Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


4:58 PM

3.5 mi


10:10 mi


128 lb
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2nd Run in Stoupa on Mon 7th May 2012-05-11

I was lacking sleep and I was tired throughout my 4 miler. It was tough but I run. I worked hard in the field today helping Vangelis. It was nice but it is the lack of sleep that causes me trouble. I need to take care of this. Cannot have the social and the sleep. Anyway no more moans as I really treasured my friend’s visit to the village all the way from Athens.

Legs had CS today which tells me that when weakness start it manifests on the CS. It was also very humid today which I think was another major reason for things not going exactly very well. I do not mind cold or hot but no-one likes humidity. The last did not help.

Weather is generally good at this time of the year and there is much blossom around the country. Stoupa is quiet and not very touristic and also there is much space with no noise but tranquillity. Exactly as I like it. Stoupa is such a beautiful spot on our planet and I am so lucky to belong and be part of this place. So fortunate indeed.

There are also a few good runners around now. This was not the case in the 90’s or even early 2000. Takis, Vangelis and the rest of the ‘gang’ asked me so many Qs. That I felt like the ‘real Coach’. However, everyone now associates with Coach Reno in the distance. After all this is who taught me a few good tips along with assistant coach Frankie. I felt good helping them all out and been an active part of their running life. Vangelis is so intrigued by all the exercises I showed him for his quads, hamstrings, calves and gluts. He is so good taking all in with speed of light. He has come to really love running in a very respectful way He listens to the body and all has evolved beautifully for him. He is a great runner and will be better and better with time. He helps others too in the way he can. It is nice to see this. But they all now call me the ‘Coach’. I worked hard week in week out with the 3 of them over the last 1.5 but they can now fly the nest. They have mastered the basics all too well. The great thing about sharing and offering advice is that I also learn and think in so many ways prior to answer their Qs. I love this process because makes me also a better runner as I have to reflect on what and how I do things too.

Enough of this anyway .......I get to excited and carried away.

This was a tiring run but another worthwhile one. Not a sec to regret.
