Run: INTERVAL Previous Next


2:41 PM

5.1 mi


9:59 mi


128 lb


7 C


9 / 10
3 / 10
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What can I say about this run, but just that the whole thing went crazy.

I was fatigued for all miles due to last nights stomach upset diarhoea & tendency to vomet. There has been a bug going around quite serious especially for vulnerable people that has swept the whole country. I was scared to start with. I said to myself last night while suffering stomach cramps that this is it I will be out of action again for a while. I was in pain.

This morning (been saturday) it was really my last hope for a long run over the weekend as I do not get the chance to run much due to weather conditions and lack of light.

Today, one way or another, I had to run. I suffered for first miles or rather all the way. I was breathless, felt dehydrated, tired and with very low energy and depleted. I pushed and pushed to keep going to put a run. Coach's words came to mind that if we are fatigued and tired we need to push so body, mind and soul get tougher and tougher and can deal with pain and fatigue in the long runs. This is what I did. Jogging or running I pushed and pushed all the way. at around 3 miles point SK came to me again. The Miracle Marathoner came to my soul and I run ..........I really had to run. I did an 8:22 for last mile which was the toughet in terms of elevation and nearing the end of my run. I was tired but I could fly. Who cares I said to myself I can do what I like if SK is with me. I had actually playing the game from 2.5 mile of interval work from lamp post to lamp post and then started extending the goal posts etc.

Who cares I visioned SK running like an 'animal' primitive in tough conditions and without food and energy in his body. What did I have to fear? Absolutely nothing but just my own fears 'The fear of the fear'. I had to break free.

The fear of freedom is within us all. There is nothing to stop the body when the mind makes the move. Experiencing this in my runs makes me a tougher runner and that is all that matters.
