How competitive are you? (Is this a comet thread?) (Read 1175 times)



    I have a fast finish though for a middle of the packer... I used to run the 400 & 800 many years ago. I tend to get strangers saying "good job I could not catch you" at the end and I realize they thought they were racing me.
    Yep, I get that, too...I ran 100 and 200 all through middle school and HS. I now realize that I should have been running the 400 and 800 all those years....

    Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

    remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

         ~ Sarah Kay


      I'm as competitive as you can get. I ran a "terrible" race today in which I finished 11th with a time of 18:42, ten seconds slower than I did last week. It sucks to be a perfectionist that demands a perfect time every single race.

      Feeling the growl again

        I'm extremely competitive in virtually everything I do. I either try to do it well, or I do something else. I would say it is excessive but I benchmark against myself, not others, so it usually leads to healthy outcomes. This makes it very frustrating when I'm not running my best. I find it hard to take it less seriously.

        "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


        I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


          I am usually just set out to reach my own goals and don't pay much attention to others times. Last year while running Hood to Coast relay, I was running one of the middle of the night legs in the dark. I was behind a women and kept trying to pass her. Every time I made my move, she would speed up and woudn't let me pass. Then at one point, she started speeding up and said to me "Do you think you can keep up". That did it for me there and I thought to myself- "oh no, you did not just say that"! I didn't say a word and passed her and continued running as fast and as hard as I could through the finish. I kept looking back, but eventually left her in the dust. I am sure she took one look at the short chubby girl running next to her and thought she could take me- I made her eat her words Evil grin That was my most competitive moment yet with running.

            Depends on the race and who shows up Big grin During training, I am competetive with myself, wanting to be the best Dopple Bock I can be. Although this year, I have half ass trained and drank more beer. Come race day, I compete on 2 levels ... Wtih myself to try and get the fastest race possible out of myself (Strategy + Effort) and with other racers. Depending on the race and who is around (You get to know your local running community), I may run my race and just "Race" others the last 10-20% of the race. Other times I will run the whole race tactically to beat certain people. I would not call wanting to improve as being competetive (New PRs etc) but running to be the best runner you can be. While the other approach is not as much about running, but enjoyment of the experience and possible health benefits. I respect either approach for its own merits.

            Long dead ... But my stench lingers !



            Giant Flaming Dork

              Heck ya! My first (and only HM) I picked out a guy that was about 1/2 mile ahead of me in with 5k to go. Reeled him in in the last 400. That was the best feeling I ever had running.


                one other thing I think is great about this site is that the people I consider super fast (running 17 minute 5ks and 2:45 marathons) never seem to give any negative waves to us middle of the pack runners. I really appreciate it. You guys are awesome. I have my first 5k race in a long time comming up in 2 weeks. I hope to run 23:00 but it may be more like 23:20. To a lot of you folks that is a warm-up. But I have never had anyone snicker at me here. and this is what I think is good about being competitive in this sport. you are really competing against yourself. I think sometimes were get motivated by others but we rarely actually are in competition with them. When I used to play ice hockey I remember a guy slipped a bit and whacked me in the face with his stick. I played the best hockey I ever played for the 60 seconds after that with pure adrenaline. It lasted until the ref called time and took me off the ice because I was bleeding too much. The guy came over to appologize. I gave him a semi-friendly whack to the head with my glove and told him to forget it but he can expect a good check later. Sometimes being competitive just means we are bringing the best out of ourselves. And the sports we play can be better for it. Can be... I've seen the bad side of being competitive also. My 8 year old loved flag football last year. This year after 3 practices he said he didn't want to play. One of the assistant coaches was way to negative and was the clipboard throwing type. I had no hesitation calling the head coach and letting him know why my son was dropping out. The practices had way too much tension and little joy.






                I've got a fever...

                  During training, I am competetive with myself, wanting to be the best Dopple Bock I can be. Although this year, I have half ass trained and drank more beer.
                  Since Dopple Bock is a (rather excellent and potent) type of beer, drink more beer truly is helping you be the best Dopple Bock you can be.

                  On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.


                  Non-Stroller-Still Crazy

                    Valerie: "Liar! L-i-a-r!!!!" Miracle Max: "Get back, witch!" Valerie: "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife. But after what you just said I'm not even sure I want to be that anymore."
                    "To the wench witch!"

                    Non-Stroller-Still Crazy

                      I have only been competitive in one particular race. It is our Old reliable 10k. It is one of only a few competitions that have a jogging stroller division. They actually let us start 3 minutes ahead of the rest of the pack. Then the local elites try to chase us down before the first mile marker. I was in the stroller lead for 5 miles two years ago. Then a guy with a 120 lb double jogger reeled me in on a long uphill. He drafted off of me for the entire last full mile. He actually ran with his front wheel in-between my legs. I had planned to out kick him at the finish but the sub 6:00 last mile just destroyed me. I gave it everything I had but I was just destroyed. However, the next year I pushed the pace to a 5:40 first mile to break his will. It worked! I beat him by at least 45 seconds and I didn’t run the last mile hard at all! Other than that race I really just run for fun. I am thinking about changing that tomorrow though. I have a very flat 5k that I will definitely be shooting for a PR on.
                        Note to self: don't underestimate the stroller dudes
                          Note to self: don't underestimate the stroller dudes
                          No kidding. JDF, you're freakin' fast with that stroller! Hope your race went well.
                            Wink I'm the living example of the "old guys and gals" who get passed all the time by most everyone. I started running 7 months ago at age 69, and at the 1st 5K I thought I'd just walk, but that gun went off, and the competitive spirit took hold, and I have been tryng to "win" ever since. Well, everyone else was running like heck, so I tried my best to do the same. Not being last was my goal. Great fun, this competitive stuff! So far, everyone has been nice, even when I pass them, or they pass me! They say things like "you look good", etc. Mostly, of course, though, I am running against my own record. Like a turtle that wants to get faster and is out there trying to stretch out the legs. Big grin I like Econo's attitude! Hey, I'm new here. How do I add a quote?

                            Professional Noob

                              Wink I'm the living example of the "old guys and gals" who get passed all the time by most everyone. I started running 7 months ago at age 69, and at the 1st 5K I thought I'd just walk, but that gun went off, and the competitive spirit took hold, and I have been tryng to "win" ever since. Well, everyone else was running like heck, so I tried my best to do the same. Not being last was my goal. Great fun, this competitive stuff! So far, everyone has been nice, even when I pass them, or they pass me! They say things like "you look good", etc. Mostly, of course, though, I am running against my own record. Like a turtle that wants to get faster and is out there trying to stretch out the legs. Big grin I like Econo's attitude! Hey, I'm new here. How do I add a quote?
                              The better I am at something, the more competitive I am. Or is it the other way around? Confused Big grin You quote by clicking on the "quote" button to the upper right of whatever person's post you want to quote from.

                              Roads were made for journeys...

                                I'd say I'm pretty competitive (not to say that I have any talent, I don't), but I'm pretty conflicted about it and kind of wish I wasn't. I never ran in HS/college (mostly out of ignorance), started as an adult. And it's real tempting to be a fun runner, low key ultrarunner, or marathon maniac type. I think these people get a good deal more joy from their running than I do. I think that this is where my running will eventually end up. But there is this thing inside of me...I have to get some idea how I would have ran if I had run competitively in high school or college. I need to find out what my potential is or was. It's pretty much a personality flaw, and explaining it, it sounds really dumb. I know, deep down in my heart, that goofing around on trails all day is what I really want, but I have to see how good of a runner I would have been before I can let myself do that. So yeah.
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