Run: EASY Previous Next


4 mi


122 lb



9 / 10
3 / 10
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Just a 4 miler today. Both legs felt tight on the Soleus and Achilles but nothing to worry about. It was just enough though to make me re-consider the distance of my today's run. Being a Sunday and not having many opportunities during the week made me go out for this run. Strictly speaking I woud have not attempted a run today as I had my 8 miler yesterday.

However, what I have learned today is that I will be doing my stretching after my runs now and not before. The early stretching of calves and foot stretching I feel put a bit of pressure on both lower calves for first two miles of my run. Then it eaed down a bit but it was slightly sore at the time. Learning on the move. It is always more beneficial putting the warm down after and not before.

It was hard work today. I felt as almost I run 10 rather than 4 miles. Body has its ways warn!!!!!!!!!!
