Goal of sub 19 minute 5k (Read 5724 times)

     Congrats!  Great run.  You are getting closer and closer to the 19 mark!

    Thanks Roth. I'll try those at the track this week. Had a 5k today and hit 19:32. Felt very solid on mile 1 and 3. Lost about 10 sec on 2 but I'll blame that on loss of focus. Starting to see sub 19 from where I am.


      Thanks Roth. I'll try those at the track this week. Had a 5k today and hit 19:32. Felt very solid on mile 1 and 3. Lost about 10 sec on 2 but I'll blame that on loss of focus. Starting to see sub 19 from where I am.




      Great stuff, you're definitely on a roll!  Nice one!

      Run happy

        last week 62,5 miles and still one piece, and feeling pretty good.



        a yasso's trial 8x800 @ 3:05 average

        a long run

        a hilly run


        hope to see a 18:XX after berlin

          last week 62,5 miles and still one piece, and feeling pretty good.



          a yasso's trial 8x800 @ 3:05 average

          a long run

          a hilly run


          hope to see a 18:XX after berlin


          Looks like the training for Berlin is going very well noyau.  Less than 4 weeks now!  I'm pretty excited I must admit.


          So I'm taking it from the yasso's you are looking at 3:05 as the target time?  That would be an awesone debut at the distance if you can do it.


          Hopefully it won't be as warm as it was at the World Championships last week....


          Run happy


            Looks like the training for Berlin is going very well noyau.  Less than 4 weeks now!  I'm pretty excited I must admit.


            So I'm taking it from the yasso's you are looking at 3:05 as the target time?  That would be an awesone debut at the distance if you can do it.


            Hopefully it won't be as warm as it was at the World Championships last week....



                training is ok! my last high mileage week (60+) then I'll slow down gradually for the last 3 weeks.


                I 'm feeling really excited too, that's a big event and my second marathon only. My first and only one was 5 years ago (in Freibourg) without any training (10-20 miles/week for 1 or 2 months) in 4:05 time Smile fantastic? or stupid? Big grin anyway I was not injured.


                When I decided for berlin the first idea was to go under 3:30. But I realize that I can do much better, so to say I'am training for a 3:05 (1 hour from PB) but aiming 3:15. That's a conservative thinking Wink we'll see the result.


                Right now I'am waiting for my visa to Germany. After the marathon we'll spend 2 weeks in Berlin and Cologne with my wife. 


                Next taget is London, then other european capitals, (much) later complete the majors in america.  





              I haven't contributed here since announcing I was in.  For me, October and November is the peak time for 5ks, and I hadn't run a 5k since New Year's day.  My current target race is a half next sunday, but my schedule worked out to do a 5k this morning, so I skipped my speed work earlier in the week.  I was curious to see what I could do after ramping up my miles in training for the half.  Well, I went:

              5:58, 6:01, 6:48 (6:11 pace), for an 18:47.

              So put me in the camp of more miles -->  more speed.


                Current Goals: Run and stuff

                  Today, I ran a very interesting race.  It is a handicap race organized by my running club.  The distance is also a little odd, 3.06 miles - 4 laps through the neighborhood.


                  I finished in 19:18, so my projected 5k time for today is probably from 19:35-19:37.  It would have been a pretty good PR for me (real 5k PR is 19:51).  I am also very happy about it because this week I had an anti-taper.  I increased the mileage and would probably finish over 100 miles for the first time.


                  I was falling off the pace a little through 2.5 laps.  But at that point, the probably fastest female runner who started 40 sec after I did caught up with me.  When she was about to pull away, I thought I really should try to stay with her.  I sped up and caught up with her and managed to stay with her until the very end. 


                    Nice run today, George.  Lookin good.

                      Yes George; very nice run. You really poured it on that last lap--at least from my vantage point it looked that way. I had an 8 sec negative split for 2nd half of race but you were still pulling away. You should have stuck around for the breakfast.


                      Another push for you to run Buffalo Stampede. The weather forecast looks good for this time of year in Sac--60 degrees for 8:00 a.m. start and partly cloudy.


                      Hope to see you there.



                      Age 60 plus best times: 5k 19:00, 10k 38:35, 10m 1:05:30, HM 1:24:09, 30k 2:04:33

                        Hi Jim, Ken,


                        Thanks for your compliments.  Most likely, I would probably not run the Buffalo Stampede because I am trying to peak for the SJ RNR 1/2 on 10/2.  If I can't go, hope you guys will have a lot of fun and run great great times!



                        Yes George; very nice run. You really poured it on that last lap--at least from my vantage point it looked that way. I had an 8 sec negative split for 2nd half of race but you were still pulling away. You should have stuck around for the breakfast.


                        Another push for you to run Buffalo Stampede. The weather forecast looks good for this time of year in Sac--60 degrees for 8:00 a.m. start and partly cloudy.


                        Hope to see you there.



                          gcklo, Congratulations! Sounds like you had a really good race.

                          Current Goals: Run and stuff

                          Run happy

                            I raced a 5k this morning (09:30 GT+2). Around 50 people were there, my rank should somewhere in the middle (don't know yet).


                            perfectly flat course by the sea, a gentle breeze from behind. I'am familiar with the course cause I'am using it course once a week or so.


                            started fast (again) but very fast this time. When I passed over the 2k mark I check my watch and read 07:00!?


                            I was suffering, but I kept running. I did think about giving up, that was after 3rd km. I slowed down, but then keep running anyway. A bunch of -negative split- guy passed me, couldn't react. My heart rate was around 180's. Didn't check my watch again till the finish line. But think about giving up two more times.


                            Finish line and read 17:38. Check agian, still 17:38. I did check te course from google earth, 5k.


                            This is how marathon training is paying back?




                              Goodness! Noyau, I remember just a few months ago when you were trying to break 20 in the 5k. What an improvement. Great job.

                              Current Goals: Run and stuff


                                Finish line and read 17:38. Check agian, still 17:38. I did check te course from google earth, 5k.


                                This is how marathon training is paying back?


                                CHA-CHING!!!!  Fantastic job, noyau.