Goal of sub 19 minute 5k (Read 5724 times)

    Well it took me 4 years to break through the 20 barrier and I thought I would take it easy after I did this and maybe run some longer races. If it took me 4 years to break 20 it probably would take 8 more years to break 19. Well I smashed the 20 barrier with a 19:36 so sub 19 is not that far away riight now. I doubt I could do it this year. I would need lots of training. But we will see how my 5ks go the rest of the year. I can definately see it being possible to reach sub 19 in less than a year. If anyone else has this as a goal or wants to follow my quest go ahead and chime in. Perhaps another goal for me would be a 10k in sub 40.

    I've got a fever...

      Hah! I knew it was only a matter of time! I'm right there with you. I ran 19:42 this past March, and definitely want to get under 19 this fall (not too many races around here in the summer). Let's roll!

      On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


        Mileage, boys. All summer.

        Runners run


        I've got a fever...

          Mileage, boys. All summer.
          Damn straight. This is my summer of Malmo.

          On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


          The Limping Jogger

            Ride the wave... For reference, last year I made a real effort to go sub 19, rather than the half hearted attempt in 2006. My 5k PR at the time was 19:07 from 2005. My form dropped in 2006 so I was back in the mid 19s. Then, I went from 19:24 in July to 18:51 in the Fall then 18:21 by this Spring. I added more miles and was consitant with intervals & tempos. Now I'm at 18:15. I'll dig though my log and post some of my workouts. Anyway, you have adapted to higher mileage now you're new 5k PR will give a nice new set of McMillan pace ranges... remember what I once said about 5 miles at a tempo pace of 6:40 mpm pace. Evil grin Note that I use the upper end of the long distance speedwork times simply because I don't have much raw speed unlike, say, JDF. IMHO a sub 40 10k is A LOT harder than a sub 20 5k.

            "Only a few more laps to go and then the action will begin, unless this is the action, which it is."


            Self anointed title

              IMHO a sub 40 10k is A LOT harder than a sub 20 5k.
              Therefore would a sub 60 15k be even harder? Just trying to follow your logic there. Tongue




                I have logged 2 sub 19 5ks this year. Only 2 I have tried. The last one was the first 5 k of a 4miler, and did it in 18:49. I believe success has been from LWH training, plenty of miles, and tweaking in the weeks leading in up with just strides in my runs. Hill work helps too. RunAsics, would love to see some of your workouts. My next goal would be to go sub 18, but that seems impossible, but having said that I would never have thought I could do sub 19 18 months ago when I weighed 266lbs!

                "I've been following Eddy's improvement over the last two years on this site, and it's been pretty dang solid. Sure the weekly mileage has been up and down, but over the long haul he's getting out the door and has turned himself into quite a runner. He's only now just figuring out his potential. Consistency in running is measured in years, not weeks. And over the last couple of years, Eddy's made great strides" Jeff 14 Jan 2009


                I've got a fever...

                  IMHO a sub 40 10k is A LOT harder than a sub 20 5k.
                  Well yeah, since a 40min 10k is equivalent to roughly a 19:15 5k.

                  On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                  The Limping Jogger

                    Therefore would a sub 60 15k be even harder? Just trying to follow your logic there. Tongue
                    MF stated a goal of sub 40 10k. I simply pointed out that getting under 40mins in the 10k is a lot harder. Regardless of your current 5k time, the 10k is a harder race. Well that's my experience. In 2005, I could run a 19:07 5k and still not get under 40 mins. However; I never put in enough miles to do well in the 10k. Once I did the times came down. Tongue back at you Eddy: I'll add some 2006 workouts to my online log and summarize early next week when I'm back from vacation. Note that I ran 18:25 this morning in hot, humid conditions. Cool

                    "Only a few more laps to go and then the action will begin, unless this is the action, which it is."

                      It was only 5 weeks ago that sub-19 looked like a forgone conclusion. I had run 19:06 and 19:02 already this spring, plus 3 other longer races that were in the 18’s on the equivalent performance charts. My last 10k said 18:37 on Daniels and 18:32 on the McMillan calculator. Then greed caught up me with as I contnued chasing the big high of setting new PR’s every weekend. On June 1, hours after running an especially hard 8k, I felt like I’d run the Pike’s Peak Marathon. I was completely wiped out and knew I might have crossed over the line. Later in the week I developed a low-grade fever that was off and on for much of the month. I thought if I just ran easily on days I had no fever that I could push through it. To some degree it worked. Finally I started to feel normal during other daily activities. However, on most runs my legs have continued to feel like lead, even though I’ve been taking it easy. Except for an aborted set of mile reps last Saturday I have done nothing but run slow, easy miles since June 1. This morning I ran a 5k to see where I’m at—6:10, 6:26, 6:37, :40 (19:53) was the result. Although I think I will probably come back and run some more good races, at my age you always wonder if you will ever make it back to where you were doing during your most recent hot streak. I’ve seen too many guys who are up in the years and going great guns suddenly see performances fall off a cliff and not come back. Anyway, count me in. I will be starting marathon training next week but plan to run some some 5k’s along the way. Best chance for a good time will be Banana Chase in SF on Sept 14. I was hoping someone would start this thread and couldn’t have picked a better man for the job than MichiganFlyer. Good luck to all.
                      Age 60 plus best times: 5k 19:00, 10k 38:35, 10m 1:05:30, HM 1:24:09, 30k 2:04:33

                      Right on Hereford...

                        I'm in! Haven't run a 5k since May, and I've only run two so far this year. Times were 19:02 and 19:40. I've just recently decided to step it up from 4 days of running per week to 6. We'll see how that goes! Tentative weekly schedule: Sunday: Long (12-15) Monday: Off Tuesday: 7 miles, including 5000m tempo OR 5x1000 at 5k pace Wednesday: 5 easy Thursday: 8 easy with 6x30 second striders Friday: 5 easy OR 5 with hills Saturday: 5 easy What do you guys think of this schedule?
                          I'm in! Haven't run a 5k since May, and I've only run two so far this year. Times were 19:02 and 19:40. I've just recently decided to step it up from 4 days of running per week to 6. We'll see how that goes! Tentative weekly schedule: Sunday: Long (12-15) Monday: Off Tuesday: 7 miles, including 5000m tempo OR 5x1000 at 5k pace Wednesday: 5 easy Thursday: 8 easy with 6x30 second striders Friday: 5 easy OR 5 with hills Saturday: 5 easy What do you guys think of this schedule?
                          That seems quite doable. I thought 40 mile weeks would be tough but when you run 12-15 on Sunday you only need 4-5 miles a day on average the rest of the week. I have gotten lazy since breaking 20...only ran 28 miles the past week with nothing fast really. I had a half hearted attempt at a 6 minute mile midweek but after a 2:57 half I gave up and finished in 6:15.

                            Well my PR is currently 19:50 so 19 is the next big milestone. I'm not planning any more 5k's this year (well I'm running a 5k in a sprint tri but I'll be happy with 21 for that) so it will be a while till I make an attempt on this. I'll probably do at least 2 more marathons maybe 3 before my next 5k so I'll probably be a lurker in this thread for awhile. Good luck everyone.

                            Son, when you participate in sporting events, it's not whether you win or lose; it's how drunk you get. -- Homer Simpson


                              Count me in. I have been following the sub-20 5k thread for a while...congrats on smashing that one MichiganFlyer. Now it's on to the next milestone, and it doesn't appear that you are too far away from it. I haven't done much 5k training. I am in the early stages of fall marathon training now. Still need to get my mileage up quite a bit higher than it has been, but it'll get there. Haven't run a 5k race in ages, but there are a few local ones around that I am interested in trying, especially since I now have a son who is getting more into running and is urging me to run them with him. Ran a 4-mile race several weeks back that was at 6:11 pace...not quite sub-19 5k, but close. We'll see what happens. Good luck to all who have this as one of their goals. I will update my progress with any race results as I run them.

                              Non-Stroller-Still Crazy

                                I can definitely vouch for the 40:00 10K being a lot harder than the 19:00 5k. I have broken 19:00 5 times now including a PR of 18:26. Yet I still can’t get below 40:00 for the 10K. My problem is definitely mileage. I can get up and hang on for a 5k with zero training at all. That does not work for anything longer than an 8K. I plan on changing that this summer though. I have already ramped my mileage up and I will be ready for it in the fall! Good luck to everyone trying for the 19:00! You will get it if you want it bad enough. I have a friend who ran a PR of 19:02 exactly 1.5 years ago on a very flat course. He is 41 and has lost over 50 pounds in the last two years. This past weekend he ran a 27:53 8K(~5 miles)(5:35 per mile) and his 5K PR is 16:40. In one year he went from the 19’s to the 16’s and he has only been running for 2 years! If he can do it, you can too!