2014 Holiday Running Streak (Read 554 times)


    That's an Audi , X. The passenger seems to be enjoying the ride.


    10 m on the mill today. Someday it will stop raining , but today was not that day.

    Total since starting: 60 miles







      5 miles tonight, nice and easy. So far 26 miles.



      2015 Goals:

      Sub 30 5K

      Sub 60 10K


        9 miles tonight.  Beautiful evening, 55 degrees and 9mph breeze.


        Current streak is at 14 miles and 6.4 miles per day.  Shortest run so far was 3.35 miles on the treadmill at the house at 9:30 PM on November 30th after traveling all day.

        Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

        Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)


          5 miles this morning, marking 11 days, while my other half slept in. And then he says to me at about 6pm, "Aren't you going to run? It's almost dinner time."


            8 miles today. Half mile warmup, then ran in the 12 K's of Christmas (part of the Reindeer Fun Run in Aberdeen, NC). I've only been running a little over a year, and this was my first race at this distance...actually my first race of any distance over 5k. Finished in 1:09. Yes, I'm a turtle!


            But a streaking turtle - day 10 done!

              Got 're done early with 8 misty miles.



              2015 Goals:

              Sub 30 5K

              Sub 60 10K


              Wind is not my friend.

                X, that happened to me last year. All i could do was laugh.


                Hit 5 and 3 the last two days. Hoping for 10 tonight.

                "Current" PRs

                5K - 18:00 (4/19)   |   HM - 1:19:28 (4/22)

                Next Race: A 5K of some sort (Goal: Sub 17:30)


                  Easy 4.6 miles today to extend the streak to 11 days.


                  Felt bad this morning and only went running because of this streak.  Felt much better by the time I was done.


                  Return To Racing

                    7 more.  47 so far.  Looks like more good running weather this week.



                      Beautiful day for my long run - 41 and sunny - so I ran 16.

                        8k at 10 pm on the damned TM again. Man, I'm getting really sick of the constant rain. We're going to rot soon.


                        I also did 15 minutes of water running today for the first time in my life. I took the kids to the swimming pool and instead of just hanging around the kiddie pool I run some laps in it. We we alone in the whole complex, otherwise I would not have done it because I think  it lookes a little silly. But it was a good workout! On one end of the pool the water was to my shoulders  and it was pretty easy, but on the other end it reached my waist and it was really hard to run in it, my quads were screaming! Afterwards the kids told their father: We were swimming and mommy was runnig and doing triceps pushups on the edge of the pool  .


                        old woman w/hobby

                          Still in.  That 200 miles might not be happening though.  But it's okay.





                            Monday- 2.7km

                            Tuesday- 7km

                            Wednesday- 10.7km

                            Thursday- 1.6km

                            Friday- 7km

                            Saturday- 19.2km

                            Sunday- 1.6km


                            Still in, though my legs are definitely feeling the lack of rest days!

                            Sulphur Springs 50km-- Ancaster, ON-- May 28, 2022

                            Tally in the Valley 12 hours-- Dundas, ON -- July 30, 2022 (Support SickKids Toronto)

                            Stokely Creek-- 56km-- Sault Ste. Marie, ON-- Sept. 24, 2022



                            Half Fanatic #846

                              Left the house this am at 56 degrees and calm, got to the trail and it was 52 and windy, but I always warm up enough after a mile or so. Got 10 in and looking to do an easy short run tomorrow. Have had to cut back on my trail running some - the knees have been complaining too much (it's a rough trail and to make matters worse, fallen leaves have hidden a lot of the roots).  And, towards the end of the run when I was silently congratulating myself for not tripping and falling - yep,  at the exact time I was thinking that thought,  I immediately hit the ground hard.  Never saw it coming - that's how it always happens.  My HM coming up in Jan. on this same trail at faster speeds should be very interesting!

                              "I don't always roll a joint, but when I do, it's usually my ankle" - unk.         "Frankly autocorrect, I'm getting a bit tired of your shirt".                  I ran half my last race on my left foot!                                  


                                I'm still in the game...my plantar fascia is killing me (and has been for weeks) but I'm still in!