How important is running form? (Read 1063 times)

Why is it sideways?

    Form is important. You can make it better by running more, by running on variable terrain, by running at different speeds and cadences, by practicing relaxing while running, and by increasing core strength. Drills and strides a couple of times a week also help.

      Swimmers are big on form. Form matters a little in running but it matters a A LOT less in running than it does in swimming. This is because swimming is a far less efficient activity. I read somewhere (Science of Sport I think) that about 7% of a swimmer's work is actually useful in moving him or her forward. So a 1% improvement in efficiency can have a much greater impact on a swimmers performance than, say, a runner who improved her efficiency from 28 to 29%. Fitness matters far more than form in running.

      Runners run



          I see people in marathons running like a wounded duck who finish ahead of me, but I never see these types of runners finishing ahead of me in shorter races like a 5K where I am much more competitive. My PR at the marathon distance though is at a 8:00 pace, whereas my PR at the 5K is at a 5:40 pace. I think form matters a lot more when you get to a faster pace.

          Self anointed title

            There is no such thing as perfect form for running.
            Usain Bolt. Michael Johnson. Two hugely different runners in terms of form: one long and rangy, the other short and choppy strides. They both had/have talent and worked hard. Probably worked hard to perfect their own form. Nobody should try to run "like someone else does" but most of us could probably do with dedicating a little bit of time to looking at how we run. £0.02



              Paula Radcliffe has terrible form. She's the current world record holder for the women's marathon.

              Just Be

                The importance of good form is directly proportional to running speed increases. The most important part about form is to minimize energy loss namely in the form of wasteful lateral motion.

                  So, my husband, normally a very postitive and supportive influence in my life including my running, had a post-1/2 marathon race question for me. "How come there were people who's running form looked like crap beat you? I mean, you always look relaxed and good out there, you should be placing in your age group." Now is when, I have to put the frying pan down and realize, he lacks a filter on what comes out of his mouth sometimes, he is a male, and above all he is a swimmer. In fact, he is doing the Alcatraz Challenge this weekend. He'll jump off of a perfectly good boat parallel to Alcatraz and swim back to San Francisco's Crissy Field, without a wet suit. He claims it is all about maintaining form and knowing how to "work the current." I gave him a vauge answer about, running form not being everything, mostly it is about miles you put in and blah, blah, blah. I thanked him for thinking that I have it in me to place in my age group. I don't think I was very convincing. Quite possibly because I'm not sure how much form really counts, if you have the endurance and speed work to overcome poopoo form, and your form doesn't cause injury, than form doesn't really matter as much. What would you guys have said? Thanks,
                  Train well, Race, Beat his ass, then tell 'im, "good form."
                    Paula Radcliffe has terrible form. She's the current world record holder for the women's marathon.
                    Only Paula's head has bad form Wink From toe to neck her form is good.

                    Self anointed title

                      Paula Radcliffe has terrible form. She's the current world record holder for the women's marathon.
                      Really? Just because her head bobs? If you look at her body position, stride length and turnover I think you'll see some pretty impressive stuff. Compare her form to 95% of female marathoners and you'll see. Anyway I think 2:15 is good form!




                        probably the best form for her, but Radcliff's form appears ungainly. I think it's the eggbeater arms.
                          You gotta remember, every person's body is a little bit different than the next guy/gal. What looks like bad form on one person (say Paula) is actually the most efficient way THAT person runs. I think she would have stubbled by now upon a different form if it made her run faster. I know when I try to change my "natural" form, I start sucking wind.

                          "During a marathon, I run about two-thirds of the time. That's plenty." - Margaret Davis, 85 Ed Whitlock regarding his 2:54:48 marathon at age 73, "That was a good day. It was never a struggle."


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                            Form is a lot more important in swimming -- I find this exceedingly evident in triathlons. But, form is a lot more visible in running than swimming (from above water) Smile

                            It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                            Right on Hereford...

                              You gotta remember, every person's body is a little bit different than the next guy/gal. What looks like bad form on one person world record holding marathoner (say Paula) is actually the most efficient way THAT person runs.
                              Fixed for you. Smile Plenty of people run with poor form. That is to say, form that, if improved, would result in faster, more efficient running.


                                Taken from an article by Amby Burfoot about the woman's Olympic marathon One of the things I like best about Tomescu is her ragged running form. Some people think form is important in the marathon and they even give form lessons, sometimes with a substantial price tag attached. But form is a surface issue, like the color of your eyes and hair. It has essentially nothing to do with marathon performance. If you want to get faster in the marathon, I'll give you some free advice: Move your legs faster.
                                Favorite quote: Stop your crying you little girl! 2011: Mt Washington, Washington Trails, Peaks Island, Pikes Peak.