Run: EASY Previous Next


11:00 AM

10.5 mi


8:36 mi



9 / 10
7 / 10


A good run overall. Started faster than usual for 2 first miles. Legs felt O.K but at that point experienced a slight numbness for approx. a mile. Up hill proved to be good/worked in a steady fast and strong pace. Up to 5 point mile it was tough but enjoyable. At 6th mile felt a bit fatigue on both legs but running action was still good and picked up pace down hill and up-hill comfortably. I wanted to work in a faster mode than usual. Legs did not hurt but gave the odd warning when I increased speed just to remind me that I have to listen to the body. I did so although the desire to go faster was putting more pressure. I worked hard for last 3 miles with the last mile being my faster one. Franc contributed to this as he took off and thus kept my speed going. I was pleasantly surprised of the results as I did not expect and had not planned to push it as hard. I also felt very hot and cold at some point and had to change top. Lucky me that Franc had an extra top with him which is mine Huh? How could he say no??? I am so baaaaaaaaaaad with "stealing his tops" that he LOVES it really??? He is good to me. I love running with Franc and I am so please we managed to have a few runs to test this out as I am not really the easiest person to run with. But of course I am still maintaining my independence if I have too. Franc understands ... He say at times "You can talk to me but I cannot talk to you". Well is not that bad really .. it is beautiful to be able to share this experience and I am so excited to have the EXPERIENCE OF THE MARATHON WITH HIM. So, getting there and following Coache's advice .... reducing distance but maintain effort. So, this is guess is the last run with Franc in Scotland prior to the MARATHON. All is gone well and better than expected. As Susan also looks back and reflects .... So Do I ... And My GOD a few months ago I would have never imagined that I would have been accomplishing what I have to this day. THANK GOD AND EVERYONE WHO HAS CONTRIBUTED TO ACHIEVE THIS. I AM GREATFUL.
