I Got Dissed By a Bicyclist (Read 2804 times)

    WTH? Her helmet must've been too tight. Some people have just been touched by the ugly stick I guess. If only you'd had time to wish her a good day with a big smile Big grin
    I doubt it was the helmet that was too tight.....I think her tight biking shirt probably was cutting off circulation to her brain - but because it was a bikers brain, she probably didnt notice the difference......

    Champions are made when no one is watching

      I hate cyclists. With a passion. Not a small passion, either. My passionate hatred for chubby, rude, spandex-clad bikers rivals the white-hot burning flame of a thousand fiery suns.
      Right there with you Man......

      Champions are made when no one is watching

      De-slacking in progress

        True, but try saying it backwards...."without rednecks there would be no NASCAR"....now you've got something you can work with.
        HEY- I'm a redneck and proud of it, except I don't watch Nascar, drink, smoke or sleep with my cousin, but other than that I'm a redneck. Not to be confused with a hillbilly !! If you don't know the differance between redneck and hillbilly, watch the old movie Deliverance- redneck are in the boat, hillbillys are on land. btw- neither can spell properly or know how to run a spell check I'd be offended by that redneck insult, but I'm too worn out from my long run Big grin

        started running @ age 48 [lost 70#+, quit a 30 year pack/day habit>> ran HM]  Ran a few years then quit. Gained 70#+ back and smoking like before. Time to get healthy again @ 52 years over with the C25K program and beyond again. RE-start date 1-13-14


          Perhaps I haven't taken any "heat" for my statement because this is generally a friendly and open-minded group of people on this site. Ok, I should have made the disclaimer that this statement is based directly on my own experience. For me, mountain biking 2-3 days a week has made me a much stronger runner. I think it's great cross training. If you would like basis to compare, go find a trail that has 1000ft of climbing over 4-5 miles, first run that trail, then go mountain bike the exact same trail. I would wager that even a pro mountain biker would hurt more after the ride than the run.
          I didn't mean to be aggresive... I was just pointing out that you said something was more intense than running on a running site, and nobody had yet made a sarcastic comment. I meant "heat" as friendly jibing, rather than any kind of insults or anything. I still don't have any basis for comparison, because I don't know what it's like to do a trail like the one described, but wouldn't your test make skateboarding even tougher? I bet a pro skateboarder would probably die from your hypothetical trail. I also think the amount of work done by the anaerobic system would be larger for the mountain biker in your hypothetical test than it would be for the runner. Again, just a guess.

          Lia's Daddy

            I have been mountain biking since 1989 in the two places I have lived since then- Colorado and Asheville, NC. It would be hard to compare the two sports except to say this: I often run the same trails I have mountain biked and running is much more difficult. I certainly don't claim to be a "pro" biker but I'm not sure many bikers that I know would support the idea that climbing 1000ft on a bike is more difficult then doing it on your feet. Now if you are talking about the new breed of "single speed" bikers out there than you may have a valid argument. Those folks are NUTS! Shocked
            "Stadiums are for spectators. We runners have nature and that is much better." Juha "the Cruel" Väätäinen


              my favorite breed of cyclist is the elsworth full suspension bike on the bike trail rider w/ platform pedals that hasn't seen a trail and never will... He thinks he's a good cyclist because of the amount of bank he's spent on a bike he's never gonna actually use. I love cycling though, I just really don't like a lot of people...so I must say that cycles are not evil... just the folks on them...

              2010 Races: Snicker's Marathon(2:58:38), Scenic City Trail Marathon(3:26:36), Laurel Highlands Ultra 77(19:13:44), Ironman Louisville(13:07:07) 2011 Races: Mount Cheaha 50k 5:22:47, Tobacco Road Marathon, Mohican 100 Miler

              Ostrich runner

                I have been mountain biking since 1989 in the two places I have lived since then- Colorado and Asheville, NC. It would be hard to compare the two sports except to say this: I often run the same trails I have mountain biked and running is much more difficult. I certainly don't claim to be a "pro" biker but I'm not sure many bikers that I know would support the idea that climbing 1000ft on a bike is more difficult then doing it on your feet. Now if you are talking about the new breed of "single speed" bikers out there than you may have a valid argument. Those folks are NUTS! Shocked
                I'm not sure where you biked in Asheville, but I'd run up Kitsuma twice before I'd ride up it.


                Lia's Daddy

                  I'm not sure where you biked in Asheville, but I'd run up Kitsuma twice before I'd ride up it.
                  I have pretty much biked all over WNC with Tsali and Dupont being my current favorites. I guess we just disagree. When you ride a bike up kitsuma (which I've done probably 50 times) you use your granny gears and slowly make it to the top. Then you get to ride down. When running up, you get to the top and still have to run down. I think mountain biking has a lot more built in recovery time then running does. Lots of time when you don't have to pedal if you don't want to. That is why it takes 20 miles on a MB to equal a good 5 mile trail run. The reality is this is really apples and oranges. If you are not in mountain biking shape and are in running shape, of course mountain biking is going to seem more difficult and vice versa.
                  "Stadiums are for spectators. We runners have nature and that is much better." Juha "the Cruel" Väätäinen
                    If you are not in _____________ shape and are in running shape, of course ___________ is going to seem more difficult and vice versa.
                    Right on! For a wild runner, this one is wise.

                    When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?

                      mountain biking is HARD road biking is EZ
                      There's a 150 or so guys in France right now that would probably disagree with this statement...
                        Oh my god, I didn't mean to start a huge debate! My only real beef was with the guy who said cyclists weren't athletes. Any activity you do is as intense, or hard, or whatever as you make it. I'm sure if you really wanted to, you could get a workout knitting scarfs!
                        Mishka-old log

                          Running vs. Road Cycling vs. Mountain Biking I've done a ton of the first 2 and fair amount of the 3rd. As far as intensity, you can kick the shit out of yourself in all three. In the 2 wheeled disciplines, coasting as a recovery in between hard efforts allows for a much more complete recovery when compared to running for any recovery short of walking. The more complete recovery allows for repeated extremely high intensity efforts over workouts or races lasting hours. Running and cycling are obviously different sports, but if you become proficient at each, you realize both leave you a sobbing, blubbering pile of waste on the side of the road if you have the appetite for that sort of thing. ------ As to the original point of the thread...there's no reason for the cyclist in th OP to drop the F-bomb, if that's in fact, what happened. It's rude no matter how you slice it. However...700 people on a training run!!! Even heading out a couple hundred at a time...that sounds like a moving mass of chaos. If I were the cyclist, I'd be lying if I said that wouldn't frustrate me.

                            Mountain biking is a far more intense aerobic activity than running.
                            Run faster.
                              hey tuf, 2 hours after posting that last night, I ate humble pie on a group (road) bike ride. One of the cycling club members had to babysit me in the last 7 miles (slowing down, letting me draft behind her). Oh, the shame! (lack of electrolytes did me in. yeah, that's the ticket, electrolytes)

                                I'm sure if you really wanted to, you could get a workout knitting scarfs!
                                It causes massive carpal tunnel syndrome. It's way harder than biking. Plus, knitters get all the chicks.

                                E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com