Garmin 405 (Read 1364 times)

Eustace Tierney


    Christmas ain't far away and I'm thinking of asking Santa to bring me a Garmin 405. I have read mixed reviews on other sites but I value the views of my knowledgeable fellow runners on this site. What are your thoughts? If this has been discussed before, my apologies but please point me in the right direction. Thanks

    "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." Goals: Keep on running!


    I've got a fever...

      Don't have experience with it, but if you have a Mac don't go there (due to lack of Mac-compatible wireless syncing dongle). Fortunately, 205/305's are Mac-tastic.

      On your deathbed, you won't wish that you'd spent more time at the office.  But you will wish that you'd spent more time running.  Because if you had, you wouldn't be on your deathbed.

        I hve one,I like it, but I'm still learning to use the features. If you type Garmin 405 into the search box ( upper right hand corner) you will find lots of threads.

        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away...(unkown)

        Go With The Flow
        Thyroid Support Group

        Imminent Catastrophe

          You can still use one with a Mac if you run Windows via Bootcamp, Parallels, Fusion, etc. Works fine. MTA: It doesn't really work fine with Garmin software, which is universally rated as "sucky" in both Windoze and Mac. But you can use the data in other, better third-party apps. Oh yeah, there's a Forerunner 405 user group: http://www.runningahead.com/groups/forerunner405/Forum

          "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

           "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

          "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


          √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

          Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

          Western States 100 June 2016

            I like mine. My 305 changed my life, mind you, and this is more like a small improvement from the 305. There are some tiny tweaks - it'll go nuts if you get too sweaty, though you can make adjustments for this. As mentioned, the software is just tragically awful and I've pretty much stopped using it completely. Because I'm a lunch-time runner, I love the smaller size... I can wear it to work and not worry about forgetting it. It's a tiny bit more accurate, but not insanely so. And it finds satellites a little bit quicker, too, but not a lot. I think it's the best Garmin device for running, though, and when this one dies, I'll buy another.

            Go to http://certainintelligence.blogspot.com for my blog.


            Consistently Slow

              The screen went blank. Christmas gift.  The battery hopefully is not going dead.Have you experienced this problem.

              Run until the trail runs out.

               SCHEDULE 2016--

               The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

              unsolicited chatter


                I've no experience with the 405, but Garmin's customer service was exceptional when I dealt with them re: my 305.

                "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                -- Dick LeBeau


                  The screen went blank. Christmas gift.  The battery hopefully is not going dead.Have you experienced this problem.


                  My screen has been blank when the battery's drained down to 0.

                  Imminent Catastrophe

                    Yep, dead battery, that's normal. Since you can't turn it off it runs down in a couple weeks even unused. Don't ask me why it uses so much power in that mode, it just does.

                    BTW mine's 4 years old and battery life is down to around 4 hours. I heard you can get it refurbished, has anyone done that?

                    "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                     "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                    "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                    √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                    Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                    Western States 100 June 2016


                    Consistently Slow

                      Yep, dead battery, that's normal. Since you can't turn it off it runs down in a couple weeks even unused. Don't ask me why it uses so much power in that mode, it just does.

                      BTW mine's 4 years old and battery life is down to around 4 hours. I heard you can get it refurbished, has anyone done that?

                       Refurbished,yes. For $79. G support could not repair my 305. Sent me another one at no cost. 2 days out of warranty.

                      Battery reads 43% on the charger.Will contact G S in a few  minutes.

                      Run until the trail runs out.

                       SCHEDULE 2016--

                       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                      unsolicited chatter


                      Maggie & Molly

                        if I charge the battery before it is fully exhausted will that shorten the overall battery life.  I've been wearing it to walk around to kill the battery so that I can charge it before my run.  Would like to just plug it in every day but am afraid to do that.

                         "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
                        Wisdom of Confucius

                        HF 4363


                        On the road again...

                          Maybe mine's the odd one, but my 305 is 2.5 years old, and it sits on my cradle all the time.  I pull it off, run, plug it in to upload the run, and leave it there.  I've never had any trouble with it not holding a charge.


                          (Funny how a 2008 thread about the 405 became a 2011 thread about the 305)

                          I write. I read. I run. One time, I ran a lot on my 50th birthday.



                            One day my 305 battery just died. As it was out of warranty I returned it to Garmin and for $79 they sent me a new one.

                            The process is the goal.

                            Men heap together the mistakes of their lives, and create a monster they call Destiny.

                            Imminent Catastrophe

                              Runnerclay, I thought you were talking about the 405, my comment applied to that model. 

                              "Able to function despite imminent catastrophe"

                               "To obtain the air that angels breathe you must come to Tahoe"--Mark Twain

                              "The most common question from potential entrants is 'I do not know if I can do this' to which I usually answer, 'that's the whole point'.--Paul Charteris, Tarawera Ultramarathon RD.


                              √ Javelina Jundred Jalloween 2015

                              Cruel Jewel 50 mile May 2016

                              Western States 100 June 2016



                                Maybe mine's the odd one, but my 305 is 2.5 years old, and it sits on my cradle all the time.  I pull it off, run, plug it in to upload the run, and leave it there.  I've never had any trouble with it not holding a charge.


                                My original 305 also lived its life like this...for almost 3.5 years and a ton of use as running and bike computer.  I recently picked up a new one, since the first one had gradually started flaking-out.  But holding a charge had never become an issue.  I had at least one 7 hour day on my bike last Summer and the Garmin was just fine.  I think it's old-school to discharge rechargeable batteries from the Ni-Cad days and has the opposite of the intended effect on Li-ion batteries.  My hubby is always nagging me to charge my cell phone EVERY night, for good reason.

                                Getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to

                                remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.    

                                     ~ Sarah Kay
