have to take up that part of their plan! Thanks for the pre-run-mini-lecture, upbeat email, and ride offer. Your enthusiasm for running definitely pushes me dude. modal (reducing his race report length)


                          well done! way to kick that doubt out of there. congrats.

                          2008 Goals: 10k < 44, HM < 1:40, learn to use my Garmin


                            Mike, I am so proud of you! You really are an inspiration. I really enjoyed following your progress, and am looking forward to seeing where you go next. Congratulations!
                              Thanks again, everyone. Much appreciated!

                              When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                                Did you really taper with cigs the last 2 weeks? Tongue (Please don't tell me that was caca del toro.) Young impressionable marathoners (such as myself) might have to take up that part of their plan! Thanks for the pre-run-mini-lecture, upbeat email, and ride offer. Your enthusiasm for running definitely pushes me dude. modal (reducing his race report length)
                                We discussed this. No bullshit. Don't try it. It won't help you. You're welcome. Anytime - sorry I couldn't wait on you and Marshall for you to finish - I had my son's birthday party to organize so we left right after I finished. In a way - I got to have my cake and eat it too. Thanks! Its a community thing though - we all push each other! Don't shorten the report - post it. Speaking of enthusiasm. You've got a ton of races planned. If you have room - you should run Grasslands on March 22nd. Several friends from work and I are doing the half as a fun run. Make sure to wear shoes that you do not care if they get muddy. You will fit right in with the pace, too.

                                When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?
