Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 575 times)


    RP - Great news about the tests! Can't remember if you mentioned this before, or if other people have told you this, but in my experience, lying about anything in the past is much worse than the actual crime.

    5k: 20:32 (1/17)  |  HM: 1:34:37 (2/18)  |  FM: 3:31:37 (3/18)


    Getting back into it


    Overweight per CDC BMI

      Garmin Race Predictor - has anyone noticed any recent changes to their times in the race predictor? For the first year of my Forerunner 255, the times were always too slow so I really didn't pay attention to it. Starting about two months ago, the 5k times gradually improved to be very close to my 5k PR and only a minute slower than my 10k PR. I assumed my Half and Full predictions were off quite a bit because my mileage isn't that high but they were at least showing improvement the past ~4 months.


      2 weeks ago, my predicted time for the 5k suddenly went from 20:40 to 22:25 in a single day. 10k went from 44:44 to 47:42. Nothing changed with my running, my VO2 max, or my training status. While all the other Physiological Measurements that come with the watch have the caveat that they are not 100% accurate, they are at least close enough and consistent enough to know how to interpret them. I just cannot understand why they would offer this feature knowing all their customers disregard it because it is so far away from reality.

      Memphis / 38 male

      5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10

      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Andy, my Garmin stats took a nosedive in October.  It has always been wildly optimistic. We talked about this a bit on the Waltons. If it's using wrist heart rate, that can be very inaccurate if your hands are cold. In my case, when the stats dropped, I was getting crazy high heart rate readings on easy runs, which i guess made garmin think i was out of shape. I tried a chest strap for a few weeks but quit due to the awful chafing.


        Cobra Commander Keen

          Garmin Race Predictor - has anyone noticed any recent changes to their times in the race predictor? For the first year of my Forerunner 255, the times were always too slow so I really didn't pay attention to it. Starting about two months ago, the 5k times gradually improved to be very close to my 5k PR and only a minute slower than my 10k PR. I assumed my Half and Full predictions were off quite a bit because my mileage isn't that high but they were at least showing improvement the past ~4 months.


          2 weeks ago, my predicted time for the 5k suddenly went from 20:40 to 22:25 in a single day. 10k went from 44:44 to 47:42. Nothing changed with my running, my VO2 max, or my training status. While all the other Physiological Measurements that come with the watch have the caveat that they are not 100% accurate, they are at least close enough and consistent enough to know how to interpret them. I just cannot understand why they would offer this feature knowing all their customers disregard it because it is so far away from reality.


          Did you get a firmware update on the watch?


          Used to mine was quite fast, but then early-ish in the year there was an update to mine that brought my predictions quite close to what I figured I could run for those distances. Then a few months later there was another that absolutely broke this and now the predictions are way too slow - as in it says I could a pace for 10k that I could actually run for a HM. I brought it up to Garmin (I typically load/provide feedback for beta firmware) but haven't gotten any indication that this will be "fixed".

          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


          Upcoming Races:


          August 31 - Brookhaven 5k

          October 13 - Prairie Fire Half

          November 2  - Crossroads Marathon



          Overweight per CDC BMI

             Did you get a firmware update on the watch?


            I am sure I did but I cannot tell exactly when it was installed, only that it is software version 17.26. The Garmin forums say this was pushed to the 255 watches end of November and the changes with the predicted race times started around December 9th. If it was from that update, it took at least a week to start affecting the predictions.


            I guess I will just go back to completely disregarding it since I know better than the watch of what times to expect. It would just be nice for this feature to be consistent so I can see when the watch thinks I am improving my fitness based on data.

            Memphis / 38 male

            5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10

            Running Problem

            Problem Child

              RP - Great news about the tests! Can't remember if you mentioned this before, or if other people have told you this, but in my experience, lying about anything in the past is much worse than the actual crime.


              Yeah I wouldn't like. Its more....being too honest. Sometimes it seems like limiting the honesty is the best thing. Too much information has caused problems.


              race predictor It told me I couldn't break 3 hours when I'd PR'd earlier this year. Garmin might not know how to predict a race, or pace one.

              Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

              VDOT 53.37 

              5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


              Part of TLC

                Race predictor - No recent changes. The predictions are still way too optimistic - 5K in 20:24, 10K in 42:19, HM in 1:33:41? Not even close. My guess would be 25:00, 55:00, 1:59:59 ...

                Don't hurry - next AG will start 2026

                Running Problem

                Problem Child

                  Race predictor - No recent changes. The predictions are still way too optimistic - 5K in 20:24, 10K in 42:19, HM in 1:33:41? Not even close. My guess would be 25:00, 55:00, 1:59:59 ...


                  Maybe you should try.

                  Many of us aren't sure what the hell point you are trying to make and no matter how we guess, it always seems to be something else. Which usually means a person is doing it on purpose.

                  VDOT 53.37 

                  5k18:xx | Marathon 2:55:22


                  Overweight per CDC BMI

                     race predictor It told me I couldn't break 3 hours when I'd PR'd earlier this year. Garmin might not know how to predict a race, or pace one.

                    That's because your watch listens to you like Alexa. It says "this guy talks about so much crazy shit that there's no way he can break 3 hours in the marathon"


                    Another strange thing that started recently is that my watch will alert me that I've had a demanding day and suggests that I do yoga. Why in the hell would I want to do yoga? My watch clearly doesn't know me at all!

                    Memphis / 38 male

                    5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10



                      JBlack- I can't emphasize it enough to not worry about pace at all.  Just run more!!  In fact, leave the watch at home (or covered) and just run for time.  If the marathon is your goal, miles and time on your feet will bring you the absolute most bang for your buck at first.  I know it's counter-intuitive and seems wrong but listen to the folks on here.


                      Mmerk started out worrying about pace and he listened to folks on here and put in the miles and low and behold he's CRUSHING the marathon now.  That combined with the fact that he's a very talented and motivated runner!!!


                      Thanks Fishy, I appreciate the compliment. Yeah jblack I can certainly attest to this, and I fought it a bit too at first. I think instead you might want to try shooting for a goal like, say 7 hours total per week, and let the mileage be whatever. It will increase naturally as you get faster. You don't HAVE to shoot for 7, that's just the minimum number of hours per week I like to see for myself when training. So time on the feet as well as consistently working on the other building blocks: Leg speed, VO2 max, and tempo/threshold work. We can help you out with how to structure that.


                      Flavio I forgot about that super hot race with the stairs. Hey, at least it's a good story. That's unfortunate the viruses got to you, but you will certainly be carrying plenty of fitness into 2024.


                      Thread Dictator: Fishy would certainly make a good one, I'm on board with that. I think this thread will still be fun and helpful with any of us running it. From his previous post, it seems like Commander wants to step down? I wanna throw darkwaves name out there. She seems to be able to contribute to most discussions, trains very consistently, and always keeps a cool head. Come to think of it, Fishy is pretty much the same way. I'm down for whatever.


                        I had an 8+ year old Garmin 220 that told me nothing but my pace and distance, which I was perfectly happy with. I’ve never used HR and don’t need a watch that judges me. I finally had to give up on it when the battery life cratered. I’ve been using a Garmin 55 now since the beginning of November. It’s one of their “entry level” models, but does all kinds of shit I don’t want or need. I know Garmin race time predictions are unreliable, but mine are truly bizarre. It gives me 22:41, 47:56, 1:49, 4:02. I get that I haven’t had the watch very long and it needs time to figure me out. But I’ve ACTUALLY run 19:37 and 40:55, while wearing THIS VERY WATCH. Plus a 3:50 marathon run at pacer effort. How could it could not take those times into account? 



                          Holy shit, are we all supposed to write a year in review report? And read everyone else’s? This thread is a job! 

                          You could have finished your year in review in the time you spent complaining 😂😂😂 I'm kidding of course, I just felt like writing one to showboat just how much extra time I have 😈


                          RP - Cool, I can't wait to hear the stories about RP the Policeman!


                          Andy - The race predictor is based on an average of recent runs so it's likely that that firmware update broke it. Not that it was right the first time anyway. Know this: Garmin software sucks donkeys

                          Also it's hilarious that it told you to do yoga hahaha, excellent. I have just disabled all that crap including the touch screen/step counter, all of it.


                          Part of TLC

                            Andy - The race predictor is based on an average of recent runs [...]


                            I think there has to be at least one other variable - my average pace these days is around 5:55 (per K!)*, up from 6:20 - 6:30* a few months ago, my YTD will be around 1000km, if the painful hematoma at the bottom of my left foot vanishes within the next few days. There's no way a sensible software would predict the above mentioned race times (no matter how hard I try, RP).



                            Don't hurry - next AG will start 2026


                            Mother of Cats


                              I wanna throw darkwaves name out there. She seems to be able to contribute to most discussions, trains very consistently, and always keeps a cool head. 


                              Thanks for the kind words!  A few points:


                              a) I've already served - I moderated what was then known as the 3:20 thread back in 2018.

                              b) I've always seen the thread dictator role as starting the new thread, maintaining the race chart, and calling people out if the thread gets too out of hand.  To that third point, my moderation style is very laissez-faire - where other people see idiocy and rudeness, I see free-flowing unfettered discussion.

                              c) due to other obligations, I'm mostly on this thread on weekends, so there would be a lag in updating the first page of the thread if I was thread dictator.


                              With all those caveats, I'll do it if we can't find anyone else.

                              Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                              And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                              Part of TLC

                                As a possible future participator in this thread I'd like to call for one or more volunteers for the role as thread leader. As much as I value darkwaves posts for insight, depth and ability to see topics from different angles, I think we all noticed that she has been posting less/less frequently since she started her new job. Time constraint seems to be a real issue now - so come on everybody, ponder the possibility to be a future leader here .

                                Don't hurry - next AG will start 2026