is running on treadmill only for pussies (Read 1749 times)

Mishka-old log

    No, I can't take back 2 in one day. Mikey's all about maxiumum pussification anyway.


      No, I can't take back 2 in one day.
      Favorite quote: Stop your crying you little girl! 2011: Mt Washington, Washington Trails, Peaks Island, Pikes Peak.
        In my area of WI they lock all the bathrooms October 30th, so the TM also allows you to be close to a bathroom.
        Close or not, if it's locked it still doesn't do you much good.

        Greater Lowell Road Runners
        Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

        May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.


          Close or not, if it's locked it still doesn't do you much good.
          Verry funny. I'm sittin here crackin up picturing all the bathrooms in WI locked. What the hell does everyone do?
          Favorite quote: Stop your crying you little girl! 2011: Mt Washington, Washington Trails, Peaks Island, Pikes Peak.
          Mishka-old log

              Call me what you want, but I run outdoors on roads and trails, but I also run indoors on a TM. The only place I hate to run is on a track - I run 4500 - 5000 miles per year. I would guess its 10% trails 60% roads 30% TM In my area of WI they lock all the bathrooms October 30th, so the TM also allows you to be close to a bathroom. I have run all the way to 36 miles on a TM To me Speed work on TM is preferable to the track. Best is on the roads, but DEC - MAR in WI often it is not safe.
              So I see you're a hard-core pussy! ;o) Living in MN, I too do use treadmill for faster runs during the winter. I love going for a long run in the winter (as long as it's not too windy...what a pussy!), but it really restricts "pace". However, I found that running faster on treadmill, in a way, is easier because you are literally forced to run whatever the pace you've set. So I do like to do some fast runs outdoor regardless once in a while. I found out that using slight incline over a bridge works really well because the heat from traffic underneath (I guess I'm talking about a bridge over roads, not river...) seems to melt snow/ice on the top and creats a nice traction. There's this bridge with a nice gradual incline near my place and sometimes, even during the heart of MN winter, I go over there and do some repeats. The hardest thing is breathing. When the temperature is something like 10F and you're literally gasping for air, it hurts your throat! You use a bathroom (portapotty, I assume) when "going" outdoor? I guess I just rush to the bush! What a pussy!!! ;o) On the separate note, I found it quite interesting that, in English language, you guys use sexual terms for degrading situation quite a bit. I've often asked what the translation for XXXX might be in Japanese. It's hard to say because we never use sexual terms for such situations. So is this how it goes? female sexual organ = whimp male sexual organ + head = idiot Does that say anything??? I met with my wife in Japan while she was teaching English over there (she's from WI, by the way...). She lived in France for a couple of years, going to a gradual school. And when the language institute she joined took her out for a nice dinner on the first day, they asked her to say "Cheers" in French. I guess they say "chin-chin" or "ching-ching", immulating the sound of glasses clinking each other. So she stood up and said it out loud. All of a sudden, complete silence... That, it so happens, means, in a kid term, "a small winnie" in Japanese! ;o) (or is it "whinnie"???) Okay, I've completely digressed...

                I am adamantly opposed to letting your cats run on treadmills.


                  I dunno. Once I get through this weekend (4 th marathon in 6 months) I'm planning to schedule some treadmill time to figure out pacing. I know what my goal is for 2009/2010 but don't know what it feels like. If I use the treadmill, I can set it for whatever pace I want to try out and learn from that.
                  Roses: Be very careful with it though. I don't believe whatever the machine tells you and the actul pace (=effort) is not quite the same. I think some machine feels faster, some slower. Also, if you get too hooked with a certain pace/minutes-per-mile, you tend to lose sense of effort and either over-train or under-train. Usually I suggest people, if they want to run on treadmill, to just cover the meters with a towel so you don't know how fast you're running or how far you're running. It can be a good reference but try to "feel the effort" ("Feel the force, Luke..."). We all have good days and bad days; your physical condition, mood, stress in life all affect your condition. Take all those things in consideration. PS: Good luck with your 4th marathon!

                  Menace to Sobriety

                    the first thing that comes to my mind is "Pussy"!
                    You say it like its a bad thing.

                    Janie, today I quit my job. And then I told my boss to go f*** himself, and then I blackmailed him for almost sixty thousand dollars. Pass the asparagus.

                      I am adamantly opposed to letting your cats run on treadmills.

                        Sorry, man. Still opposed. Waterskiing, sure. Treadmills, no.


                        dork.major dork.

                          Running on treadmills is not just for pussies, but misogynistic language is.

                          Reaching 1,243 in 2008 -- one day, one week, one mile at a time.


                            So I see you're a hard-core pussy! ;o) Living in MN, I too do use treadmill for faster runs during the winter. I love going for a long run in the winter (as long as it's not too windy...what a pussy!), but it really restricts "pace". However, I found that running faster on treadmill, in a way, is easier because you are literally forced to run whatever the pace you've set. So I do like to do some fast runs outdoor regardless once in a while. I found out that using slight incline over a bridge works really well because the heat from traffic underneath (I guess I'm talking about a bridge over roads, not river...) seems to melt snow/ice on the top and creats a nice traction. There's this bridge with a nice gradual incline near my place and sometimes, even during the heart of MN winter, I go over there and do some repeats. The hardest thing is breathing. When the temperature is something like 10F and you're literally gasping for air, it hurts your throat! You use a bathroom (portapotty, I assume) when "going" outdoor? I guess I just rush to the bush! What a pussy!!! ;o) On the separate note, I found it quite interesting that, in English language, you guys use sexual terms for degrading situation quite a bit. I've often asked what the translation for XXXX might be in Japanese. It's hard to say because we never use sexual terms for such situations. So is this how it goes? female sexual organ = whimp male sexual organ + head = idiot Does that say anything??? I met with my wife in Japan while she was teaching English over there (she's from WI, by the way...). She lived in France for a couple of years, going to a gradual school. And when the language institute she joined took her out for a nice dinner on the first day, they asked her to say "Cheers" in French. I guess they say "chin-chin" or "ching-ching", immulating the sound of glasses clinking each other. So she stood up and said it out loud. All of a sudden, complete silence... That, it so happens, means, in a kid term, "a small winnie" in Japanese! ;o) (or is it "whinnie"???) Okay, I've completely digressed...
                            In my job, I work a lot with colleagues in Japan. A couple of them have spent some time in the US and have developed a taste for our humor and dress a little more colorfully than their co-workers. They tell me it has limited their career in Japan because they are considered too "westernized". I don't think you can ever go back Nobby!

                              misogynistic language is... (just for pussies)
                              I could go for some miso soup.


                                In my job, I work a lot with colleagues in Japan. A couple of them have spent some time in the US and have developed a taste for our humor and dress a little more colorfully than their co-workers. They tell me it has limited their career in Japan because they are considered too "westernized". I don't think you can ever go back Nobby!
                                I did. And they sent me back to good ol' US of A! And thank God that they did! (for the sake of both of us...) One more note, by the way... So those "terms" really don't mean much to us foreigners. In other words, they are nothing but just sounds...at least until they really understand culture behind the language. When I was going to college, there was this cute little Japanese girl everybody loved. She's always smiling... She has NO clue what was going on but always smiling (typical, ain't it?). Anyways, one time we were just talking about some silly thing and this guy, the American guy, said something, I can't really remember the exact situation... But anyways, she turned to him and, with the biggest and cutest smile, she said, "Oh, f%#k you!" You should have seen his face.... Or did he just say, "Okay, where?" ;o)