Run: MP Tempo Previous Next


6:00 AM

24 km


4:16 km


166 bpm
179 bpm
  • Map


A combination of empty streets due to public holiday (National Day) and cool weather (25c, 80% humidity) made it a perfect timing to do a long tempo run. Decided to run at MP 'effort', instead of sticking to a fixed pace for the whole duration of the run. I started with an open mind that even 4:30 is still an MP effort The route is mostly flat but had a few undulations here and there, hence the reasons for uneven pace. Splits were: 4:19, 4:13, 4:17, 4:17, 4:15, 4:14, 4:17, 4:24, 4:16, 4:21, 4:09, 4:18, 4:27, 4:21, 4:15, 4:18, 4:13, 4:14, 4:14, 4:14, 4:18, 4:15, 4:11, 4:00. About half of the splits were sub/at 4:15 min/km (20ks under 4:20), with 4:27 being the slowest. Pretty much a continuous run, with a couple of 60secs break at km 10 and 17 for gel and drinks (time excluded). Very happy with the run, covering close to 60% of marathon distance at (almost) goal pace. Probably will do another one nearer to the race.

The route was: Alexandra-Margaret Dr-Holland-Orchard Blvd-Killiney-Martin-Kim Seng-Chatsworth-Tanglin-Margaret-Alexandra-The Canal (couple of loops).
