Swim: Mixed Previous Next


800 m


128 lb


6 / 10
6 / 10
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Mu first fitness activity since my foot was fractured. I was surprisingly delighted with how well I swam up and down the so many pool lengths of Mixed stroke alternating Front Crawl with Back Stroke. It has been ages since I swam in the pool ...maybe a year or a year and a half. My body was gliding beautifully and without extra effort. I was, however, extremely careful with other swimmers around. Most people swim in a breast stroke action and I was apprehensive in case I was kicked on the foot by accident. And one thing I cannot afford now is 'accidents'. So, I did half mile in the water feeling and cropping the benefits of my daily half hour stretching. Swimming needs flexibility and full extension of the body. Stretching has facilitated this and swimming now will further stretch the core which is so vital when I am ready to start running again. Swimming also will help my cardio fitness which I have lost over the last 5 weeks of completely inactive lifestyle. A foot fracture really immobilizes you no matter how much one wants to do things. The whole world stands still in time. But I am getting there and almost now soon hopefully will be able to walk without a 'limp' and build those lazy muscles again slowly with the wobble board. Hopefully it will less weeks now to wait of what have been through already. More than half way. It almost feels as my life evolves in a slow motion nowadays without 'My Running'. I feel crippled despite the fact that I have both limps in good working order for daily functioning. It does hurt me so badly though that I cannot run. I go back time and time again to the day that this happened and the way it did to understand the momet. It was such a freaky thing to happen and the way it happened! I try to defeat fate in my mind and come to terms with it. In the end I will. It al feels so raw at the moment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
