Goal of sub 19 minute 5k (Read 5724 times)

    Hi - Sub 19 5k is one of my goals this year. Question for you all..... what sort of indicator workouts do you know? someone mentioned 5x1,200 at 5k pace w 90s rest as a good test. I'm pretty close to this (that's 4:33 1200s, and i'm about 4:36 right now) and please don't give me the 5x1,000m at 5k pace with no rest response Smile thanks, alan
    - the grisly details http://alansmiles.blogspot.com
      I would think something like 3x1600m with 1min Rest. 5x1000m with 1min Rest. 1600's in 6:0x/mile pace... Or how about 1 x marathon @ 3:01:42 Smile I haven't done any of this fast stuff in ages. If everything goes well, after Boston I'm going to cut back my marathon training and do some faster stuff for a couple of months. Hopefully, Improve on my non-marathon PRs.

      I've got a fever...

        I would think something like 3x1600m with 1min Rest. 5x1000m with 1min Rest. 1600's in 6:0x/mile pace...
        This is a good one. The fastest pace you can sustain through all three intervals (i.e., don't blast the first interval and die on the other 2) should be really close to your current 5k race pace.

        On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

        Right on Hereford...

          Hi - Sub 19 5k is one of my goals this year. Question for you all..... what sort of indicator workouts do you know? someone mentioned 5x1,200 at 5k pace w 90s rest as a good test. I'm pretty close to this (that's 4:33 1200s, and i'm about 4:36 right now) and please don't give me the 5x1,000m at 5k pace with no rest response Smile thanks, alan
          I broke 19 minutes for the first time last October. I don't know if this is really an "indicator," but the week before my race I did 5x1000 in 3:42-3:43 (about 5:58 pace) with 3.5-minute recoveries. I was running 5k tempos in about 20:25 then, as well. Feel free to check my log around Oct-Nov 2008. I ran three 5k's during that time period, 18:50, 18:54, 18:51. Should give you some idea, at least.

          Non-Stroller-Still Crazy

            I ran a hilly 11 mile training run with a girl who’s 5k pr is 19:50. We did the 11 miles in exactly 1:19 and our last 3 splits were 7:25, 6:45, and 6:17. How in the world can you lay down those splits at the end of an 11 miler but you can’t manage to break 20:00 in a race? My guess is that she could easily break 20:00 if not 19:00 if she just kicks it in like she did on that training run! If you want to reach sub 19:00 then the answer is miles, miles, and more miles. Just run some nice 85% - 90% 10-12 mile training runs a few times every week. You will see your 5k pace accelerate quickly.
              ... I ran an 18:42 a few weeks ago and it literally felt like a jog. Increasing my distance training has had a huge impact on my short distance speed.
              That's awesome 5k time. Congratulations
                I have been lazy as the snow and zero degree weather pummels Michigan. I think I am giving up on my goal of winning my age group as racing starts around April 20th and I have been running about a mile a day so far this year. Without a treadmill this year so my miles are low. I think I will just train more and race less....that way I can lower my times without the races getting in the way so much. I still want to go sub 19....maybe a half marathon in September.
                Hi Michigan, did you use to have a treadmill? What happened to it?
                  Hi Michigan, did you use to have a treadmill? What happened to it?
                  The motor went out on it. I quit running on it last June. I am looking for another treadmill currently.
                    I would think something like 3x1600m with 1min Rest. 5x1000m with 1min Rest. 1600's in 6:0x/mile pace... .
                    I agree with this premise. Last May I ran 4 X 3/4 mile with 2 minutes rest. My goal was 5k pace or around 4:55 per interval. I ran 1st stint in 4:59 then followed up with 4:53, 4:49 and 4:37. That was just a tad below sub 20 pace so I was quite pleased with the results. 5 days later I ran a 5k in 20:03 almost exactly matching my training pace. What I remember about this 4 X 3/4 was that I made an effort to go out at race pace but I also held back in the 1st couple runs because I knew I had to try and maintain this pace throughout the 4 runs. As I got into legs 3 and 4 I was tiring but could still push the pace in the latter half to see what my body could handle. It helped me push right up to the point of no return (diminishing race returns) but I did not go faster than my ability. During my next 5k race I was confident to push the envelope a little harder because I knew I would not burn out.
                      Ok, so my short term goal is not sub 19 min 5k yet. My next goal is an 8k at sub 6:30 pace, then a sub 3:10 Marathon. But I think I am making a lot of progress, making a sub 19 5k and a close to 40 min 10k a bit more possible later this year. I am running 70+ miles per week. Last week I ran 74 mile with 21 mile @ 8:09 last Sun. Today, I also did a pretty solid 6 mile tempo @ 6:52 avg pace (total 11.5 miles). This gives me some confidence on going for sub 6:30 pace 8k at the end of this month. Now, I just need to get rid of a pound or two of fat on my belly Sad I would try the 5k probably after Jul.

                      Self anointed title

                        Hi. New to this thread. Will be attempting to go under 18:00 on 01 Mar. Think it is a trail 5k though, so might not be as fast as I might like. Smile Modified to read "under 18:00" coz I'm a dork.




                          Hi. New to this thread. Will be attempting to go under 19:00 on 01 Mar. Think it is a trail 5k though, so might not be as fast as I might like. Smile
                          Looking at you log, I dont see that being much of a problem for you. You held a 6:08 pace for a 6 mile race and 6:40 pace for a half marathon, so holding a 6:07 pace for 3.1 miles really shouldnt be too hard.

                          Self anointed title

                            Ha! I meant to say sub 18.... might be more of a challenge. Well done and thank you for noticing!!!



                              Just want to bump up this thread. How is everyone's training going? I originally didn't plan to do a 5k prior to Boston, but I am thinking about doing one late Mar. Probably not ready for sub 19. May be sub 19:30 will be possible.
                                Hey glcko. Things are starting to come together a little bit for me. Getting in full 1 hour runs... feeling great and stronger.... Should get up to 30 miles this week. ....and last night I'm walking across the living room next to my dog last night and 'pop'.... something in the top of my foot and the right side of my left ankle... pain pain pain owww pain wth?!? owww limp pain oww.... *frowns loudly* I run on the most uneven crap day in and day out and I hurt myself walking on a carpet....sheeez . Took a couple motrin and I'm going out for a jog here in about a half hour to test it out. Hope everyone else's training is going well. And watch out for those fuzzy carpets.
                                Run like you stole something.