Brooks Glycerin 7 vs. Glycerin 8 (Read 2578 times)


    Anybody used to run in the 7's but now run in the 8's?


    My last 3 shoe purchases have been the glycerin 7 model and I really love them so I'm wondering if the upgraded model is a lot different...for better or worse.


    TIA for any feedback!

    The Thunder

      I just got a pair of the 8's...never tried the 7's.  Love the 8's.  Sorry I'm not more helpful!

      1 Hip and 2 Hamstring reconstructions later…

        I tried the glycerin 5 - was not happy. I'm trying the glycerin 8 now, and so far I love it!

        Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away...(unkown)

        Go With The Flow
        Thyroid Support Group

          I tried the Glycerin 8's and had to send them back because the heel rubbed.  I have the Adrenaline 8's and the Launch and neither have this problem.

            Thanks for the feedback.

              I wear-tested the 8s and liked them. I ran in the 7s some time ago and gave them up because I needed more stability. But when I wear-tested the 8s I had no problems, granted I was rotating them with my regular stability shoes.


              My main beef with Brooks is the tongue on their shoes. Seems like no matter what pair I wear the tongue slips to the side. My Mizunos don't do that.

              It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great. ~ Jimmy Dugan


                I wear-tested the 8s and liked them. I ran in the 7s some time ago and gave them up because I needed more stability. But when I wear-tested the 8s I had no problems, granted I was rotating them with my regular stability shoes.


                My main beef with Brooks is the tongue on their shoes. Seems like no matter what pair I wear the tongue slips to the side. My Mizunos don't do that.


                Thanks Sara.


                I read a lot about the upgraded model but it is always good to hear first hand experience from somebody who ran in them.


                I think after this pair of 7's are done I'll move on to the 8's.


                But there are some awesome deals to be had out there on the leftover 7's so I may wait.  LOL!

                i sacrificed the gift

                  Doesn't the 8 have that new magic jesus gecko shit?



                  Does it actually do anything?

                  Robot House Recovery Drink Protocol:
                  Under 70 Degrees: Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout
                  Over 70 Degrees: Dougfish Head 60 Minute IPA
                    Although I've never run in the 7's - the 8's are an awesome shoe.  They hit the cushioning sweet-spot for me (not too soft and not too firm).  I'm 5' 8" 175lbs and this is the best neutral shoe I've run in!  The transition is better than Mizuno's too.  The heel is 24mm and the forefoot is 14mm which tend to move the foot-strike slightly forward.  Oh, the forefoot has plenty of cushion too.  If I can get 350 miles out of them - they will become my shoe of choice! 
                      Although I've never run in the 7's - the 8's are an awesome shoe.  They hit the cushioning sweet-spot for me (not too soft and not too firm).  I'm 5' 8" 175lbs and this is the best neutral shoe I've run in!  The transition is better than Mizuno's too.  The heel is 24mm and the forefoot is 14mm which tend to move the foot-strike slightly forward.  Oh, the forefoot has plenty of cushion too.  If I can get 350 miles out of them - they will become my shoe of choice! 


                      that's one nasty achilles injury. How long did it take to recover? 

                        I started in Glycerin 7 this winter and after I burned through those I went to the Glycerin 8's without talking to my 'shoe whisperer' first. When I finally saw her she said they fit me well and I was good to go and I've been happy with them except I'm not that keen on the black with yellow colors...a little wild for me!


                        Overall I have loved the 7's and 8's; they really seem to hold up well to mileage.

                          I liked the 5 a lot better than the 6. After the 6, I may never try another one on if I can find a Puma update to the Prevail that isn't ruined.
                            Right now I have a pair of 7s and a pair of 8s that I am alternating. The only difference I perceive so far is that the 8s seem to have more cushion in them and I do feel like I have a bit more energy when I wear the 8s. These are my 3rd or 4th pair of 7s.

                            *´¨) ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.*¨) (¸.·´ (¸.·´ *Daisy*



                              Sorry for the slow response.  I started riding my bike 10 weeks after the surgery and was very aggressive during my rehab.  I didn't take up running until two years ago, so I don't know if my Achilles would have bothered me or not?  Cycling and tennis wear my favorite sports back then (5 years ago).  Playing Tennis is how I rupture my Achilles and I don't play or follow it anymore - running is my new outlet!


                              The Glycerin 8's bothered my Achilles on the first run - but wearing thicker socks on my second run worked fine.  I have about 80 miles on them now and love them!


                                I tried using both glycerin 7 and 8...true that the glycerin 8 is one awesome  shoe than the other one...for the 7 didnt give enough support than the later one...