is running on treadmill only for pussies (Read 1749 times)

    Its much easier, the impact is lesser, the weather is controlled, you can watch TV, listen to music, ogle at the opp sex, BUT ITS NOT RUNNING UNLESS YOU RUN OUTDOORS!! So when I see a picture of a someone running on a treadmill, the first thing that comes to my mind is "Pussy"! What do you think? Debate On.....
    "convenient" I run on the treadmill and outside but I'm no expert.
    And maybe there's no peace in this world, for us or for anyone else, I don't know. But I do know that, as long as we live, we must remain true to ourselves. - Spartacus

      I'd rather run on a dreadmill than not run at all. I usually avoid the roads when there is more than a couple of inches of fresh snow on the ground or if the sidewalks and roads are slick with ice. When I used to go to the local university gym, I saw a few times students from the track team train on treadmills and it was amazing to watch. I remember a girl running for over an hour at a pace way faster than I can run a mile. You see great runners at races but they go by too fast. What was amazing here is that you can actually look at the form (the running form that is). It seemed too easy! The upper body was basically not moving at all. Everything felt just relaxed. Just the legs were moving fast barely brushing the TM belt. I hope nobody noticed me stare Tongue - R


          Succinct. Authoritative. Decisive. I like it.

          E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com

            Interesting thread....... Undecided I know that I normall dont like treadmills, but last evening my son wanted to go lift weights and i wanted to run, so the best solution was to go the the Y so he could lift and I could run on the treadmill.....I was doing interval (Jack Daniels style) and got in 5 miles which included a healthy dose (for me) of speed work and recovery time. When I got thru I was sweating bullets and had a great workout (better then I probably would have gotten on the streets). What really struck me was that when I finished the guy on the treadmill next to me said "WOW you got a great workout in tonight".......I cant remember anyone saying this before, to me after I got thru running..... There is definately a place for tread mills in running - no doubt about it---- Wink

            Champions are made when no one is watching

            Treadmill Addict

              I can either run on the treadmill, or not at all. I don't feel safe running on the streets here. Insult my choice of running all you will, but treadmill running is not easy, and it's not copping out on getting a work out. What if you had the choice not to run, or run on the treadmill? You sound like an arrogant self-centered asshole anyway. Why would you find it necessary to insult others because they choose to run in a different way? That's a great example that you have no capability for empathy. Most people start learning how to be truly empathetic around the age of 6 or 7. You obviously have not reached that point yet.

              Sarah (37)

              Mom to Abby (10) Jacob, (8) and Colton (5)

              18 half marathons, 6 full marathons

              Goals- run more, lose 20lbs.

