Sub 1:30 Half Marathon in 2020 (Read 618 times)

    Good work Steve, running is so much more enjoyable without niggles.

    55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

    " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

    Somewhere in between is about right "      



    Mother of Cats

      James - sorry about the cancellation. I hope the other one goes? I agree that one does not age 25 seconds per 1200 in 4 months.

      Watson - I hope you kick the bug. Any chance that it is THE BUG?

      Marky_Mark - very nice long run. 13 miles at marathon pace is a really good indicator, if you felt controlled.

      Piwikiwi - good week. Hope the achilles stays well.

      Steve - OOF on the dog. Did he actually get a bite of you?



      My cross-training extravaganza week (yay for the pool being open).


      21 miles, 5500 yards of swimming, 3:30 pool-running, and 30 minutes slow walking on treadmill.
      M: A test run of 12x30 seconds jog, 30 seconds walk (about half a mile), 1900 yards swimming, and streaming yoga. 30 minutes slow walking on treadmill in evening.
      T: Upperbody weights/core, a test run of 10x60 seconds jog, 30 seconds walk (about 1 mile), 50 minutes of pool-running, and streaming yoga.
      W: A test run of 8x2 minutes jog, 30 seconds walk (about 1.5 miles), 50 minutes pool-running, and streaming yoga.
      Th: 10x.5 mile jog, 30 second walk (5 miles total), 1800 yards of swimming, and streaming yoga.
      F: Upperbody weights, core, 55 minutes of pool-running and streaming yoga
      Sa: 7 miles easy (9:25) and 55 minutes of pool-running. Streaming yoga in afternoon.
      Su: 9 miles aerobic (was too hot to call "easy") (9:21), some leg rehab work, streaming yoga, 1800 yards of swimming.


      Hamstring is progressing adequately  - feels better every day than it did the day before.  But, I'm still a way from being able to run fast on it.  I am bummed about missing my road mile next weekend, but such is life.

      Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


      And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


      Hot Weather Complainer


        Steve - OOF on the dog. Did he actually get a bite of you?


        Yep.  There were 3 ladies walking across the path and it was very wet and muddy just off the path.  I had to step into the mud to get round them and the dog was on an extended lead.  It saw me and jumped out and nipped my calf.  Not a solid bite but enough to make me look down at it for the next few km to see if there was blood, and it did hurt for about 15 mins.  I uttered quite a loud expletive but didn't stop because I still had 20km to go.

        5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


        2024 Races:

        Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

        Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

        Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

        Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024



          Yep.  There were 3 ladies walking across the path and it was very wet and muddy just off the path.  I had to step into the mud to get round them and the dog was on an extended lead.  It saw me and jumped out and nipped my calf.  Not a solid bite but enough to make me look down at it for the next few km to see if there was blood, and it did hurt for about 15 mins.  I uttered quite a loud expletive but didn't stop because I still had 20km to go.


          I personally think this is pretty unforgivable on the part of the dog owner.  Sure, this seemed fortunately harmless this time but it could just as easily have been worse, or imagine if it had a go at a small kid?  I had an off-leash dog have a go at me a couple of months ago (in an area where dogs are strictly supposed to be on-leash) and I was furious.


          Anyway, good week, and hopefully next week has no dog attacks.


          Piwi - very solid week!


          Darkwave - IIRC walking backwards on the treadmill is quite good for the hamstrings.  I'm pretty sure my physio had me doing it for a bit when I was rehabbing my knee injury years ago.  It must be frustrating not being able to run fast but as least you have a lot of variety in your training.

          3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

          10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

          * Net downhill course

          Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

          Up next: Still working on that...



          Hot Weather Complainer


            I personally think this is pretty unforgivable on the part of the dog owner.  Sure, this seemed fortunately harmless this time but it could just as easily have been worse, or imagine if it had a go at a small kid?  I had an off-leash dog have a go at me a couple of months ago (in an area where dogs are strictly supposed to be on-leash) and I was furious.



            Yeah I was annoyed but I don't know what the dog owner could do, except keep it on a much tighter leash assuming she's aware that it likes to bite people.  A few years ago some big dogs had just arrived at a park I was running round and got very excited.  One of them was running straight at me so I kind of jumped to get out of the way but it hit me in the thigh and sent me flying.  I face planted on the concrete and had a bleeding nose and the owner comes over and says "I'm so're okay though aren't you, just a bit of a shock?" which did make me angry.  She offered to give me her details but I just decided to keep running and was probably quite rude to her.  Sure accidents happen, but coming over and telling me it was no big deal got me a bit wound up.  Getting knocked over like that hurts much more after an hour of running than normally.

            5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:34:49 6/23


            2024 Races:

            Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

            Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

            Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

            Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024


            3 months til Masters

              James-If you hit every workout then you are not training hard enough.  It just means that you are coming up on that red line...time to ease up just a tad and then prepare for another upswing.


              Watson-As a parent as health would be perfect if it wasn't for the darn kids getting me sick.  HAHAHAHA


              Mark-Awesome MP run.  I would suggest maybe adding in a little more KM on the easy days to keep building the endurance for the full marathon, but that is just my 2 cents.  Miles the last 10k can be brutal if your base isn't big enough.


              Piwi-Nice week.  Happy to see a group run in there.


              Steve-really looking forward to seeing how the half goes in a couple of weeks.




              DW-  Keep healing up.  I am somewhat tempted by the CIM because they have a great policy.  Pretty sure I'll run it one of the next 2 years if I can get in.  i got two college buddies who live there with their families both about 30-40 min away from the start.


              My week.  Still building back into the mileage.  This was the first week with 2 workouts since the marathon.  Workouts were really good.  The warm up and cool downs felt crappy, but when I started the work out itself they felt really good.  I think it is just getting used to speed again and changing gears. More cancellations....The only race left on the calendar in my marathon...everything has moved to virtual or canceled.



              M 13-Jul 9.03 1:11:27 0:07:55 Got just a couple of hours of sleep due to WIllow and Julian. Absolutely exhausted before my first step. Got out the door at 4:45 am. Ran with Hazel and just took it very slow. Nice for the temps to be a bit cooler in the 60's finally. Knee real stiff.
              Tu 14-Jul 10.05 1:07:02 0:06:40 6mi tempo @ 6:10-6:20/mi w/ 2mi w/u & 2mi c/d. Went pretty well. Felt pretty crappy going in. Very tired again and first mile of WU was super slow and stiff. (6:11.5, 6:12.0, 6:08.7, 6:10.5, 6:11.8 (had about a 15 sec stop at a stop light with traffic 3/4 the way through this mile), 6:06.7 ). To be honest, running at pace felt better than any of the warm up and cool down. I felt smooth and effortless on the tempo. As soon as I slowed down, I felt all out of joint, awkward, and like I was bouncing a lot. Some small cramps in left inside quad just above knee in the last mile of cool down.
              W 15-Jul 11.17 1:20:19 0:07:11 Ran Ford Hill then rolled Snelling, cruised passed Ashland House (no 5 am runs from the young) and cruised back on the river. Good loop. Hit striders in the last 1.25 miles. Felt comfortable and good.
              Th 16-Jul 9.02 1:07:04 0:07:26 Rolled with Hazel at 4:45 am. Temp was a cool 62. Striders in the last mile. Hazel does not understand changes in speed. Finally got a good nights sleep last night.
              F 17-Jul 10.56 1:11:06 0:06:44 4 x 1mi @ 5:40-5:50/mi w/ 0.5mi recovery + 2mi w/u & 2mi c/d Ran early at Minnehaha with Sam. Last time in the Grandma's build I averaged 5:50 miles. This time I ran much faster and under control. Tried to neg split each mile, but came up a little short in the last mile. (5:40.9/ 5:39.2 /5:37.1 /5:38.5) Sam started 100m behind me and then caught me by the end of the 2nd 800 jog and then was ahead by 200 m by the end of the workout. He is a 2:37 marathon guy, so I still have a ways to go.
              Sa 18-Jul 10.37 1:18:13 0:07:33 Got out late in the morning (4:58 am) to beat the heat. Ran Nokomis with a 2xloop around the lake. Got hit with a pretty decent downpour in the second loop. Saw a big tree section in the road from last nights storms.
              Su 19-Jul 15.01 1:40:24 0:06:41 15mi moderate (average in the 6:30-6:50/mi range) 78 and pretty humid by the end. Had a decent breeze and when running into the wind it felt ok but not much hiding from the sun. HR was pretty high from the heat and sun. Ranged from 6:34-6:50 on the miles. Averaged 6:41. Had to stop a few times for traffic. Should have stopped for some water before the second loop.

              2023 Goals

              Marathon Sub 2:37 (CIM) 2:41:18

              10k Sub 35:00 (Victory 10k 34:19)

              5k Sub 16:00 (Hot Dash 5k in March (16:48), Brian Kraft in May (16:20), Twilight 5000 in July and August (16:20/16:25 Both heat index 102-103F)

              Sub 1:16 Half Marathon  City of Lakes Half Marathon 1:15:47)

              Sub 56:30 in 10 mile (Twin Cities 10 mile, Canceled due to weather, 56:35 as a workout)


              2024 Goals

              Sub 2:37 Marathon

              Sub 1:15 Half

              Sub 34 10k

              Sub 16 5k: 16:21 BK5k (May)




                Dps - that is a very impressive week for "building back" week.


                Darkwave - New Zealand has zero known community transmission right now.  So I really, really hope it is not THE bug.

                PRs: 5km 18:43 (Dec 2015), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:26:16 (Sep 2016), full 3:09:28 (Jun 2015)


                40+ PRs: 5km 19:31 (Oct 2020), 10km 39:59 (Sep 2020), half 1:29:39 (Jun 2018), full 3:13:55 (Sep 2022)


                2023 PRs (hope to beat in 2024): 5km 20:34, 10km 41:37, half 1:32:32, full 3:21:05


                2024 PRs: 5km 20:25


                  DPS - good to see you cranking out the mileage again.  I hear you, but I'm just a little cautious of pushing my own mileage too high at the moment - this is only the second time I've ever logged consecutive 100km weeks, the body seems OK but that PTT niggle is still hanging around (albeit it seems to be moving slightly).  I'll have a slightly lighter week this week for recovery, but will then step it up again next week.  Still 10 weeks until the race, so there's time to safely build volume.


                  Watson - if you have that bug, I will be genuinely surprised!  The garden variety colds have certainly enjoyed a resurgence since lockdown ended (it is winter, after all).

                  3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                  10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                  * Net downhill course

                  Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                  Up next: Still working on that...

                  "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                  Not an 80%er

                    Kimba - LOL, I too feel like a diamond league runner in the first 100m of every race. It's funny we say that, cause when you watch these PRO races, a lot of the east African runners run like that and sometimes they hit break throughs.


                    Watson - awesome, over 60km, very good consistency from you lately.


                    Mark - like a swish watch! 21km at half marathon pace is looking very good, almost too much since you still have 10 weeks.

                    The Hansons elite runners cap their runs at 26.2km at marathon pace.


                    Piwi - woah boy, over 90km, what is this, a marathon build up?


                    Steve - Ugh, that’s one of my main pet peeves. I’m constantly called a coward and a wimp by my wife because I take absolutely no chances against dogs, I will often turn around 150m before, go around the square, turn a corner before etc.

                    Suffice to say I believe a cracked rib is a fair first time punishment for a dog owner who let their dog out of control.


                    Darkwave - good work on the comeback. It sucks you won’t get to race that mile, but hopefully you can get a redemption race in a few weeks.


                    me - Almost 50km, good progress this past week with the new coach. Some fitness tests to see where I'm at.

                    Weekly for period: From: 13/07/2020 To 19/07/2020

                    Date Name Distance
                    in km
                    Duration Avg Pace
                    per km
                    Elevation Gain
                    in m
                    13/07/2020 Borg RPE Test 6.55 00:31:07 04:45 25
                    14/07/2020 1 mile time trial 5:40.1 - partials 2:40 and 3:00 roughly 6.43 00:31:00 04:49 15
                    15/07/2020 Morning Run 5.86 00:29:57 05:07 21
                    16/07/2020 Morning Run 9.31 00:44:57 04:50 18
                    18/07/2020 30 min T - 4:03/km - 6:31/mi 11.57 00:59:42 05:10 36
                    19/07/2020 Morning Run 10.20 00:53:00 05:12 68

                    Total distance: 49.92km

                    PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

                    Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

                    Tool to generate Strava weekly


                    3 months til Masters

                      Flavio-great tempo on Saturday

                      2023 Goals

                      Marathon Sub 2:37 (CIM) 2:41:18

                      10k Sub 35:00 (Victory 10k 34:19)

                      5k Sub 16:00 (Hot Dash 5k in March (16:48), Brian Kraft in May (16:20), Twilight 5000 in July and August (16:20/16:25 Both heat index 102-103F)

                      Sub 1:16 Half Marathon  City of Lakes Half Marathon 1:15:47)

                      Sub 56:30 in 10 mile (Twin Cities 10 mile, Canceled due to weather, 56:35 as a workout)


                      2024 Goals

                      Sub 2:37 Marathon

                      Sub 1:15 Half

                      Sub 34 10k

                      Sub 16 5k: 16:21 BK5k (May)




                      RIP Milkman

                        James - sucks about the half, I can't believe they waited that long to cancel it.


                        Keen - hope you're staying safe in OK. We generally avoid politics on this board, but just gotta say your governor seems like one of the nuttiest governors out there.


                        Mark - great job on your MP work. Based upon my own experience, if I can get a 13-14 miler done at goal pace, I will hit that goal pace in the race. when you say you could have kept going, what exactly do you mean by that? For my MP runs, I always think "I could have gone another 2, maybe 3 miles, but then I would have to stop." If it felt like that, you did it perfectly. If you felt like you had more than 5K in you, then your goal pace is too easy. For CIM, I ran my last MP run of 14 miles in 5:58. My CIM pace? 5:58.


                        Piwi - feel like this has been your most consistent running in years, no?


                        Steve - how you feeling about your goal? Also when it comes to dog, I have a bit of bias: I always find small dogs to be way worse than big dogs. It could be a local thing, but the big dogs around here are WAY better behaved than the small dogs. I alwayss believed that's because you have to train a big dog, whereas a small dog you can get away with zero training. I will also say this as a dog owner: dog owners can be some of the most selfish people. And finally, I didn't know there were rude Kiwis. This is shocking to me.


                        DW - which road mile was running?


                        DPS - I'm fully prepped not to race this fall. I don't know that I can make it all of next spring without racing though.


                        Flavio - compared to your last coach, what would you say are the pros/cons?


                        Me - still all easy running. Have done about 50 miles the past 3 weeks in a row, which is the first time since March, so that's good. I did have a heat exhaustion moment though this Saturday on my 16 miler. I brought more liquid than I did for my last long run and felt a lot better around the 10 mile mark. However, once I got to 14, things got bad, and when I finished, I was cooked. This was 90 degree heat weather. At night, I couldn't eat and had a hard time breathing with a baby fever and chills, so I definitely had some heat exhaustion event. Still had trouble running yesterday so I cut it short. Today is going to be 97 degrees so have to be careful again. All of this is to say take the heat seriously! The risks of heat exhaustion are just not worth getting a few extra miles in.

                        5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 



                          Jmac that sounds nasty. Dehydration is horrible. I got a bit fit in 2016 when Mark and I did Taupo. I was in 1.24 shape then. I have done 3 x 5ks in the last 5 years all 18.30 and all off 8 weeks or less so I'm determined to shave something off that.


                          DP great job with the miles on your brutal sleep schedule.


                          Mark/Watson I've somehow avoided all colds so far even though my wife is working at a childcare centre.


                          Flavio no plans for marathons at this stage.

                          55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

                          " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

                          Somewhere in between is about right "      



                            JMac, yes, the heat and high dew point have been killer.  I never bring hydration on runs because I really don’t run long enough to need it.  However, there have been a few runs these past few weeks where I felt like I bonked — without having run far enough for that to happen!  Just felt like complete crap in the last 2ish miles of some 6-8 milers.  

                            Steve, and all who have issues with dogs — I’m generally a fan of all animals, much to the dismay of my husband who thinks every strange dog I pet is going to eat me alive.  I usually tell him to shut up and proceed to pet ALL the dogs.  However, just last week a 15 month old girl in a nearby town was killed by her own family dog.  I can’t even imagine.  I couldn’t follow the story enough to learn all the details because it’s just too sad, but I did run with a nurse practitioner who was working in the children’s ER when the child was rushed in; she said it was the worst thing she’s ever experienced.  Anyway, I guess the point is that as cute as they can be, dogs and other pets are still animals so it’s smart to keep your space.

                            800m:  2:20.3 (2015) | 1 Mile:  5:13 (2016) | 5K: 18:32 (2010) | 10km: 39:55 (2012) HM: 1:28 (2013) 



                            Cobra Commander Keen

                              Good weeks abound!

                              Mark - Killer LR.

                              DWave - I'm glad the hamstring is coming along, bummer on the race being cancelled, though. I'd suggest you look at the White River Marathon (Nov. 21) since you're OK with running solo, but Chipotles are quite scarce in the area.

                              JMac - Doing just fine here, thank you. You keep up with my governor better than I do, I'm not sure what you're talking about - I just know that he tested positive and says he's doing just fine.
                              I haven't seen a birth announcement (forgive me if I've missed it) - that's supposed to be soon, right?
                              With regard to the long M effort runs you're referring to, I presume you're doing all of that 13-14mi at M effort, but do you have any warm-up/cool-down outside of that?
                              Scary stuff about the heat exhaustion, hope you don't see any further issues with that.

                              Dogs - Having been bitten a couple times while on runs, I'm generally not a fan of seeing them on runs at all (with one notable exception).

                              Didn't get in a LR this week (DW out of town for a death in the family and I had no appetite for more than 10k on the treadmill that day), but still managed all my other runs just fine. Eh, cutback weeks can be good, even if not planned.


                              Weekly for period: From: 07/13/2020 To 07/19/2020

                              Date Name Distance
                              in mi
                              Duration Avg Pace
                              per mi
                              Elevation Gain
                              in ft
                              07/13/2020 5x 3 min I 13.55 01:49:28 08:05 584
                              07/14/2020 3 herons & 1 rabbit 11.30 01:38:37 08:44 531
                              07/15/2020 1 owl, 1 hawk, 1 heron, & 1 rabbit 10.25 01:26:32 08:27 377
                              07/16/2020 6x 1k @CP, 1 min recoveries - NYC 13.26 01:39:42 07:31 0
                              07/17/2020 4 rabbits, 1 owl, & 1 turkey 11.75 01:40:24 08:33 564
                              07/18/2020 Piddly treadmill time 6.25 00:50:24 08:04 0
                              07/19/2020 1 redheaded woodpecker 4.25 00:35:18 08:18 246

                              Total distance: 70.62mi

                              5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                              Upcoming Races:





                              Not an 80%er

                                Jmac - it’s a bit too early to tell after just one week. The coach seems great and he and his family moved to Germany so he’s on the same timezone.

                                He comes very well recommended on Reddit. Ryan, from .


                                Ugh on the heat exhaustion, it gets ugly fast! Coconut water, watermelons (or gatorade missing those) are great to help you recover.

                                PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

                                Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

                                Tool to generate Strava weekly