Automatic import from Garmin Connect Integration not working (Read 1101 times)

an amazing likeness

    Before I report the problem to Garmin, let me add it additional logging data to make sure the problem is no on RA's end, especially getting help from Garmin is unresponsive at best.


    Is it working for anyone?


    Yes. The run I uploaded to GC at ~1:50PM eastern was sent to RA. It turned on the new upload indicator in the RA title bar (above the "Community" tab), and was available for import into RA.

    Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.


    Will Crew for Beer

      Before I report the problem to Garmin, let me add it additional logging data to make sure the problem is no on RA's end, especially getting help from Garmin is unresponsive at best.


      Is it working for anyone?


      Yes, my run this morning was uploaded from my 220 to Garmin Connect via the iPhone app and was waiting for me on RA when I checked a few minutes later.

      Rule number one of a gunfight, bring a gun. Rule number two of a gunfight, bring friends with guns.


        Still working for me.

        Runners run


          Worked perfect for me after my run this morning.  I came in from my run, set my watch down next to my phone, went to take a shower and when I got to my PC the activity was waiting to be logged.  Couldn'ta been more than 15 minutes.


          Oh, using a FR220 blutetoothed to a Samsung S3.


            It's not working for me.  I set up Garmin Connect on both RunningAhead and Strava this morning.  Today's run appeared on Strava right after it appeared on Garmin Connect, but it has not appeared on RunningAhead.


              It's not working for me yet, but maybe it is just the couple-day delay issue?


                The Garmin Connect Integration worked perfectly for me. I did a short run this morning and uploaded it to Garmin Connect. I then had to log out of RA and log back into RA and it appeared in the download box in the upper left corner. I then had to save the imported run into my log. Only 1 run was imported.






                  I manually imported and saved today's run since the automatic import wasn't working, and now I have the red "imported workouts" notification, but nothing left to save when I click on it.

                  eric :)

                    I manually imported and saved today's run since the automatic import wasn't working, and now I have the red "imported workouts" notification, but nothing left to save when I click on it.


                    Hi Zelanie,

                    Could you describe the steps you took?  I'm trying to figure out why the system still thinks you have a file to import even though there is none.


                    eric Smile



                      Hi Zelanie,

                      Could you describe the steps you took?  I'm trying to figure out why the system still thinks you have a file to import even though there is none.


                      eric Smile


                      On my desktop PC, I had the site open in Chrome, but opened up IE to import the workout (from Garmin Communicator/ANT stick).  I think that later I had the site open from my Windows tablet (Chrome), and when I saw the red number showing I had a new workout, I clicked on it and saved it from there.


                        This morning I uploaded a run to Garmin Connect using the ANT stick.  I verified it was there by going to Garmin Connect using Internet Explorer.  I then opened Running Ahead in Chrome and had the notification that my run was there.  I clicked on the notification and saved the run to Running Ahead.


                          Mine still isn't working. I've had 2 runs upload to GC & Strava since connecting RA to GC but nothing is coming up on RA.


                            I've tried now with 2 separate runs loaded to GC - yesterdays run using XP & the old Garmin ant uploader and todays using Win 7 and uploaded via Garmin Express. Both have loaded to Garmin, Endomondo & Strava automatically but not appearing on RA. I deauthorised & reauthorised permission for Garmin & RA to link up before uploading todays run. All very odd.


                            Consistently Slow

                              Automatic not working. It will allow me to upload from gpx file but is not show  mile splits (310XT).


                              Copy/Paste splits into notes.

                              Run until the trail runs out.

                               SCHEDULE 2016--

                               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                              unsolicited chatter


                              eric :)

                                I've tried now with 2 separate runs loaded to GC - yesterdays run using XP & the old Garmin ant uploader and todays using Win 7 and uploaded via Garmin Express. Both have loaded to Garmin, Endomondo & Strava automatically but not appearing on RA. I deauthorised & reauthorised permission for Garmin & RA to link up before uploading todays run. All very odd.


                                Hi Enda,

                                I started logging connections from Garmin Connect.  There were many, but I don't see any for you.  Can you go over to Garmin Connect to see if it's set up property?


                                1. Log into your GC account

                                2. Click on the head icon on the left, click on the Settings options on the slide out.

                                3. Click on Account Information

                                4. At the bottom of the page, do you see RunningAHEAD as one of the applications?