Run: Long Previous Next


13.5 mi


8:45 mi


85 F


9 / 10
5 / 10
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On the list for the worst long run ever. Started and felt ok, knee started hurting about 3 miles in, hurt for a couple miles then started to go away. Ran from sand island in Bethlehem to the port-a-potties at the bottom of the hill, then turned around and came back. felt ok until around mile 10, then everything fell apart. had to run/walk the last mile to mile and a half. I took a header with about a mile to go and was covered in sand and dirt. Very discouraging run for me. I'm seriously doubting that i can do this marathon. My sickness and knee injury have completely thrown me off track and pretty much made me lose any confidence that i had coming into this, and it's becoming so much more of a chore than successful training. i'm not even running long distances or consistently during the week because i always feel like crap and my knee always hurts. not to mention the heart pains i've been having for the past week. i think i might die.
