FR60 firmware update broke it? (Read 675 times)


    anyone else having problems with their FR60?


    my "up" button wasn't working, so I took it apart and checked the contact - it was a little misshaped, fixed that, button works.


    so I also decided to update software/firmware. and now transfers through ANT agent don't work (not talking about RA's uploader - that doesn't work either, because it has to go through ANT first!!!). I'm on a mac, ANT agent version 2.1.5. FR60 went from v2.4 to 2.5.


    No idea if it's because I opened it? (but then how would you change the battery...) or the firmware. side note: it says to be careful not to move the "o-ring gasket" in the manual, and that might have moved? i figure that's just for waterproofing though? should have nothing to do with transfers.


    I emailed garmin support. we'll see what they say.