Run: EASY Previous Next


4 mi


7:48 mi


10 / 10
4 / 10
  • Map


THIS WAS A TOUGH RUN. I decided to go for the Handicap race tonight although suffering from a chest cold. I had to wait long enough to do this so I had to go for it. I managed pretty well considering that my breathing was all over the place as my lungs and breathing struggled as I was pushing to maintain speed. However, today I realised how strong my lungs must be to take this pressure. It was a 4 mile course. 2 laps of 2 miles. It combined up-hill, down-hill and flat too. I run the first 2 miles with Paul who guided me where exactly to run as this was my first time around the grounds of the Uni complex. Paul is the fastest male runner in the Club. He finished 2nd in the courntry in 50 mile race this Saturday gone. So, he was not runnning tonight as he needed his legs to recover. So, he followed my pace to give a guided tour for the first two miles and then I did the second by myself. I run faster the first lap with the 2nd struggling a bit to maintain pace. But I did sprint for last 300 yards and managed to overtake the runners ahead of me. It is a good feeling to run with Club members again. First time since August. So, it is good to catch up before the end of the year. So, hard and tough workout for this week is done and I can now focus on the long run at the end of the week.
