How long does it take to recover from ankle pain? (Read 565 times)


    I recently found out that my ankle pain was caused by the fact that my shoes were too loose. The pain in my ankle lasted probably four weeks. If I took yesterday and today off from running, would I be able to run on Monday without making my ankles worse?
      The pain in my ankle lasted probably four weeks. If I took yesterday and today off from running, would I be able to run on Monday without making my ankles worse?
      46: If I eat 2 cookies an hour after my dinner, would I be hungry by midnight? If your first reaction to this was "What the hell is he talking about?", then you should realize how silly YOUR question was. My answer is: If it doesn't hurt by Monday, you'll be ready to run without making them worse. I don't think ANYBODY would know but you; and you should NOT listen to anybody who might come back and give you a definite "yes" or "no" answer.