Run: EASY Previous Next


12:01 PM

12.1 mi


11:17 mi


128 lb


0 C


5 / 10
10 / 10
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The Best Run over the last 12 months. A beautiful sunny day but extremely icy. It felt as almost I was running on glass for first 2 to 3 miles. I, then decided to run on main roads rather than slippy country roads so to avoid unexpected surprises.

The run was an amazing experience. I felt alive and so happy looking the white showy hills of Dumfries & Galloway. I felt a serenity and peace inside and nothing else mattered but the appreciation of how lucky I am to run and experience this feeling.

The whole 12 miles was a bonus as I felt as if I almost run 3 to 5 miles Max. It was a run from the inside. Very easy pace with no effort or pressure of any kind. I let things to evolve without expectations but living the moment and treasuring the feelings of freedom and physical contentment.

No wind, no rain no floods on the way but A Sunny Beautiful Snowy Day. What else can I ask but experiencing this while running. It almost feels as the blood was running in my veins so rhythmically for once and so smoothly. I felt I was flying in balance with the universe and with minimal effort.

It is coming Christmas soon and I feel good and looking forward to many more days like today. I say myself ......'this has been a tough year but it will end on a good note and start on an even better one' ........bad lack cannot go on forever. 2012 will bring Good Things.
