Automatic import from Garmin Connect Integration not working (Read 1101 times)


    This morning I had the workouts from the last 30 days pushed from GC to RA.  Since I already had all these workouts in RA, I went ahead and deleted instead of saving them on the RA side.  The integration was already working for me, so I am assuming Eric made some type of change or bug fix that causes all the workouts to be resent.


    FWIW, I experienced the same thing this morning.  Integration has been working for me but a bunch of workouts appeared.  I saved today's and deleted the rest.


      Last night I had one work out pushed to RA, this morning I had 6 more.  I just checked it again and I had 10 additional workouts, including my most recent ones.  So it looks like it is working for me now.

      I will run this afternoon and see how it goes. I will update if it does not work.


      Thanks for all the hard work on this great site.  I greatly appreciate it.

      We are the music makers,

          And we are the dreamers of dreams,

      Wandering by lone sea-breakers,

          And sitting by desolate streams; 

      World-losers and world-forsakers,

          On whom the pale moon gleams:

      Yet we are the movers and shakers

          Of the world for ever, it seems.


        it works for me now, although some workouts were duplicated.

        But to have two is better than noneSmile


        Thanks very much!

        not lazy, just tired

          Last night's run didn't show up in the batch of 28 that showed up this morning, but was there when I got back from this morning's run. This morning's run hasn't shown up yet, guess I'll just wait and see.

          Not if it makes sense.


            Last night's run didn't show up in the batch of 28 that showed up this morning, but was there when I got back from this morning's run. This morning's run hasn't shown up yet, guess I'll just wait and see.


            Same for me.

              I've got 28 new workouts in the Import queue! Not at all surprised that there was something funky on the Garmin side.

              Thanks you, Eric!


                Enabled my RA account to import from GC yesterday and have not seen anything come over. Can see on GC that RA is enabled to read my GC account. Guessing there are still some bugs and not really working.

                  I got a big batch of all duplicates this morning, too.

                  Out there running since dinosaurs roamed the earth


                    I'm the same as you Skippy1957. Done the whole disconnect/reconnect thing (a couple of times actually), but still no workouts getting pushed to RA from GC. GC is pushing data to Strava correctly. I'll keep waiting just in case they come over.


                    Enabled my RA account to import from GC yesterday and have not seen anything come over. Can see on GC that RA is enabled to read my GC account. Guessing there are still some bugs and not really working.


                      Same here, nothing has come over from GC to RA for me yet.  Sad

                      I'm the same as you Skippy1957. Done the whole disconnect/reconnect thing (a couple of times actually), but still no workouts getting pushed to RA from GC. GC is pushing data to Strava correctly. I'll keep waiting just in case they come over.


                        Well, look at that - my morning run just appeared under Imported Workouts (highlighted by a #1 in a red box alongside the RunningAhead logo in the header area). Hopefully the mid-day run will follow soon. Progress!


                        Same here, nothing has come over from GC to RA for me yet.  Sad

                        not lazy, just tired

                          This morning's run still hasn't shown up, however I have gotten a couple of data import failure messages. Still hoping.

                          Not if it makes sense.

                          Along for the Ride

                            I am using the Garmin Vivoactive. Installed and activated the Garmin Connect last night. I installed and removed and rebooted and wasn't able to get any older runs from this week to come over to RA. They did however show up now. All of the June runs.

                            It seems to be working for me now.

                            Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.

                            Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.



                              Just wondering is it on the garmin side or RA side. Garmin seems to think it is on the RA side. Said there was nothing they do to help me.

                              eric :)

                                As far as I know, the problem is on Garmin's side.  Many users that weren't receiving workouts suddenly got them today.  I encountered the same problem a couple of weeks ago during testing.  There were no connections made from Garmin's servers so I know the problem can't be on RA's side.  I sent them multiple emails.  It took them over 2 weeks to finally look into the problem, and the workouts started arriving a few minutes after I received an email from the person that's responsible for looking into this sort of problems.  He didn't say he did anything, but it was too much of a coincidence.