2018 Sub-3. No rules. Run. (Read 792 times)


RIP Milkman

    Thanks all, I really appreciate it! Also - I'm not going anywhere, cant get rid of me that easily! Goal is to focus on short speed for summer and target 1-2 halves this fall to try and get my half time down to 1:20ish. Because, yes...targeting an OTQ B next year is on the radar. Definitely running Boston in April and then probably 2 fall marathons next year depending how close I can get to 2:45. This fall is speed and power focus though, and well...focusing on getting married in September (minor details LOL).



    I remember asking her not to disappear, her saying she wouldn't, and yet here we are! Would be good to hear from her and cinammom again.

    5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




      And he’s done in 2:52:14 for a 5+min PR!  Great job JT

      Congrats, JT!

        Amazing time JT congratulations.

        55+ PBs 5k 18:36 June 3rd TT

        " If you don't use it you lose it,  but if you use it, it wears out.

        Somewhere in between is about right "      


          Thanks everyone for the kind words and thanks Mikkey for tracking. I felt great for the better part of the first 20 miles, and then fatigue started creeping in and by 23 miles I was really hurting. But a PR definitely helps the memory of the pain to fade away. I'll put together a proper race report soon. For now I have work to do with some ice cream and a couple big bags of Halloween candy (must replace the calories ).


          JMac: If an old slowpoke like me can run 2:52 then you should be very confident about breaking 2:50 (by a lot), even on the NYC course!

          2:52:16 (2018)


          RIP Milkman

            JT - Great race! also make sure to get some beers in that post race recovery . We'll see about NYC, I was pretty confident last week but at the moment I'm in full panic because I keep trying to go for light runs but I can't. Starting to get to the point where fitness is going to be impacted if I keep taking off. Getting a cough is the worst thing, I can't tell if this is one that I can run through or not...

            5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 



              JMac: You've got 3 weeks so I think you should be fine. Just lots of sleep, fluids (should be peeing colorless 24/7), and vitamin C. As far as whether to run or not, my colds almost always end with a dragged out bad cough, I was fortunate this one did not have that. But I find I can often run easily during it, the worst is after I stop running I will go into a coughing fit for a few minutes. Running hard is with it is a different story. I think if you can comfortably get some easy running in then you won;t lose any significant fitness. But if you are feeling awful then I would not run.

              2:52:16 (2018)


              RIP Milkman

                Yeah what you're describing is pretty much what I have. Didn't feel good starting Tuesday night (basically just felt foggy and a little run down). Started to feel better yesterday, but a cough developed. Today, feels like my brain is back to 100%, but cough is lingering. Definitely trying to hydrate a lot and resting a ton, haven't left my apartment besides going for these 2-4 mile test runs. May just try to push my way through this starting tomorrow, assuming that the cough doesn't get worse.


                I really thought you were going to go sub 2:50 and then I was going to have to yell at you . 2:52 though is very impressive and I'm sure you're really thinking about how all the hard work paid off.


                Oh and Mikkey good job as always tracking, you're so good about it, hopefully everyone recognizes that!

                5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                  JTReeves - congrats on awesome time! Didn't follow your training for obvious reasons but it's a great time for any training. How old are you? Next time do more long runs (again - didn't follow your training but somehow guess you are on Pfitz and that plan doesn't have enough LRs, imho) to be stronger at the end of a race. Of course, pacing is important too. I know it's too early but what is next exciting goal - sub 2:50?


                  JMac - if that is so serious and you cannot run, I would say - just relax for 2-3 days, no running, ideally - laying down and watching great documentaries/movies. 2-3 days should not make huge difference and if you are mentally uneasy about missing runs, that is not too good. Try to get better asap and if no running for few days helps, do it.

                  paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile

                    Cal: Thanks a lot. I am 43 so not as "experienced" as guys like you, Mikkey and Subdood, but still older than a 30 or 31 yr old youngster like JMac .  I never followed a training plan yet, but I have read the Daniels, Pfitz, Hansen, and even the old Galloway book and take bits of each (except Hansens, I disagree with most of their philosophy) and incorporate into my training. My LRs peak at 23 miles, and I would like to extend them to maybe some 24 milers next time around. Not sure if I am up to the old Galloway philosophy of several LRs of longer than marathon distance (26-28 miles).


                    The goal for the next marathon is clear: definitely sub 2:50. It will be tough but now I feel like it is within reach. I don;t think I will do a spring marathon next year, so will target fall 2019 for it. I am thinking to try the Erie marathon in early September. It is the flattest course I have seen, and is a good size (about 1500 runners, not too big). Only risk is it will still be too warm at that time. If the weather is bad I will skip it and go for Hartford again in October.

                    2:52:16 (2018)


                      Wow guys, just had my first trial run with taking caffeine as somebody that never drinks coffee.  Popped 200mg before the start of my 17 miler and another 50 at mile 11.  My mind would not shut up during the run.  Not an enjoyable way to run, but it was my fastest nonspeed work long run ever (in perfect weather too).  Going to see if I can up the dosage slightly on next week's 20.

                      5k- 18:55 (2018)    10K- 39:04 (2017)    Marathon- 3:00:10 (2018)


                      RIP Milkman

                        I’m glad in marathon running, being 31 still means you’re young because I sure as hell don’t feel it anymore .


                        JT - With an entire year ahead of you, I think sub 2:50 is a great goal. Obviously it gets harder each year once you hit late 30s/early 40s, but I think that you could do it. Also, not to disagree too much with Cal, but I don’t think longer long runs is what gets people to finish strong. I think doing more TLT work or anything with a fast finish will do it. For my last marathon, I ran a 19 and two 21s, that was it, yet I still negative split. Maybe I have some special physical gift that allows me to do that, but I’m convinced that it’s all of the LT work I do in training after already having run 15 miles. If you talk to anyone that does a lot of that type of work, they will tell you it’s the key to them improving their stamina at the end of marathons.


                        Sling - a couple of comments. First, I thought you said you pooped instead of popped, which is an obvious conclusion for someone who takes caffeine when they’re not a coffee drinker . Second, 200 mg is A TON OF CAFFEINE. That would even make me perk up a lot, someone who drinks two medium coffees a day. You should start at a way lower dosage. Those 50s sound about right. Caffeine is just like any other drug: start out a low dosage.


                        Me - This week was terrible in so many ways. I missed effectively 4 straight days of running due to my cold. After speaking to a couple of doctor friends and heeding some advice here (JT thanks) I realized that this cough is going to last at least a week more and I can’t just wait it out. So I decided to give my half a try this morning. I figured the 4 mile warm up would tell me if I was ready. Although I didn’t feel 100 percent, I felt good enough to give it a go. It’s amazing what 4 days off will do to your legs, I felt like they could do anything. Anyway, I started with the goal of doing MP, but after 3 miles, I felt so good because of the days off that I figured I would pick it up and go for the PR. Within about 20 seconds I realized that was a bad idea, as my lungs started burning. I guess I’m like 80-90% recovered but anything approaching LT+ is going to hurt. I came home in just under 1:23 and was very happy to effectively get in a long tempo workout. I still have aboslutely no idea how to handle my taper now that I ran less than 40 miles this week. I would still love to hear people’s thoughts. The most obvious candidate is just to continue with the taper as if nothing happened, but I feel like that’s too conservative. I would have been averaging around 70 mpw over the last 6 weeks, but then my taper would be (38, 60, 50, 30ish). That just seems like too much of a drop off and may leave me sluggish race day. I was thinking instead maybe I start the taper after one final big workout on Thursday. This way, I still get about 17 days of taper (some people only go with 2 week taper anyway) but allow myself to get the legs a bit more tired heading into the real taper instead of just trying to hold on to my fitness for 4 weeks. It’s somewhere between just tapering for 2 weeks vs tapering for the full 4 weeks. Getting sick the week before your taper has to be the most awkward timing possible!


                        Weekly Summary
                        Monday, Oct 08, 2018 thru Sunday, Oct 14, 2018

                        <tfoot> </tfoot>
                        Day Miles Pace Description Link
                        Mon 5.8 8:52 Much needed recovery run strava
                        Tue 9.9 8:19 Balancing the fine line of a light cold and a bad cold strava
                        Fri 1.7 8:24 Lungs said: nope, you're not ready strava
                        Sat 4.0 8:06 Lunch Run strava
                        Sun 4.0 7:45 Warm Up strava
                        Sun 13.2 6:17 Staten Island Half: 11M + 2T strava
                          38.6 7:37

                        5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 






                          Just dropping in to congratulate JTReeves on a great marathon effort and PB yesterday... one of the most consistent runners I see on my Strava feed and it is really great to see all the hard work pay off like that.  Well done!

                          3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                          10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                          * Net downhill course

                          Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                          Up next: Still working on that...

                          "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                            JTReeves - man... I didn't even start to run at 43 Smile I cannot call myself experienced - it's 7 years since I started to run. 23 is a pretty long run I would say. In future I maybe just add some 2 x 3-4 mi at MP - as  next step.


                            slingrunner - yeah, 200mg seems too excessive, though I am not sure what my regular coffee cup contains and I drink 2-3 a day usually Smile. But my gel I take during a run has 100mg. For a marathon I usually take 4-5.


                            JMac - I will not agree with you, of course. LR is a king to have stamina and not to lose strength at mile 23 - at least that's how it works for me. But I would agree, I would say a replacement for really long run would be something like 22 mi with 2 x 4 @MP of something like this. We had some fast runner some time ago - he had this specific LR workout - forgot the name for it. As for not feeling young at 31 - man, you better change your attitude - believe me - 31 is like nothing else - maybe the best time ever - I was financially independent (not like right after college) and single. Man - believe me, you do not wanna feel old at that age - I know what I am talking about Smile As for advice re taper - seriously man, what you experience is not a unique situation, in your case now it seriously looks like a taper madness. Just relax, get healthy first of all, fitness doesn't go away as fast as you think - get healthy and start running when you can. Not following a plan to the T is OK, believe me. Just stop worrying - especially when you are 31 Smile.


                            My week:


                            Mon - off

                            Tue - 13.5 @ 8:25

                            Wed - 13.5 @ 9:02

                            Thu - 13.5 @ 9:01

                            Fri - 13.5 @ 8:54

                            Sat - off

                            Sun - 26.3 @ 8:29


                            Total: 80.5 miles

                            paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


                            RIP Milkman

                              Cal - I think you and I are on almost opposite spectrums with our training approaches, at least in this forum. Obviously there are people who do a lot more speed workouts than me, but I wonder if anyone is further on the “run long and slow all the time” than you for results, as evidenced by the fact that you went out today and ran a marathon in training! I’m glad you’re around though, I like having people with differing opinions to either convince me I’m wrong or help me solidify why I think my approach is right. Either way, I could never do long and slow all the time, I’d shoot myself from boredom. Also the only place I’m really starting to feel old is with drinking: can’t put em back like I used to without vicious hangovers. That’s okay though: less drinking = better running.

                              5K: 16:37 (11/20)  |  10K: 34:49 (10/19)  |  HM: 1:14:57 (5/22)  |  FM: 2:36:31 (12/19) 




                                JMac - I basically stopped drinking after we moved to the US - life here turned out to be way more complicated than we used to in Russia. But, on a plus side - never in my life I would be getting so much satisfaction from just one bottle of unfiltered beer after a long run (or on some occasion). As for long and slow - believe me, I would be glad to follow some Pfitz plan with all its LT and MP workouts, but that would be only done if I had a great base before starting it. My best cycle in the fall of 2015 I followed Pfitz program and it was great. But in my current situation the best way to get in shape for a marathon in my experience - high mileage. And in my state the only way to get to a higher mileage is to slow down - otherwise I will be injured in no time.

                                paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile