Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


5.2 mi


8:35 mi


7 / 10
6 / 10
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As much as I set off for an easy run and wanting to go in a slow easier pace I ended up (although I started failry slower pace) doing a faster/stronger pace. My body tends to have its own mind and leads me to what it needs me to do. I tend to run faster up-hills and increase speed as in an auto pilot mode as soon as body warms up. I need to start introducing at least a 2 mile very easy pace warm up and warm down rather than going into the pace right away. I have to train my body to do what I want it to do. I can do that on a Thurs when I plan to do my hard workouts but on an ordinary day I tend to drift along with easy and not descipline the body. It was a good run and once again the temperature was pretty low which is one more reason that I have to take it easy for first two miles. This is the best time of the day just leaving the Office, change into running gear and off it goes. Even being extremely tired today (nearly gave it a miss this morning going to work after the late night last night) running once again has revived me. So one thing I always learn and continue to learn is that no matter how tired the physical body is a run of any sort still is very therapeutic and self-fulling experience.
