The Waltons aka Advanced Half Marathon Training Thread - 2022 edition (Read 444 times)


    Hello everybody!

    First of all, thanks to ComanderKeen, our previous thread lord. He will now serve as protein diet ambassador and mileage overlord.

    If you've just been lurking around the forum/ old thread, now is the time to join!


    1. All welcome!! Advanced half training can mean sub 1h15 for some and sub 1h45 for others
    2. Start with an introduction... name, age, gender, location, running history and goals, favorite races, etc.
    3. We strongly encourage everyone to post their weekly training, it can lead to some very helpful discussions and insights.
    4. If you have an upcoming race, let me know and I will add it to the table below. If you disappear from the forum the race will get removed.
    5. We also highly encourage you to get involved with other people. If you only dump your weeklies and ask questions about yourself, you won’t get as much support. This is like give a penny, take a penny. Nobody likes people who only take a penny.
    6. Stick around - even if you're injured or your motivation is low. We all go through these spells and it’s good for people to know how you’re doing.  Others on the thread may have input on both mental and physical rehab from injuries.
    7. Banter and bad jokes are required
    8. Taper madness is a real thing, but it should definitely be made fun of.  The more extreme the case, the bigger the mocking.  

    There is also a Strava club.

    Flavio has created an app to generate your weekly training in a nice table for those on Strava.


    Memorable Quotes:

    arunnerd - Man, miss a couple of days and pay the price.  Whoosh, so much to read.


    arunnerdWelcome Fred, a 2000 mile year sure sounds serious to me.  You, me, and CC0 appear to be running similar paces.  If the rest of them run off and leave us we will just hang back and talk about them.  I've seen pictures of what some of them wear, and well....


    James - Or it could just be that I'm OCD, but I doubt I'm the only one on the board.  Running 7 halfs in 7 days, cardio every day for 15+ years, and running outside when it's so cold your eyelashes freeze all seem much more extreme to me, and that's just what's been posted today.


    ccoakley - PS. My 4 yr old has been brutal.  'Mommy I thought you were running til dinner', 'Mommy shouldn't you be running now?', 'Mommy you said you couldn't play today but now you can cause you stopped running'.  Way to rub it in kid.


    James - Welcome.  I think you give us 5 Kiwis, along with about twice that many Americans and Flavio, who changes countries about as often as I get haircuts (I went 14 months between them during the pandemic).  


    James - I'm assuming it's Greenville SC; the U.S. has more Greenvilles than New Zealand has Nathan Joneses.


    James - Here's how you tell us apart:  Corey is a man in his 50s who peaked in late 2018 & 2019, whose mile PR is 5:38, who races in South Carolina, and whose son graduated from Clemson with a business degree last year.  I'm a man in my 50s whose post-high school peak was in 2019, whose grownup mile PR is 5:37+, who has cancelled hotel reservations for four races in South Carolina in the last couple of years, and whose son started at Clemson as a business major last year.  See?  Easy.


    Piwi - Referring to the post vasectomy sperm count exam:

    Fred ah yes Ive done that test. Such a waste of 20 secs of my life 


    Zebano - "Steve  I'm amused that you're weather complaining for a non-race race. Next you'll be weather complaining about your normal runs, then you'll turn into Mark. Wink"


    James - After noticing one discount ticket at the movies. He asked if it was for him or his son, but wisely didn't ask if it was for his wife.

    "* I've been married long enough that I didn't even think about asking if he thought it was DW who was old."


      Name Date Race Goal Result
       Marky_Mark_17  Jan 16  Run Orewa 10k  TBD  34:38
       watsonc123  Feb 5  Trentham Park Run 5km  TBD

       Cancelled due

      to Covid

       Marky_Mark_17  Feb 7  Run Devonport 10k  TBD

       36:07 -  

      1st place

       zebano  Feb 19  Freezefest 5k  Sub 20  21:10 / Icy
       ccoakley  Feb 19  12 hour challenge  



       watsonc123  Feb 20


      Round the Bays HM


       Cancelled due

      to Covid

       Marky_Mark_17  Feb 20  Run the Point 10k  TBD  34:11 (9.77k)
       Cfarr   Feb 26  Greenville HM  TBD  1:38:07
       SteveChCh  Feb 27  Motorway 10km   42'  0:40:49 10k PR, 19:51 5k PR
       Running Problem  Mar 6  Leprechaun Chase 5k  sub 19:30  DNS
       Cfarr  Mar 12  Race for the Gold HM  TBD  DNS
       Fredford66  Mar 13  E. Murray Todd Half  TBD  1:54:53
       CCoakley  Mar 13  Shamrock 5k   TBD  25:32
       Marky_Mark_17  Mar 20  Run Albany 10k  TBD  35:01
       Fredford66  Mar 20  Spring Distance Classic 5k    23:48 PR
       Marky_Mark_17  Mar 27  Omaha Half Marathon  TBD  1:16:26
       watsonc123  Mar 27

       Xterra Wellington

      West Wind

      Long Course

      18km with 900m elevation

       TBD  DNS
       CommanderKeen  Apr 2  Aquarium Run HM  Sub 1:21  1:23:24 PR
       Fredford66  Apr 2  RunaPalooza Half  Sub 1:52  1:50:46.5 PR
       SteveChCh  Apr 10  Christchurch Marathon  sub 3:20  Cancelled
       Zebano  Apr 16  Kewash 10k  sub 40  DNS
       ccoakley  Apr 23  Monument Ave 10k  sub 50  DNS
       Fredford66  Apr 24  RBC Race for the Kids 4M  TBD 0:31:59
       JamesD  May 1  Invest in Yourself 5K  21:00  20:04
       Marky_Mark_17  May 7  Southern Lakes HM  TBD  1:12:43
       SteveChCh  May 7  Southern Lakes HM  PR  1:27:32 PR
       Flavio1980  May 8  Matosinhos HM  Sub 90  1:29:52 
       Fredford66  May 8  Rubin Run Half Marathon  TBD  1:57:20
       Cfarr  May 14  Mountains to Main HM  TBD 1:35-1:40  1:38:34
       ccoakley  May 21  James River Scarmble 10kish sub 1:16:42  DNS
       ccoakley  May 22  Bust the Banks HM.  Have fun  DNS
       watsonc123  Jun 11

       Dorne Cup X-Country

       36:30 0:37:17 
       hashiritai  Jun 11


       3:55 pace  0:33:27
       Fredford66  Jun 12

       Westfield Day Care Center 5k

       TBD  0:24:12
       Fredford66  Jul 4

       Cranford Jaycees Firecracker 4 Miler

       watsonc123  Jul 16

       WUU2k Ultra

      43km with

      2000m elevation

       TBD  DNS
       watsonc123  Jul 17

       Wellington X-Country Champs

       Marky_Mark_17  Aug 20

       Auckland 10km road champs

       Cfarr  Aug 26

       Anderson Midnight

      Flight 1mile

       sub 5:30  
       Fredford66  Aug 27

       Grete's Great Gallop 10k

       Marky_Mark_17  Sep 4

       NZ 10km road champs

       watson123  Sep 17

       Rotorua marathon

       Marky_Mark_17  Oct 1

       National Road Relays

       SteveChCh  Oct 2

      Melbourne Marathon

       Sub 3:20  
       zebano  Oct 2  Twin Cities marathon  TBD  
       Marky_Mark_17  Oct 16  NZ Half Marathon Champs  TBD  
       Marky_Mark_17  Nov 6  Nelson Half Marathon  TBD  
       ccoakley  Nov 12  Richmond marathon  TBD  
       SteveChCh  Nov 19  Queenstown Half   TBD  
       Cfarr  Dec 10  Kiawah Island HM  TBD  

        Sup yall?


        I'm still Shawn, running in Iowa, loving trail races and chasing some goals that seem far out there (pertinent to this thread: sub 40 10k and sub 90 half). I'll be 41 in January and I'll start the year off as a triathlete (3 races) before switching to a marathon focus in the summer and racing Twin Cities marathon on Oct. 2nd. I'm currently trying to find a tune up half or 10m that fits nicely in that schedule. I'm signed up for Freezefest 5k on Feb 19. Goal is a simple sub-20 because I just want to have a healthy strong race at this point and I can worry about PRs latter in the year.


        I think the pertinent question is how many countries will Flavio race in this year?

        1600 - 5:23 (2018), 5k - 19:33 (2018), 10k - 41:20 (2021), half - 1:38:57 (2018), Marathon - 3:37:17 (2018)


        Cobra Commander Keen

          Hello again, everyone! And "hello" for any first-timers.


          Kyle here. The Once and Future Mileage King, who also embraces the title of Protein Diet Ambassador (1 gram per pound of body weight!).
          37 years old from flyover country (Oklahoma) USA. Married (12 years in March) with 3 daughters (ages 4, 7, 10 - functionally 11 right now). I'm an adult-onset runner, starting in July 2015. I jumped in to running headfirst after doing a 5k with my wife's family and discovering I loved it and wondered just how fast I could end up getting at the distance.


          I'm not signed up for any races as of yet, though I'm considering a 20k trail race at the end of January just for kicks. After that I'll probably target a 10k/HM cycle for spring, potentially rolling that into a marathon - perhaps Fargo or Grandma's.
          I do want to (finally!) win that blasted hilly/hot HM in Texas I go to every year. Remind me when it comes time: Don't go out harder than marathon effort!
          For time goals, I want a sub 18 5k and all the longer-distance race results that line up with it!

          A fall marathon (CIM again?) is certainly on my to-do list. I DESPERATELY need to get a solid marathon under my belt after the last three I've "run".


          Mileage/training time history:
          2015: 558 miles, 85:52:07 h:m:s (starting from July)
          2016: 1,912 miles, 252:01:07 h:m:s
          2017: 2,242 miles, 298:12:13 h:m:s
          2018: 2,931 miles, 388:49:29 h:m:s
          2019: 3,172 miles, 429:32:07 h:m:s
          2020: 3,353 miles, 463:06:50 h:m:s
          2021: 3,842.53 mi, 527:19:31 h:m:s


          Eventually I'll run out of room in this "yearly increasing mileage" thing, I suppose.

          5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


          Upcoming Races:


          August 31 - Brookhaven 5k

          October 13 - Prairie Fire Half

          November 2  - Crossroads Marathon



            The thread title's first word looks kind of weird Smile

            paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


            Hot Weather Complainer

              Thank you Flavio for starting the thread (and surprisingly not calling it "Advanced Strength Training 2022").


              I'm Steve, 45 years old and live in Christchurch, New Zealand.  I'm pretty settled here now after 5 years.  Previously I lived in Melbourne, Australia for 10 years and shorter stints in Wellington, Dunedin and London.  My immediate goal is my first full marathon in April, but there is plenty of cross posting around here, and I expect to target a half PR at some point in 2022.  For now, my only planned half is Queenstown on November 19.  I'll probably focus completely on the marathon and then depending on the recovery make a call on which half to target in August or September.  Flavio being the boss will make the call on whether races outside half-marathons appear on the table.


              I started running in 2001-02 and soon settled into the half as my preferred distance.  The marathon was always something to be done in the future "after I get sub 1:30 in the half", "when I'm more settled in my career", "when I'm not distracted by playing cricket or soccer".


              That time never seemed to come with injuries or moves or big life changes, like relationships ending, moving cities/countries or the loss or illness of family members.  From 2014 I started working with a coach and since then my training has improved, increasing mileage and decreasing injuries albeit with the occasional issue.  I first went sub 1:30 for the half in 2004 before finally doing it again in 2016 with a new PR.  I've had 5-6 races very close to 1:30 since then before finally going sub 1:30 again in November 2021, missing a PR by 8 seconds.


              Despite, or maybe because of, all the cancelled races in 2020-21, my mileage has hit the highest level ever.  After a solid 2020 I took the plunge and planned for my first marathon in April 2021.  Unfortunately I got a small knee niggle around Christmas 2020 and wasn't able to return to normal training for a few weeks.  By then the race date was looming too quickly so I chose a new race in June 2021 in Wellington.  My training went really well and I enjoyed the higher volume and lower intensity.  My goal was sub 3:20 which is possibly conservative given my half times, but I don't think it's sandbagging when I've never done the distance.


              For the first half of 2021 the pandemic issues were pretty quiet in New Zealand but 4 days out from the Wellington marathon a Covid positive person from Australia went through Wellington.  There wasn't a single confirmed case but unfortunately the hysteria led to increased restrictions in Wellington which led to the postponement of the race.  That was a bit of a blow coming pretty much out of the blue.  On the positive side, I was dealing with some tricky family stuff at the time and the weather on race day was horrific - horrific in Wellington is torrential rain and hurricane strength winds so it's possible it was a blessing and prevented a tough first marathon experience.  I decided to run the distance that weekend anyway, in Christchurch where the weather was perfect and only at easy pace.  It was pretty comfortable and good to at least have that behind me.  The rest of 2021 had 4 more race cancellations, but I was only training for the half after that, knowing the risk of cancellations.  It's slightly easier to maintain half training and keep extending until you finally get a race.


              So in 2022 I go again, targeting the Christchurch marathon on April 10 as my first.  I'm coming off my 2 biggest mileage years ever.  The peak of marathon training will also be at the peak of summer so it will be tougher than last year, training in Autumn, but hopefully it builds my race day resilience.  A nice cool day for race day would be ideal too.


              Mileage Totals


              2021  3859km (2398 miles)  Estimating the mileage on the last few days of the year

              2020  3442.36km (2139 miles)

              2019  2331.46km (1449 miles)

              2018  2308.67km (1435 miles)

              2017  2291.61km (1424 miles)

              2016  2796.60km (1738 miles)

              5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:29:54 6/24


              2024 Races:

              Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

              Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

              Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

              Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

              Foster Park Run July 20, 2024 19:02

              Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

              Timaru Ten October 26, 2024


              Hot Weather Complainer

                The thread title's first word looks kind of weird Smile


                If there's advanced marathon training going on in the marathon thread, there's definitely advanced half training going on here.  Not me of course but we do have plenty of sub 1:20 runners, and piwi who achieves crazy age graded percentages.

                5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:29:54 6/24


                2024 Races:

                Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

                Foster Park Run July 20, 2024 19:02

                Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

                Timaru Ten October 26, 2024


                RIP Milkman


                  If there's advanced marathon training going on in the marathon thread, there's definitely advanced half training going on here.  Not me of course but we do have plenty of sub 1:20 runners, and piwi who achieves crazy age graded percentages.


                  But is there advanded training going on? Doubtful. I think Cal was right on the money here.

                  5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                  Hot Weather Complainer

                    Did I miss a typo in the original thread name so have completely missed the joke...

                    5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:29:54 6/24


                    2024 Races:

                    Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                    Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                    Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                    Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

                    Foster Park Run July 20, 2024 19:02

                    Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

                    Timaru Ten October 26, 2024


                      I guess both threads need a name change then


                      Ok, ok... You probably didn't notice, but the previous/original thread title (before flavio fixed it) was -


                      Advanded Half Marathon Training Thread - 2022 edition


                      I probably should be more specific when I mentioned there was something wrong with the first word. Smile There was no intention to offend anybody Smile

                      paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


                      Hot Weather Complainer


                        Ok, ok... You probably didn't notice, but the previous/original thread title (before flavio fixed it) was -


                        Advanded Half Marathon Training Thread - 2022 edition


                        I probably should be more specific when I mentioned there was something wrong with the first word. Smile There was no intention to offend anybody Smile


                        Ha, yeah I took a closer look at JMac's comment and worked out where I went wrong

                        5km: 18:34 11/23 │ 10km: 39:10 8/23 │ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 │ M: 3:29:54 6/24


                        2024 Races:

                        Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                        Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                        Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                        Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

                        Foster Park Run July 20, 2024 19:02

                        Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

                        Timaru Ten October 26, 2024


                        Roads Scholar

                          Hello all,


                          Lance here, M56 from Northwest Arkansas (USA).  I returned to running about 6 months ago after a 5 year layoff. I have been lurking here because this group appeals to me more than the other choices.  The HM is my favorite distance to race and you are all serious about your running and you pass out good advice.


                          I was very happy to see the rebranding of the group to welcome a broader range of runners.  Realistically I will never again break 1:30. The best I can hope for is about 1:35 based on reaching my previous potential and adjusting for age, and even that is too optimistic for 2022.  My weight will continue to hold me back for a while.


                          My next race is the Best Damn Race, New Orleans, March 20. My goal will depend heavily on my weight  .  If I can lose enough weight then 1:45 could be possible but 1:50 might be more realistic.


                          I have a blog link in my signature where you can read my RRs and backstory.


                          I remember PiwiKiwi from RWOL years ago. He was fast then but, damn, I think he is even faster now.  It seems that all you Kiwis are fast.  I understand there is some question about accurate distance measurements, but my own personal opinion is it is due to gravity. All of us normal people here at the top of the world have to fight against gravity holding us down. All you people at the bottom of the world have gravity helping you.

                          I strive towards laconic wit, my wife says I'm halfway there.




                            Hi, I'm Caitlin. I've occasionally lurked in the sub 90 and sub 3 threads but am no where near that fast.  I do think I could aspire to advanded training.  But seriously if I am still too slow for this group please say something.


                            I started running in college very casually and ran my first marathon in 2004 in 5:45.  I've run almost a dozen marathons since then, my PR is from 2007 4:24.  Ever since 2007 has just been a steady string of set backs (broken knee, reoccurring hamstring issues, and 2 pregnancies). 2020 was actually a huge breakout year for my running.  My DH and I both work from home and kept our 2 kids (6 and 4) home all year from daycare so putting them in the double stroller and heading out for a jog was the only time we left the house for many, many months. I went from 30-35 mpw to gradually working up to 45-50 mpw and I saw huge gains in my running.


                            I was training for a virtual HM fall 2020 and was on track to run 1:53-1:55 when I decided a virtual race wasn't worth the taper or injury risk.  Then in Nov/Dec 2020 I got greedy with the speedwork and seriously injured my hamstring.  Most of 2021 was getting back to where I was.


                            One of my 2022 running goals is to train for a 1:45-1:50 half.  I'm a bit of an outlier in that I enjoy the training far more than the racing aspect.  I get just as much satisfaction from nailing a challenging workout as I do from 1 race.


                            I'd love to connect with this group but totally understand if I'm not quite at this level.

                            5k 24:53 (2020) |10k 52:24 (2021) |HM 1:57:14 (2019) |FM 4:24 (2007) |50k 5:57 (2022)




                              Wow, I spend a few hours offline and the banter has already started.  Anyway great to see a couple of new faces here already, welcome arunnerd and ccoakley.  Don't worry about the 1:30 thing (which is now gone anyways!), there is a fairly wide range of runners on here and the main thing is to come on here and talk about running HMs or shorter distances.


                              Also hail to our new overlord and his intriguing concept of advanded half marathon training.


                              I'm Mark, 40, from Auckland, New Zealand.  I have a wife and a 4-year old daughter, who is just about to start her first kids 2k run series.  I started running in mid-2015 after rehabbing a very serious knee injury I copped playing field hockey... and then things kinda escalated, I mean they really got out of hand fast, and somehow I was winning races, series and even the National Masters HM title in 2019.


                              After two marathons I have officially retired from marathons because I hate them, and the focus is on 5k to HM distance for me which I think is my natural sweet spot.  Last year the highlight for me was the Southern Lakes HM, which I'm running again this year.  But unfortunately most of the National Championship season got cancelled due to lockdowns, so I'm hoping for better luck this year and with the benefit of a very consistent year of training behind me.


                              I've unimaginatively copied my goals from last year because... the first three are just generally valid and I didn't manage the fourth one since National 10k Road Champs got cancelled.


                              Mileage history:

                              2015: not much (didn't track it)

                              2016: 2,686km / 1,669 miles

                              2017: 3,612km / 2,244 miles

                              2018: 3,613km / 2,245 miles (not an accident)

                              2019: 4,146km / 2,576 miles

                              2020: 4,436km / 2,756 miles

                              2021: 4,371km / 2,716 miles


                              Goals for 2022:

                              1. Have fun

                              2. Don't get injured

                              3. Run at least one new race

                              4. Beat my 10k road PB

                              3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                              10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                              * Net downhill course

                              Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                              Up next: Still working on that...

                              "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                                Name Date Race Goal Result
                                 Marky_Mark_17  Jan 16  Run Orewa 10k  TBD  34:38
                                 watsonc123  Feb 5  Trentham Park Run 5km  TBD

                                 Cancelled due

                                to Covid

                                 Marky_Mark_17  Feb 7  Run Devonport 10k  TBD

                                 36:07 -  

                                1st place

                                 zebano  Feb 19  Freezefest 5k  Sub 20  21:10 / Icy
                                 ccoakley  Feb 19  12 hour challenge  



                                 watsonc123  Feb 20


                                Round the Bays HM


                                 Cancelled due

                                to Covid

                                 Marky_Mark_17  Feb 20  Run the Point 10k  TBD  34:11 (9.77k)
                                 Cfarr   Feb 26  Greenville HM  TBD  1:38:07
                                 SteveChCh  Feb 27  Motorway 10km   42'

                                 0:40:49 10k PR

                                 19:51 5k PR

                                 Running Problem  Mar 6  Leprechaun Chase 5k  sub 19:30  DNS
                                 Cfarr  Mar 12  Race for the Gold HM  TBD  DNS
                                 Fredford66  Mar 13  E. Murray Todd Half  TBD  1:54:53
                                 CCoakley  Mar 13  Shamrock 5k   TBD  25:32
                                 Marky_Mark_17  Mar 20  Run Albany 10k  TBD  35:01
                                 Fredford66  Mar 20  Spring Distance Classic 5k    23:48 PR
                                 Marky_Mark_17  Mar 27  Omaha Half Marathon  TBD  1:16:26
                                 watsonc123  Mar 27

                                 Xterra Wellington

                                West Wind

                                Long Course

                                18km with 900m elevation

                                 TBD  DNS
                                 CommanderKeen  Apr 2  Aquarium Run HM  Sub 1:21  1:23:24 PR
                                 Fredford66  Apr 2  RunaPalooza Half  Sub 1:52  1:50:46.5 PR
                                 SteveChCh  Apr 10  Christchurch Marathon  sub 3:20  Cancelled
                                 Zebano  Apr 16  Kewash 10k  sub 40  DNS
                                 ccoakley  Apr 23  Monument Ave 10k  sub 50  DNS
                                 Fredford66  Apr 24  RBC Race for the Kids 4M  TBD 0:31:59
                                 JamesD  May 1  Invest in Yourself 5K  21:00  20:04
                                 Marky_Mark_17  May 7  Southern Lakes HM  TBD  1:12:43
                                 SteveChCh  May 7  Southern Lakes HM  PR  1:27:32 PR
                                 Flavio1980  May 8  Matosinhos HM  Sub 90  1:29:52 
                                 Fredford66  May 8  Rubin Run Half Marathon  TBD  1:57:20
                                 Cfarr  May 14  Mountains to Main HM  TBD 1:35-1:40  1:38:34
                                 ccoakley  May 21  James River Scarmble 10kish sub 1:16:42  DNS
                                 ccoakley  May 22  Bust the Banks HM.  Have fun  DNS
                                 watsonc123  Jun 11

                                 Dorne Cup X-Country

                                 36:30 0:37:17 
                                 hashiritai  Jun 11


                                 3:55 pace  0:33:27
                                 Fredford66  Jun 12

                                 Westfield Day Care Center 5k

                                 TBD  0:24:12
                                 Fredford66  Jun 14

                                5K race

                                 25:54  24:58
                                 Flavio  Jun 18

                                 Portuguese Nat Masters 1500m

                                 <4:54  5:02.85
                                 Fredford66  Jul 4

                                 Cranford Jaycees Firecracker 4 Miler

                                 TBD  31:35
                                 watsonc123  Jul 16

                                 WUU2k Ultra

                                43km with

                                2000m elevation

                                 TBD  DNS
                                 watsonc123  Jul 17

                                 Wellington X-Country Champs

                                 TBD  43:51 
                                 Hashiritai  Jul 17

                                 Wellington X-Country Champs

                                   6 minutes faster than 2021
                                 Fredford66  Jul 18

                                 Hometown 5k

                                 Hashiritai  Jul 23

                                 Resnick Cup XC

                                 Hashiritai  Jul 24

                                 Johnsonville Hill Race 8k

                                 watsonc123  Jul 30

                                 Trentham Parkrun 5k

                                 Hashiritai  Jul 30

                                 NZ XC Champs 8k

                                   32:59 (9th M50-54)
                                 Hashiritai  Aug 6

                                 Track 5K

                                   18:49 (PB)
                                 CommanderKeen  Aug 13

                                 Riverside 5000

                                   18:05 (PB)
                                 watsonc123  Aug 20

                                 Wellington 10k road champs

                                 Hashiritai  Aug 20

                                 Wellington 10k road champs

                                   37:52 (PB)
                                 Marky_Mark_17  Aug 21

                                 Auckland 10km road champs

                                 TBD  33:42
                                 Cfarr  Aug 26

                                 Anderson Midnight

                                Flight 1mile

                                 sub 5:30  
                                 Fredford66  Aug 27

                                 Grete's Great Gallop 10k

                                   1:03:44 (NYCM qualifier)
                                 JamesD  Aug 27-8

                                 Country's Midnight Express 5k

                                 20:15  19:58
                                 Marky_Mark_17  Sep 4

                                 NZ 10km road champs

                                 TBD  34:13
                                 Hashiritai  Sep 4 

                                 NZ 10km road champs

                                 CommanderKeen  Sep 17

                                 Brookhaven Run 5k

                                   18:19 (long?) 
                                 watsonc123  Sep 17

                                 Rotorua Marathon

                                 Darkwave  Sep 18

                                 DC Half Marathon

                                   1:34:05 (Chicago tune-up)
                                 Hashiritai  Sep 18  St. Pauls Half Perish    1:28:11 (3rd)
                                 Marco  Sep 18  4k XC race    17:56
                                 Fredford66  Sep 25  Franklin Lakes Scenic Half    1:58:17 (training run)
                                 JamesD  Oct 1  Mogadihu Mile 5k  19:25  19:19 (82.16% AG)
                                 Marky_Mark_17  Oct 1

                                 National Road Relays

                                 TBD  DNS
                                 SteveChCh  Oct 2

                                Melbourne Marathon

                                 Sub 3:20  3:35:03 (bad cramps) 
                                 zebano  Oct 2  Twin Cities marathon  TBD  
                                 CommanderKeen  Oct 8  Wurst Race Half    1:26:58 (training run)
                                 Fredford66  Oct 9  Crest Best Half Marathon  Sub 1:50  1:48:32 (PB)
                                 Darkwave  Oct 9  Chicago Marathon    3:24:40 (gun)
                                 Marky_Mark_17  Oct 16  NZ Half Marathon Champs  TBD  DNS
                                 Watsonc123  Oct 22  Trentham Parkrun 5k    21:39
                                 Fredford66  Oct 23  Everyone's 10k  Sub-50  49:24 (PB)
                                 Fredford66  Oct 29  Hallowed Half Marathon Checklist race  1:53:44
                                 Marky_Mark_17  Nov 6  Nelson Half Marathon  TBD  1:16:38 - 1st overall
                                 ccoakley  Nov 12  Richmond marathon  TBD  DNS
                                 zebano  Nov 12  Living History Farms 10k (trail)  TBD  37:10; no mudpit and less hills
                                 CommanderKeen  Nov 13  Toyota Music Factory Half    1:23:33
                                 SteveChCh  Nov 19  Queenstown Half   TBD  
                                 JamesD  Nov 19  Heroes of America Half    1:32:46 (76.8% AG)
                                 zebano  Nov 24  Turkey Trot 5k  TBD  19:52
                                 CommanderKeen  Nov 24  Edmond Turkey Trot    
                                 Fredford66  Nov 26  Turkey Trot 5M  39:20  38:57 (and ANOTHER PB)
                                 Marky_Mark_17  Nov 27  Run the Point 10k  Win  Won
                                 CommanderKeen  Dec 4  CIM    
                                 Cfarr  Dec 10  Kiawah Island HM  TBD  
                                 Marky_Mark_17  Dec 10  Speights West Coaster (trail HM)  Don't die  

                                3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                                10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                                * Net downhill course

                                Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                                Up next: Still working on that...

                                "CONSISTENCY IS KING"