2015 Holiday Running Streak (Read 463 times)


    Not cheating!  I have counted 100 mile races over 2 days . . . I always do a little happy dance at midnight knowing that I will be done for the day! 



    Well, this felt like cheating, so I went for another run today. 29 km last night, 9 km this afternoon.


    MM #2929


    Consistently Slow

      This would not be in my world. GPS devices record 2 days.




      Well, this felt like cheating, so I went for another run today. 29 km last night, 9 km this afternoon.

      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter


      Joann Y

        Fourteen easy through the cold early quiet forest, sinking deeper into the melting sunwarmed mud each new lap; on the glass-smooth pond, swans, mallards, geese, egrets, and a solitary merganser; walkers, dogs, runners, birders, and camerafolk in solos, couples and families soon crowd the paths; six careful trips across the broken bridge; lost in the quiet; fasting by accident today didn't matter. The wood air fed me enough.


        Beautiful jpdeaux.

        Joann Y


          Well, this felt like cheating, so I went for another run today. 29 km last night, 9 km this afternoon.


          Certified crazy. Congrats!

          Joann Y

            Nine miles around town. Not exactly easy, not exactly fun. Kind of spacey just going through the motions.


            Funky kicks 2019

              Fri, Sat and Sunday done!  (2.0, 3.3, and 1.8 miles)



              One day at a time

                I've made it through the fourth day!  Smile


                  I have earned it so far with raw, 32 degree runs in the rain.  It can only get easier!

                  - Joe

                  We are fragile creatures on collision with our judgment day.


                    My streak is still alive

                      This would not be in my world. GPS devices record 2 days.




                      Oh, I didn't know that. I haven't even tried logging the run before I decided to go out for another. Good to know, although I think I would still have gone out again. Maybe I am crazy, but which one of us isn't, really? 


                      not bad for mile 25

                        6.5 in rain, sleet, and snow this morning. It was actually kinda fun (but slow).

                          6.5 in rain, sleet, and snow this morning. It was actually kinda fun (but slow).


                          I'm not looking forward to months of this. But for now the weather here is beautiful - sunny, 10 °C, no wind, no snow.

                          Joann Y


                            Oh, I didn't know that. I haven't even tried logging the run before I decided to go out for another. Good to know, although I think I would still have gone out again. Maybe I am crazy, but which one of us isn't, really? 


                            Exactly. And nice running! Are you training for something?


                              Exactly. And nice running! Are you training for something?


                              Thanks! I ran my first ultra a month ago and loved it (6 hour run, 52,8 km, no real ultra training) so now I have my eyes on a 60 km race in march.


                                To end November 4.36, just in tome to beat freezing moisture from the sky.