Potato Head's BQ attempt (Read 914 times)

    Great report and excellent job under very difficult conditions.

    Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth




      Runners run

      Think Whirled Peas

        Amazing, and very inspiring.  Well done.


        Just because running is simple does not mean it is easy.


        Relentless. Forward. Motion. <repeat>


          really sorry for you losing your dad.


          amazingly strong effort and results given the really really bad hand you had to play in taper.


          you are there though - right there.

            Real Life and running don't mix well sometimes.  You did great on a day where the weather wasn't your friend.


            SRL summed it up rather nicely.  Your progress this year has been amazing Tater,  an 18:00 minute PR is fantastic stuff.  Your results and consistency have inspired my running on numerous occasions, and I thank you for it.


            Greater Lowell Road Runners
            Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

            May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


              As I was out digging potatoes in the garden tonight I was wondering how you did. Then I come in and see this. I'm so sorry about your dad, but like you said, you and your family will come through it ok. Don't underestimate the effects of mental and emotional fatigue in a race like the marathon. You did an awesome job, and you've got a BQ in you I'm sure of that!! Can you recover a bit and find another marathon in a month or two to try again?

              Self anointed title

                I am full of admiration for how you have coped with everything that life has thrown at you in the last few weeks.


                Great PR.  Boston will come.




                  Inspiring to run! Courageous to finish! My condolences on your family loss and congratulations on your family gain. Look forward to reading to BQ successful race report.
                    "It is what it is."  And what it is, is an outstanding race under extremely difficult physical and emotional circumstances.  An 18 minute PR is awesome on its own, but one like this is just incredible.  Congratulations!

                      I know your dad is proud. Well done.


                      Boston is inevitable.

                      Queen of 3rd Place

                        Monster PR under rotten circumstances...you'll smash it next time.

                        Ex runner

                          Thanks for posting. Sorry for your loss...

                            I was there for the same race and you're right - the humidity was waaay higher than I expected.


                            Given your last few weeks, I'd agree with everyone: you tore it up!


                            I missed my goal by 18 minutes and my PR by 15, so you came closer to Boston than I did. Smile


                            Judging by your report, we probably passed each other at some point, but I was pretty messed up by then.


                            Go to http://certainintelligence.blogspot.com for my blog.

                            Prince of Fatness

                              Wow.  Thanks.  All of you.  To be told that I inspire others is truly humbling.  Really.


                              As for taking another BQ shot this fall, I still have too much going on to try to ramp back up for a marathon.  I have the L Train showdown in November so I will be training for that.  But I really looking forward to having a few days where the things I do, including running, are because I want to and not because I have to.  I'm thinking that the next BQ attempt will be fall 2010.


                              Thanks again.

                              Not at it at all. 


                                Remind us about the L Train showdown!

