Is It Okay To Run In A Cemetary? (Read 2197 times)

    You could always change the names to protect the innocent - and deceased.
      Doesn't Ed Whitlock run in a cemetary for his training? Seems to work for him.
        Imagine a solemn moment in a beatiful church during a funeral Mass. At offertory, the priest motioned for me to come forward. He whispered in my ear "there are voices coming from the casket." Now, this guy isn't normally a flake, but I thought "okay, yeah, whoa, what do I say to that?" And then, I heard it, too! There WAS a voice coming from inside the casket! Shocked I went to check it out and ended up finding the person's little brother in the men's restroom taking on a walkie talkie. He had slipped the other one into the casket before we closed it and was hiding and "communicating" with the casket. I quietly turned off his walkie talkie and walked the brother back to sit with his parents. I have never seen a priest so ghost white! And, you have probably heard of this one happening, but more than once I have had a minister turn their personal microphone on a little too soon prior to the service. And, over the sound system, you hear tinkling and then a flush!!! I did ask a priest once when he walked back into the church, "Did you wash your hands?" He looked at me really funny, then when he figured it out, he got a mortified look on his face!

        "Life is short... running makes it seem longer." - Baron Hansen


        Master of the Side Eye

          That is FUNNY! A minister once told me that he (a Lutheran) and the local Catholic priest were leading a funeral together. Out of respect for the priest, he ditched his usual casual attire and got the collar and the whole super-dressy minister gear on for the event. When he arrived at the church, he and the priest had to excuse themselves so that they could get the laughter out before starting the funeral...the priest had, out of respect to the minister, completely dressed down for the event.






          Master of the Side Eye

            My grandma died in a tragic housefire a few years ago right before Christmas. I went to the funeral mass, but did not stay for the burial of her cremated ashes that was a few days later. When I asked how it went, my mom said it was a disaster but also really funny. My aunt was in charge of getting "grandma" to the burial. However, she ran into car trouble and was late. So, everyone but my "grandma" and my aunt were standing in the cold at the burial site waiting with nothing to do and lots of awkward silence. Finally, the priest joked to the family that my grandma "was always late to everything in life so leave it to her be late to her own burial."





              Those are pretty funny! Haha at the preacher peeing for all to hear!

                Great stories. But wait - the kid talking on the walkie-talkie ... was he playing a prank? Or trying to chat with the recently departed?


                  Great stories. But wait - the kid talking on the walkie-talkie ... was he playing a prank? Or trying to chat with the recently departed?
                  Just what I was wondering. Ages (approximate) may help.
                    My grandma died in a tragic housefire a few years ago right before Christmas. I went to the funeral mass, but did not stay for the burial of her cremated ashes that was a few days later. When I asked how it went, my mom said it was a disaster but also really funny. My aunt was in charge of getting "grandma" to the burial. However, she ran into car trouble and was late. So, everyone but my "grandma" and my aunt were standing in the cold at the burial site waiting with nothing to do and lots of awkward silence. Finally, the priest joked to the family that my grandma "was always late to everything in life so leave it to her be late to her own burial."
                    That's why I insist on bringing the ashes myself to all of my inurnments...I figure it's included in my professional fee, so it's my job to get grandma there on time to her own funeral!!!

                    "Life is short... running makes it seem longer." - Baron Hansen

                      Great stories. But wait - the kid talking on the walkie-talkie ... was he playing a prank? Or trying to chat with the recently departed?
                      13 year old kid truly trying to talk to his 18 year old brother. Wasn't gonna tell you that part 'cause then it's more sad then funny.

                      "Life is short... running makes it seem longer." - Baron Hansen

                      Go Pre!

                        Doesn't Ed Whitlock run in a cemetary for his training? Seems to work for him.
                        Yes he does, actually right near where I live. He loops through and around the cemetary every day for 2 hours. They're access roads so it's not like he is running over the graves or anything. Aside from that, this old guy rocks holding many world records for his age.

                        Hold the Mayo

                          What if the epidemic victims mostly died ... quote> Contact Billy Crystal for the formula for bringing a mostly dead person safely back to life. It does work, but gradually.


                            13 year old kid truly trying to talk to his 18 year old brother. Wasn't gonna tell you that part 'cause then it's more sad then funny.
                  , that is really sweet. Poor kid. 13 year olds are really still babies, regardless of what they would prefer we believe.

                            Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                            remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                 ~ Sarah Kay


                              For the record, I'm waiting for a new page so I can ask about Ed Whitlock.



                                I live next to a cemetary, and there is ALWAYS someone running or walking there. Like others said, if you stick to the roads... I don't see a problem with it.